Dance Party

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Y/N and Aang were getting ready to go to school until Aang gave Y/N a stick and he had a confused look on his face.

Y/N: You're kidding, right?

Aang: Well, you have to pretend you're really blind.

Y/N: *sighs* I guess.

Katara: Have fun at school you two.

Toph: Yeah, don't get into any trouble.

Aang: We won't.

Y/N and Aang walked out of the cave and looked at each other.

Y/N: They sound like moms.

Aang: I know right.

Toph: I heard that!

Y/N: No, you didn't!

Y/N and Aang laughed a bit and walked to school.


Y/N was in his classroom sitting at his desk while the others were getting ready before the teacher came into the classroom.

On-Ji: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, On-Ji.

On-Ji: Are you ready for your second day of class?

Y/N: Uh, yeah. Totally.

On-Ji: I'm sorry about yesterday.

Y/N: That's okay. It didn't bother me at all. I know I shouldn't be stepping into relationships like that.

On-Ji: We're not dating. He just keeps telling everybody that we are but we're not.

Y/N: Oh...

Suddenly the door opened and the teacher walked into the classroom.

Teacher: Recite the National Oath.

All of the students stood up and they daced towards the picture of Ozai. Y/N followed along and they started reciting the National Oath.

Students; My life, I give to my country. With my hands I fight for Fire Lord...

Y/N's (thoughts): I don't even what to say... I don't wanna make a fool out of myself.

Students: With my mind, I seek ways to better my country and with my feet...

Y/N's (thoughts): I'll just move my mouth and pretend I'm saying it with them.

Y/N opened his mouth and all of the students sat down before he could even pretend to recite the oath. Y/N quickly sat down and the teacher opened her book.

Teacher: Now, class let us get started on today's lesson. We will continue our lesson on our "Great March of Civilization". But I want to see if any of you know the answer to this question. What year did Fire Lord Sozin battle the Air Nation Army? (Y/N raises his hand) Y/N?

Y/N: Uh, the Air Nation didn't have an army. Their only army was the ones living in the Temple. But they were outnumbered by the Fire Nation's army.

Teacher: How could you possibly know more than our history books. Unless you were there a hundred-years-ago.

Y/N: Oh, uh, my father had a book about the Firebenders, Airbenders, Waterbenders, and Earthbenders. He would read them to me so that's why I know so much.

Teacher: I see.

Y/N's (thoughts): Whew... Aang, you almost got me in trouble from your history lessons... At least I didn't tell them they were defeated by an ambush...

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