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Y/N flies through the sky after separating from Toph and the others. He then lands on a mountain and he makes his armor disappear.

Y/N: Sabo, you hear me?

Sabo's (voice): Yes, Master?

Y/N: After finding you and becoming a great friend of mine, I just want to let you know, you are the greatest partner I have ever had.

Sabo's (voice): You as well, Master.

???: Y/N!

Y/N: Aang?

Aang: (lands next to Y/N) What are you doing here?

Y/N: (punches Aang in the gut) Where have you been?! We were looking for you!

Aang: S-Sorry... I was actually with a lion-turtle.

Y/N: A lion-turtle? I swear you go on the most crazy adventures I have ever heard.

Aang: (smiles) Yep.

Y/N: But anyways to answer your question. I'm here to help you defeat the Firelord. Because it is my destiny.

Aang: Well, looks like it's about we're to face him.

Y/N and Aang looked ahead to see a giant flame coming right towards them as it was burning the land.

Aang: Momo, time for you to go. (Momo flies away) Ready, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm always ready.

Aang earthbends he shot three rocks at the aircraft which destroyed the fan blades. Aang shoots fire as it destroyed the aircrafts engine completely. Y/N and Aang were looking at Ozai face to face. Ozai takes his cloak off and he flies onto the mountain pillar.

Ozai: After generations of Firelords failed to find you, now the universe delivers you to me as an act of providence.

Aang: Please listen to me. We don't have to fight. You have the power to end it here and stop what you're doing.

Ozai: You are right. I do have the power. I have all the power in the world! (roars loudly as the flames come out from his mouth and fists)

Ozai sends a giant fire wave towards Y/N and Aang. They quickly jumped over it. Y/N jumped onto the other pillar as he changed his blade into water and sent a water slice towards Ozai but he blocks it with his flames. Aang grabs the ground underneath him and he kicks it towards Ozai. Ozai quickly jumps into the air and he flies towards Aang and they clash with their firebending.

Y/N jumps and he swings his sword at Ozai but he was able to dodge and he grabbed Y/N's arm and throws him to the other pillar. Ozai quickly attacks Aang with his fire, Aang quickly blocks it and kicks a rock towards him but it misses.

Aang jumps towards the waterfall as he saw Ozai's flame going right towards him and he kills the flame with his waterbending. Y/N jumps and grabs Ozai and he slam him on the cliffside of the waterfall. Y/N then punches Ozai as he went through the whole cliff and Aang knocks him down with his airbending.

Ozai quickly recovered himself and flew towards Aang. Ozai shoots his flames at Aang but he kicked the giant pillar towards Ozai. Ozai was quick enough to get to Aang's blindside and he shot his flame at Aang. Aang tries to block it but he was sent back he hit the pillar and fell down.

Y/N jumps in and he stabs his sword onto the ground as it created a little earth shield around them. Ozai started using his flames to burn the rocks around them to produce even more heat. Aang jumps out and he sends an air slice at Ozai but he quickly jumps and shoots lightning at Aang.

The Blind Swordsman {Toph X Blind Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now