Chapter 4

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(Ah it's been a while since I posted the new chapter for this fanfic but don't worry there's going to be lots of good chapters ahead, this is only the start
(=゚ω゚)ノ. To be honest I'm amazed it's got so many views, :0 I'm really really happy and greatful for those who are enjoying this story or who are reading this for the first time. I'm thankful for those who keep reminding me to update, it helps me keep my brain going ^_^ lol Stumbling onto my stories, falling into a world at night where you can sit with your tea, curled up in your blanket while having the TV low and reading ^^ actually that's mostly what I do haha but if you do so give a thumbs up in the comments and let me know how you like reading your fanfictions ^^d without further adou' chapter 4 🌹✨)

your eyes felt heavy, holding back tears of what felt to be like the heavy, breathless feeling of being...broken inside. You watch Eren head outside the doors to meet up with professor Hanji and Commander Erwin. Trailing back slowly gaining distance from Eren you begin to think.
(E-Eren doesn't even remember my eyes..nothing seems to spark his attention to me. What happened? Was I really that insignificant that I could be easily wiped away from his memory..all these years of keeping my heart contained with these confusing feelings..hoping and waiting to finally meet Eren again..doesn't anyone remember me? What do I do I even act towards him or anyone..Mikasa and Armin don't seem to remember me either..maybe I'm useless to them now that I've been gone for so long..)
Thoughts race through your mind like a pencil writing on paper until your heel is lightly kicked. The shock pulled you out of your thoughts and you look back to see Levi, expressionless. Suddenly he lifts an eyebrow to you, keeping note of how he's looking you could almost interpret that he's trying to to read your face. "Cadet..are you alright?" Levi's voice almost seemed irritated asking you. "Captain Levi..I am sir, just daydreaming too much, I'm assuming my brain decided to stay in bed while I got up this morning ahah" trying to break the tension with a really bad joke made you more embarrassed to say it but Levi's expression lightens a little. "Heh..a comedian are you?" Levi's voice seemed to be a bit playful, so taking this chance to gain some of the Captains friendship you quietly add " of a kind sir" you give a small smile.
"Well..keep it up, maybe one day you will be one of a kind" Levi's pace quickens. You pause for a split second, quickly replaying what he just said but the moment quickly faded. "Let's go, there waiting on us. tch-" Levi motions his hand for you to pick up the pace. You will admit, for a man criticized for his height and build he sure can walk fast, your legs struggle to keep up with his pace. You arrive to the lined up cadets, jogging to your spot you fall into formation. Levi walks up to Hanji and Erwin, small talk exchanges between one another. Erwin turns around all cadets form a salute for the Commander "Cadets, stand easy, but listen close to today's outdoor excursions. Each cadet will be partnered up for "monitoring number" purposes of the scouts that are taking part onto this mission, these partners will remain with you for the rest of the mission. Take note that those committing any violations of this mission or failure to acquire substantial and convincing proof upon committing the violation will be immediately removed from the mission and determined by the courts based on your conviction weather your are to remain in the scouts. If there is no objections I shall proceed to the missions detailing". Erwin's face scanned the scouts expressions ensuring to make every detail of their face recorded and understood. Among the scouts, unintentionally eavesdropping on the two female scouts in front of you, they begin to whisper to one another. The first scout on the left leaned in to the scout on the right.
"Hey do you know what violations he's specifying to? "
"Seriously? You don't know, they de-briefed it before we left...idiot, ah anyways he's referring to acts of sabbatoge, violation of the gag order (in other words spilling out information that you were told not to share), developing internal turmoil with other cadets that could lead to a fight outbreak, and acts of love or intimacy among fellow cadets". The scout on the right turned her head and continued to face front. "Ah okay thanks" the scout on the left did the same and faced front.
Huh..why didn't anyone tell me these sooner? Where was I in all these "regulation de-briefing"!? You wonder how that could have gotten past you. You knew about the basic rules that can confide you to attending court, but these rules seemed rather harshly put then what you've been told before. Not thinking about it too much, you begin to contemplate that they are that way because the scouts don't put up with negligence of these kinds of regulations to being a scout. Anyone can wear the wings of freedom but those who are truly allowed are the ones that can follow the regulations set and kill Titans with skill, all in the time having your own good judgment of a situation and choosing what you can regret the least. That thought seems to trigger you like you heard someone say that to you before, brushing it away you wait for the Commanders details of the mission.
"Very good then, I admire those who can follow these regulations, I'm sure our mission will be successful, no doubt in my mind" Erwin salutes as do the cadets. "Alright, for the details I will allow professor Hanji and Commander Levi to de-brief you on today's goals". Commander Erwin steps aside as Hanji and Levi step forward. "Alllrighty then!! My lovelys for today's mission, aha well I can't really say today's a mission but as of this morning we will be continuing to clean off this beauty of a building" Hanji waves her hand towards the building. Everyone gives a quiet sigh and Levi steps forward "those who are excluded from the cleaning task are as follow Eren Jaegar, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirschtein and (F/N) (L/N). The cadets named will be taking part in today's conduction of Eren Jaegars abilities" Levi's voice was loud and clear, no one seemed to object to his orders.
"Captain Levi is so dreamy when he's talking..isn't he?" One of the female cadets whisper to another and they give a small blush sighing at the captain and admiring him. It isn't before long until you see many other female cadets admiring the captains actions and voice, you seemed to grow irritated at their petty frolicking over the captain and remain self dignified and listened to him. "Those cadets who decided to leave their brains in bed are welcome to leave the mission, I don't put up with sleepy heads, got that?" Levi gave a small smirk to himself and looked away.
("T-..I said that to him earlier this morning". you pause confused if he was insulting your joke or grabbing your attention. It wasn't something you easily brushed away this time, you kept that comment close to your memory, hoping an answer will forge soon.)
"Gahhh..the captains jokes are always adorable.." One of the female cadets mutter, not long before the rest of them join in on his "inside joke". Commander Erwin steps fourth silencing the gawking and regains their attention. "Any questions?" Erwin scans the group. You had no questions other then the ones you kept locked in your memory, about Eren..about your feelings, and about Levi's remark. As if this day couldn't be more off for you, the rules have been laid down and now you have to try and set aside these confusing emotions and deal with the here and now questions and realties. This was going to be a long day..
(End of chapter 4
Authors note:
Hey so I hope you liked chapter 4, I'm getting really creative writing the chapters and I hope you'll continue to stay tuned and support my writing. For those wondering about the smutt** lemon action** there will definitely be 😏💕 but I'm not the type to write just that, I like a story, a plot so I'm sorry if it's taking long to get to but I'm not totally just focused on that. I want my story to have meaning, a purpose and **cough inter cough**-course of action. XD aha well that's it for now, until my next chapter! See you soon! Bye bye!)
P.s I was going to add some pics but my iPad is being a butt and won't let me add some onto the story :,( sry aha just use your imagination ;)

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