Chapter 3

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**(I'm trying to write the chapters and aim to get one done every week, because I dedicate most of my time drawing so hopefully this is written as well as I've planned it, ahh I'm excited! :3
Just stating that there's minor language 😬 I'd also like to note that all rights are reserved to respectful artists for the pictures used for this fanfic)**

The second day comes to a beginning with the bang of an acoustic round shot off down the hallway, this sudden piercing sound ringing in your ears as you jump up from your bed nearly stumbling off it.
"All warm bodies outside in 10 minutes, thats an order" Captian Levi's voice echo's into the hall. "Gah shit" you fumble out of your bed rushing to grab your uniform and throw it on as fast as you could to be out in the halls. Tying your hair in a quick messy bun you rush out to the hall noticing that no ones out yet, you could hear everyone still scrambling for their uniforms and bumping into things as they run around their rooms. Being that you were assigned next to the captains room you give a small peek to see if the Captian was in his room or not. "He's not here-" your thoughts freeze when you hear his foot steps slowly shuffle towards you, you turn around to see that that Captain is still walking towards you. You try to give a salute but he grabs your shoulder and spins you around, facing away from him. You wonder what the hell he was doing when suddenly you felt his hands grip your shirt from behind and begin to tuck it into your belt.
"Tch..Your shirt's not only inside out but it's not even tucked in" Levi mutters continuing to tuck in your shirt. You feel your face begin to heat up, his hands pushing deep into your belt, making your back shiver. "I'm sorry Captian.." Your voice just barely reaching Levi's ears, your embarrassment nearly muting your voice.
"It's not a problem, but you managed to be the quickest one out here, messy as hell but your out here". Levi shifts away and faces the hall waiting for the others to come running out as clumsy as you did. You glance at Levi to see a feint smirk cross his face, by the time you got to give a second thought it was gone in the blink of your eyes. Levi turns to you giving you an aggravated look "Aren't you supposed to be heading outside? I'll wait for the others, you head outside, I'll be there momentarily" Levi's face shifts back to searching the halls. As quickly as you can you head outside, before reaching the main entrance, heading down the stairs, well practically running you miss a step and begin to fall. In the moment of falling your eyes catch Eren at the bottom of the stairs heading for the main entrance as well and without a second thought, unintentionally reach out for him, hoping he sees your plead to catch you. Eren runs forward and attempts to respond by casting his arms out. Well it wasn't a fairy-tale of a catch but he managed to save you from hitting the cemented floor by knocking himself into the ground while you toppled him.
"Uwah!" Eren let out a small Yelp and remained silent, the pain of you falling onto Eren with nothing more then cement to catch him kinda whiplashed him.
"Eren! Ah I'm very sorry!" You climb off of him, allowing him to breath and catch his breath a little. He sits up and looks at you for a moment, you couldn't help but think of him being pissed off at you.
" I-it's alright..I don't mind being tackled now and then, keeps me on my toes, well not right now but ya know" Eren gives a small smile and stands up, reaching out his hand to help you. You hesitate, remembering the last time he reached his hand out to you, when you were younger. Those feelings churning in your stomach making you feel nervous, but you don't hesitate to give him your hand. He pulls you up, remembering how his hands felt, this time his hand was much more masculine, slender, and warmer then you remembering it to be. The calluses ever so faintly traced his hand but still kept its soft touch as he pulled you up from the floor.
"By the way, can I have your name? I don't think you were formally introduced to us" Eren pauses at you. "I uh- sure.. It's (F/N)" you hesitate to look at him in saying your name, knowing he might remember you.
"(F/N) huh.. Well it's a cool name that's for sure haha but nice to meet you" Eren smiles, almost giggling in saying so. "Well we should be heading out now, the Captain is gonna be waiting and he isn't the type to like to wait around on us, let's go" Eren heads out the main entrance you slowly trailing along, almost falling behind with each step. You heart felt heavy.
"He...doesn't remember me?..." You think to yourself, the only conclusion that you could possibly come to.
Tears began to slowly creep behind your (E/C) eyes.
Writers Note*
Oh my gosh, Eren what's gotten into you?! Why can't he remember (F/N)!?! Gah! Oh no and what's up with Levi and his odd stares? Wait what? he's helping you fix your shirt?! this can't be the normal Levi, impossible!

Well I hope you enjoyed this super short chapter, sorry I'm trying to make them longer but i don't wanna ramble on and get side tracked from the story, but well I'm glad you're reading this far, I'll continue to do my best for this fanfic
Until next time! 💕🌹

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