Chapter 9 (Erens Route Pt 1)

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(WARNING! Lemony-ish stuff ahead! It's my first time actually writing lemon but bear with me on it, You have beeeeen warned~ ☆〜(ゝ。∂))
Choosing what to do next you consider your options..
Levis lips continued to dance on your skin as his face buried itself in your neck. "C..Captain Levi.." Your words drifted from your mind as you were slowly losing control of your senses. The feeling that overwhelmed you made you feel a mix of being scared and growing weak. "L-Levi!" Your voice became muffled by your breath as you attempt to break from his grip, stepping back you fumble on one of the chairs beside Levis desk. Levi not letting go pushes with your fall and his elbows land on the desk, with you remaining in his grip, now below him. Levi's eyes waver as he hesitates for a moment, with you locked in his grip against the desk. His leg slides between your legs, pressing on your lower thigh. He slowly lowers his head onto your neck and slides his kisses up to your ear and let out a deep sigh. "If only I can have more make you..tch-idiot.." Levi stands up and ruffles with his hair and cravat little, loosening it as you regain your sense and stand back up . Your face feeling hotter then ever from the moment you entered his room you could only manage to gaze up at him, his face airbrushed with a light, feint blush across it. "I..I don't want you to think badly of me cadet, I only wanted to Thankyou for the drawing, but it seems I might have went and did a little more then just that". Levi looks at your neck and looks away before returning to your gaze. "M-may I be excused Captain..I need.. to return back to breakfast". Levis expression widens almost looking disappointed as he gives a small, almost reluctant nod, and you quickly leave the room.

stepping outside the room you waver a little as you being to walk back to the mess hall.

'Wha-what just happened?.. I only.. wanted to give him the drawing I said I would finish for him and he..d-does this to me?..' 'I don't understand these feelings, Eren doesn't make me feel like the way Levi just did..I felt almost numb, part of me wanted to push him away but another part of me wanted to..gahh! I can't be seriously thinking like this!'
Your pace quickens as you head to the breakfast hall. Suddenly you felt a hand grab yours and swerve you into a hug in a small space between a door and the hall, a tight hug that you quickly became familiar with. Erens smiling face greets yours "Goodmorning again (f/n)" Eren smiles. "E-Eren, hello, what are you..doing here?" your face continuously burning with star struck embarrassment. "you were taking longer then usual when you left, and I got a bit worried, so I came to come see you" Eren's face looked away before turning back to yours.
You give a small smile and look away, feeling ashamed for earlier and what happened between you and Captain Levi. Eren taking quick note in your expression leans his face in toward yours catching your eyes. His face has changed since you last were able to see it up close, his skin soft and fluttered with a soft light tan from the training of the scouts, his eye colour still as rich as the forest and seas, childishly, adorably and now charming in their appearance. "E-Eren..I..I want to go back.." Eren caught unaware of your response hesitantly leans back. "Hey (f/n)..did something...happen?" You look up to Eren, memories of earlier coursed through your mind as Eren's question came out. "Eren..everything's okay, I'm just hungry. I had to give the Captain a drawing I made because he asked to have it once I was done with I just gave him the drawing and left" your nerves began to act up as Eren held you into his hug. "...please come with me.." Eren grabs your hand and briskly walks down the hall. "Eren, W-where are you taking me?" Eren's silence makes you feel uneasy about what he is doing. Taking the stairs heading down, You soon realize that he is heading to his room. He opens his door, brings you inside and shuts it while locking. He leans back against the door and slouches down to the floor. Not letting go of your hand he brings you down with him, tumbling a bit you land on your knees in between Erens legs. "Hey, Eren, what's with you? Are you okay?" Scared as you were you remember how kind Eren is, putting your trust in his kindness. His breathing became shortened, sweat begins to roll down his face, he looks up to you almost terrifyingly serious "sta-*huff* *huff* stay with me...please.." Eren's grip tightens on your hand.
"Eren are you okay?! What's wrong?!" Remaining quite your voice becomes a whisper, being in the men's rooms was not prohibited, there could be some serious consequences to being in the room, especially Eren's. Eren grabs you into a hug, his body trembling. "I've pushed myself..alot on this mission..*haa* My body won't stop acting like this..*huff huff* I just need to sit and adjust" Eren's conversation abilities became hindered by his breathing.

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