Chapter 2

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( I'm gonna keep going with what I have originally planned for this story and I hope you continue to enjoy. Let me know how you feel so far ^^)

(Returning to Present day with Eren )

"Ah..where did she go after that? That was the last time I saw her..was that night I walked her home and.." Eren trails off giving a small sigh trying to remember what could have happened to you.
"Then the colossal Titan appeared the next day..he took almost everything away from me..except armin and mikasa but (F/N) come no ones said anything about her?...was it just Armin, mikasa and myself that knew her back then? Nah, there had to be more people that knew her". Eren shakes his head and continues to resume his sweeping.
"Eren! Have you finished sweeping yet? The Captain will be in to double check your work in a moment so finish up Kay?" Petra's voice echoed from the other room, Eren giving a small jolt to hurry up to finish sweeping out the room. "Gah crap..I've been daydreaming too much, Captian won't be too pleased with this".
A sudden figure appeared at the corner of Eren's eye
"Knock knock..Eren have you finished the rooms yet?" Levi pauses for a moment and notices Eren scurrying to sweep up the last few piles of dirt and quickly faced the Captian with wide eyes, quickened breathing and salutes to him. "Sir!"
"You don't need to be so formal while we're here" Levi walks slowly dragging his finger across the dresser and furrows his brows with irritation. " How about you be more formal with your cleaning cadet, this needs to be redone, now" Levi glares at Eren. " yes sir.." Eren mumbles clear enough to satisfy Levi's comment. Levi walks out the door and Eren begins to re wipes the dresser and tidy the room up.
Eren finally finishes redoing the room, from top to bottom scanning areas he'd imagine the Captain would check. He glanced out the window and the evening sun was breaking into the room giving the room a fiery glow. Before heading out the room Eren heard a voice
"Team Levi, form up in the front wing of the building, now!" Captain Levi's voice was loud and fierce. Eren hearing him out from the window rushed down the building and already saw Team Levi formed up in line. Levi catching Eren being late clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Get in line brat.." Levi mutters waving his finger to Eren's position. Eren rushes and salutes waiting for what's approaching ahead of him through the forest covered path.
Commander Erwin is the first visible face to appear from the path, following Jean, Bertolt and Reiner. Eren's expression appeared to be excited and satisfied to see some of his comrades picked as second best next to Levi's Team following them was Armin and Mikasa and Anne and someone behind them, Eren couldn't make out their face but he had a feeling it was a girl, he wondered who that could have been, but his attention was immediately drawn to Commander Erwin when he halted and waved off the salute, reducing the formalities.
"Captian Levi , how is your squad doing?" Erwin gives a small childish grin at Levi. Levi's expression remains dead panned as ever and glances off to the side " My team is just fine, we've finished cleaning most of this dump out, it's just weeding out the yard and sweeping the outside for tomorrow, the this place will be somewhat manageable to conduct our mission by tomorrow afternoon" Levi glances back at Erwin and sighs.
"Very good then" his voice spoke calmly. Erwin turns to his squad that had just arrived "Squad Erwin, listen up, you will head to the building and unpack there, Levi will be assigning your rooms for the duration of this mission, those rooms are to be kept up to Captain Levi's standard, you are free to make yourselves at home tonight, but we will be getting up earlier then usual to finish the cleaning and start the mission. So don't stay up to late chatting or sneaking about, is that clear?" Erwin's voice rang clear as a bell throughout the evening air.
"Yes sir!!" The group shouted and headed towards the building, Levi dismissed his team to head back too. The horses were placed in the yard and everyone gave a quick smile of relief to see one another.
"Hey Eren, it's great to see you. Are you alright being in the scouts so far? You've been a scout for sometime now". Armin smiles. "Yeah, it's alright, we ended up doing a lot of cleaning today". Eren sighed.
"Well it's good were all together on this mission, now I don't have to worry so much". Mikasa catches up to Eren and Armin. "What's there to worry about Mikasa? Geez, I'm not a kid anymore.." Eren pouts looking away. Soon enough his eyes catch the person he couldn't seem to make out earlier. Her hood was covering her face and she was putting her horse in the yard. "Guys who's that? Is she one of our friends?"Eren turns to face Mikasa and Armin and they shrug. "We don't know who she is, she's from a different graduation group, we take it that she's younger then us, but she was the only one to get chosen in her training group" Armin glances at the figure walking into the building.
"So she's good huh?.." Eren begins to have a little curiosity for this person.
Both Team Levi and Squad Erwin follow Captian Levi as he addresses each their rooms along with their partners they're going to be bunking with.
Petra, Gunther, Oluo, and Eld along with Levi are taking the middle level of the building, Captian Erwin along with Jean Mikasa, Armin and Anne will be taking the top level of the building.
"And finally Eren and (f/n).." Levi pauses looking at you two, your hood still covering your face. He waves off the fact your face was hidden and continues to talk. Eren freezes for a moment. He glances over to you trying to make out your face without you noticing him, but fails to do so. "Eren you'll be in the room downstairs from the middle level, I'll be checking in on you frequently to maintain a strictly close visual on you" his eyes veer off to you. "(f/n)..your placement is going to be next to my room in the middle level, I have reason to believe Erwin chose you for a reason, so don't take this lightly, understood" Levis eyes maintain focus on you. "Yes sir" your words echoed into Eren's head. "Her kinda sounds the same" Eren thinks to himself. You walk off passing Levi and heading to the middle floor.
"Eren". Levi states Before Eren walked off to head downstairs. Eren turns to Levi who's face seemed almost like he was the confused. " placing you in the cellar in the base part has its reasons, you know that, right Eren?"

"I know Captian..I'm just not used to this feeling of people being..scared of me.." Eren looks away a bit disappointed. " well I can assure you we have the right reason to be, well the others do at least, to me, your a person who has the capabilities to become beneficial to us, don't forget that there's more potential to this then what others are saying, I believe in that" Levi's words surprised Eren. " anyways, it's time to settle down for the night, go to sleep Eren" Levi walks away heading to the middle floor. "Yes sir, goodnight" Eren remarks and Levi raises his hand as he walks up the stairs, indicating he heard Eren.
Eren heads downstairs and pauses for a moment.
"(f/n) she really the (f/n) that I knew back then?" Eren mutters and heads down.
*Writers note*
This is my second fan fiction I'm writing and there's still a lot I need to practice, but I'm doing the best I can for you guys. I hope you'll continue to see this story to the end. Im having fun writing it. I will forward that there's gonna be lemon in the chapters to come so, you have been warned ( ̄。 ̄~)~* sorry if I'm being a bit slow on the story progression.
And this chapter was a bit shorter then theones to come, so keep reading and enjoy!) <3
Ps. I'll be fixing mistakes I see when I re read it.
Bye! 🌹

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