Ch 1: That Old Dusty Trail (Part 3)

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Content Warning: Implied attempted assault, gunshots, mentions of blood

Silas's stomach dropped, he looked over at Reagan's room. It could be nothing, he could just be paranoid. He heard thudding down stairs and started slowly making is way over to Reagan's door. He was trying to be quiet, however the floor creaked loudly.

"There you are." Silas heard a man's muffled voice down stairs. Throwing caution to the wind he ran into Reagan's room just as there was storming footsteps headed for the stairs. "Reagan!" he shouted running in. Reagan had just gotten into bed and Silas jumped into bed on to her. "Silas?!" Reagan asked confused, "There's a man here he's coming up the stairs!" Silas exclaimed, he realized what his position looked like but he didn't care. As he sat on Reagan's hips he was shaking and scared.

Reagan frowned hearing this and reached under her pillow pulling out a pistol. "You're alright Silas." Reagan gently pushed him off of her and got up just as the door open. Without hesitation, Reagan shot, "Ah! Damnit!" The man cried out as his arm was shot. Reagan walked over and cocked her gun back again. The man turned from the force and hit his knees before scrambling to his feet holding his arm. Silas covered his ears sitting on the bed shaking.

A look of hate appeared when he realized who shot him, "You bitch!" The man spat, "Hurts like hell, doesn't it?" Reagan snapped, "The hell do you think you're doing coming in here and scaring my husband?" Reagan pointed the pistol directly at the alpha man standing there clutching his arm. "Husband?" He asked looking from Reagan to Silas, Silas froze seeing the look. He felt sick, it was the same damn look... That sort of look was exactly why Silas was here.

Reagan cocked the gun and pressed it against the man's head, "Hows about you find something a bit more interesting to look at." Reagan growled, "Maybe the lady with a gun who just shot you?" She suggested blocking Silas's view of the man and the man's view of Silas. "You're hardly a lady!" The man spat angry that she had blocked his view. Reagan scoffed and ignored his comment.

"I've only just gotten married to my husband and now I've got some ugly bastard sniffing around my omega." Reagan spoke with hatred in her voice as the alpha man took a step back. "Tell me, what did you think coming into the sheriff's office would lead to?" "Wait... Sheriff...?" The man asked, "Yeah that's what the damn star means on the door you halfwit! You're lucky my omega is here otherwise I would've done some painting in my room with your brains!"

"Well it ain't my fault he was making eyes at me from the window!" The alpha man argued, "he was just looking at me as if inviting me in! Thought he'd need some help with his heat or something!" He complained, Reagan pistol whipped the man. The man let out a cry of pain and Reagan grabbed his collar, "Listen here ye no good half witted son of a bitch just cause you can see an omega don't mean they're lookin at you thinking of inviting you into their nests."

"Then why was his hair down like that!" The alpha whined, Reagan hit him again, this time with her fists. "You better thank your lucky stars I'm so graciously patient with you." She hissed pushing him out of the room. "His hair being down or up ain't got nothing to do with your sorry ass. Now get the hell out of my office before I start to get angry!" Reagan pushed the man down the stairs, Silas heard the thuds and watched Reagan draw her gun again. "Go ahead come on back up. It's sure as shit easier to clean the blood from down there than it is here. Let's see who's faster my trigger finger or your feet!"

Silas heard scrambling and then ferocious barking from Juno. Sitting there he covered his mouth holding back the bile in his throat. Swallowing he took a shaky breath and looked over as Reagan walked back into the room.

She was wearing a night shirt with no pants again, it was long and reached her knees. His vision traveled up her body as Reagan let out a breath. "He's gone now Silas," Reagan gave him a gentle smile, "You can head on into your bed if you like." She uncocked her gun and put it into her night stand. Silas was about to thank her, but he froze, the thought of being alone after all that...

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