Chapter 3: The High Seas (Part 3)

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Hubert had a tight grip on Sloane's hand as he pulled her through the streets of Gritstone. While yes, he had never been to the New Kingdom's mainland before. Sloane seemed perfectly content to let him lead the way. Thankfully, luck was on Hubert's side and it did not take too long to find the market district. It was late afternoon and the streets were filled with other shoppers just like them looking for a good deal.

Hubert scanned the signs of the shops, not much different than Malachite Port he supposed. However, the variety present made Malachite Port feel a bit backward in comparison. His eyes instantly went to some of the more lavish stores, a streak of meanness overwhelmed him for a moment. It would be so fun to see Sloane look flustered over the cost of Hubert's tastes, a smirk forming on his lips thinking of the poor captain saying goodbye to her last coin.

"Quite the look you've got on your face there Mr. Hubert," Sloane spoke up looking mildly amused as always with him. "Thinking of pulling any nasty little tricks on old Sloane now?" She asked with a curious— yet bemused expression on her face. Hubert smiled at her sweetly in response, "Captain do I look like someone who plays tricks on my employer?" He asked with a faux innocent tone. The sly expression told a different story compared to the sweet honied voice that came from him. "Well, to be frank, I did hire you whilst you were in a jail cell Mr. Hubert." Sloane replied, "You can't blame me for thinking you might have a touch of a wild streak to you."

Hubert chuckled, "So says the one in the jail cell next to me." He replied smartly, "Birds of a feather we are, I'd say." Sloane replied, Hubert couldn't help but nod in agreement. "That we are Captain." Hubert nodded to himself before looking back around at the shops. While it would be fun... He had to admit to himself it was not a practical decision to go to these more expensive shops. He had spent the last few months on the Rose Marie and quickly understood how easily things could wear down over time on the ship.

It would be a waste of money to spend so much on clothes that would just be ruined. It would be a far better decision to find sturdy long-lasting clothes first. Getting fancier clothes for special occasions could come later. Besides, Sloane's money could be used for far better things. Like a good sewing kit, having worked at the Loom Shop for as long as he had. Hubert understood the importance of good needles. He also knew how expensive a good needle could be never mind how much a whole kit could run.

Spotting a nearby tailors shop, Hubert decided to start there first. It wouldn't do any good to have no clothes to wear while he was working, he reasoned to himself. Marching across the street with Sloane in tow, Hubert was determined to find some good deals today. The bell over the door jingled softly when they entered. It appeared to be a decently sized shop specializing in omega men's and women's clothing. Omega men's fashion had very subtle differences from women's fashion. In comparison, omega women's and beta women's fashion was in a sense practically indistinguishable from each other. The differences often were up to the individual tastes in question. Though, there were some stereotypes that often happened because of the differences in fashion.

Omega women were more known for wearing brighter colors and softer clothes, beta women on the other hand wore more earthy tones and sturdier clothes. While some argued this was due to the difference between omega and beta women. Omega women being more 'fragile' compared to beta women. But it honestly had more to do with how omega and beta women sold on the marriage market. The richer a beta or alpha man was, the more likely they were to pair up with an omega woman or omega man. Beta women on the other hand often married into middle-class or lower families, so their clothes reflected that stance in society.

There was a reason why whenever an omega child appeared in a family, others would say that family was blessed or had a blessing appear when they presented. Omegas were valuable and desirable, betas were considered common and while still valuable much less so. Hubert supposed in the upper class's eyes it was the difference between tin and silver.

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