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august 2003

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Rose, Theo and Inez had to leave Fjällbacka when August arrived. None of the three young adults wanted to leave. They loved living in Cambridge but every single time they had to leave Fjällbacka, they realized how much they loved the little Swedish town. It was home ― even for Theo who wasn't raised there. But he raised himself there to be the man he is now with the help of his friends and their families. 

Also, being in England brought Rose and Theo closer to the Malfoys and Blacks. It didn't matter how much they tried to avoid them or ignore them, being in the same country made everything so much harder. 

Lately Rose had the feeling that Theo's family hated her even more than at first ― she believed it was because they all knew how serious she and Theo were of their relationship. Maybe before they believed that they could change Theo's mind of Rose. 

While there were many downsides of England nowadays, Rose was excited to go back to school. She was sure that all the stress and studying will eventually busy her mind so that she couldn't think of those blonde snobs. 

The only one Rose truly liked ― or like was perhaps a too big of a word ― the only person she didn't hate was Druella. The woman wasn't nice but she was tolerable, even understanding from time to time. She was the only one who didn't shame Rose, who didn't disrespect her life and the choices she has made. 

But while Druella was the only tolerable person out of Theo's past, it didn't mean that Rose was too happy to see her waiting for her one afternoon after Rose had finished her classes in Cambridge. 

Inez pulled Rose's arm and stopped the blonde girl.

"What is she doing here?" Asked Inez ― who unlike Rose, disliked every single person from Theo's past. 

"I don't know," said Rose and although she wanted to turn around and leave, she couldn't do so.

Instead, she took in a deep breath and headed towards Druella. She thought that perhaps Druella was there to ask after Theo or something like that. 

"Rosemary," said Druella rather cheerily. 

Rose frowned ― she doesn't like to be called by her full name. There wasn't a reason behind it but she just liked to be called Rose more than Rosemary. 

"Druella, what a surprise," Rose greeted the older woman, Inez just behind her.

"And Miss Hanson. Well isn't this quite charming," grimaced Druella.

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