Chapter 5

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(I'm going to keep updating as soon as I can for this chapter because I've noted a bunch of events that will take place so I'm hoping you'll really enjoy this story as much as I do writing it, if you haven't seen any previous chapters I would advise you to read them because you can say my story is weaved together ^_^v let me know what you think and feel free to suggest fanfictions you'd like to see ^_^d
And thankyou to those who remind me to update, I'm very thankful :,3 )

This was going to be a long day for sure.. You sighed hoping that for today and for the mission you could keep your focus and your thoughts collective. Commander Levi stepped forward again "well...let's get this into action, those I mentioned follow myself along with Erwin to the back field behind the scouts building, from there I will explain the tasks of the cadets I've chose for today ". Levi's voice aggravated, a bit irritated and his expression blank. "Those who will be my lovelys in helping cleaning today follow meeee! Though I won't be your commander in this cleaning operation, we have handed that tidy task over to Petra dear" Hajjis hands waved of in the other direction towards the front of the building with Petra waving in response.
Erens pov--(point of view)
Commander Levi had chosen some of my friends to come along for today's experiments. he knows better then anyone that this will be risky, and having those who will hesitate or get caught up if an accident was to happen wouldn't be the best option. back still hurts from that girl jumping a flight of stairs onto me. I can't help but feel unsettled when I see her, her voice seems familiar..but I can't recognize her. It makes me almost angry thinking about it..err no, I have to focus! these feelings inside need to go away, if I cloud my judgment and thinking I'll make a mistake! I can't have that happen.
Back to your pov--
The group separated dividing those who will be on cleaning duty and those who will aid in the experiments professor Hanji will be conducting today. You follow behind the group, Jean tails behind and walks beside you. "(F/N)? Was it, I'm Jean". This young mans face was slender and a bit long, his iris's flashed a golden yellow and his hair was a sandy beige. He's definitely tall, well that's the first thing you noticed when you saw him. Compared to your short stature you were no more then a scrapping 5 foot and 2 inches . His height and build made you feel a bit intimidated, you swore he was over 6ft. "It's nice to meet you Jean,and yeah I'm (F/N)" you gave a weak smile noticing his attention was elsewhere. You didn't see a point in starting a conversation because you could see he was only walking with you to not look alone, so you remained quiet. "So uh, where are you from before you came to the scouts?" Jeans attention was back at you. "I'm from Shiganshina-
"There's a few others from Shiganshina too, did you know them?" Jean motioned his head to the group with Eren, Mikasa and Armin in it. "Well I..saw them around and stuff.." Your eyes trail to the ground. Jean looks at you confused from your response. " that Jaegar's more well known then I made him out to be" Jean sighed. "Well by the end of this, hopefully you'll remember me over him haha" Jeans mood seemed to change a little. He went from being Mr. Self Righteous to more of a friendly approach. This guy is a bit odd sometimes, but you give a smile for the sake of it. You continue walking and a bit of an awkward silence falls on what only seemed to be you feeling it. Jean didn't seem to be all that interested in starting conversations, leaving you feeling even more awkward.
You arrive where commander Erwin, Levi and Hanji are waiting. The back of the building was a lot different then the front, it had a huge field with a storage unit building on the left, a large dried up well to the right, and thick lush forest covering the horizon. There was still some morning mist hovering the trees and ground, you imagine it would be around 6am. You and the rest of those who were mentioned to participate in the experiments as backup, gather around the oak table set up and prepared and wait till further notice from your superiors. Mikasa, Armin and Eren are in conversation with each other, you decided it's best not to try and talk about anything now seeing as that the circumstances don't meet the timing to really do so. Jean decided to join in on their convo by mocking Eren and picking a bone with him every minute or so. So you were a bit lonely, almost invisible to everyone, you decide on taking a walk and trying to cool off a bit, these feelings and everything that's happened till now have you frustrated. You walk over to a small area of lush and thick grass, and notice an extremely beautiful flower growing in it, the colour was a deep rich (F/C), the thick petals spewed all around it captivating your gaze. You rush to this flower and lean by it, you look both ways, checking if the coast is clear. Satisfied with the distance of everyone and you, you pull out a small notepad with a small worn out pencil wrapped in the coil. You open it up and begin to sketch this pretty flower, but not long after you manage to get the bare bones of the sketch down, a voice freezes your sketching. "A comedian and an artist..never heard of that kind of mix before" Levi comes closer. You begin to feel a bit awkward "I was just..uh-
"From afar it looked like you were going to take a shit" Levi's remark stabbed you like an arrow to the head as you decided to change the way you were positioned and decided to just sit down. This guys blunt, you'll give him that...almost awkwardly blunt. "Well...wouldn't you think I'd go to the forest to do that?" Your voice meekly spits out defending yourself from his remark. "Honestly, I have no idea what you cadets think up nowadays, but I'd hope that that's the response I'd get from the rest of them". Levi's face nudges behind to the other cadets. "So aside from the comedian, you like drawing too? I'm guessing that flower caught your eye..". Levi kneels down and looks at the flower and invades your sketch by looking at it, well he's not necessarily ill mannered, just personal and straightforward. "Yeah..the petals and shape kinda remind me of-
"(Favourite flower) right?" Levi's response almost astonished you, and to think he'd know flowers. "Yeah..exactly" you quietly speak as you slowly turn to Levi. "What? expect me to be just a scout, with the eye to kill Titans but not be able to see the beauty around me?" Levi's face remained fixed on the flower. Trying to not get caught up in his response and expression was felt your face turn red with his odd liking to beautiful little things like flowers. "Captain..i can give you the sketch when I finish it..if you like.." Without even thinking, like second nature, you automatically speak. Your eyes felt widened and you wanted to pull that sentence back into your mouth but it was too late. Levi looked over to you, catching your eyes like a fish in a net with his relaxed stare "I'll only take it...if it's as beautiful as this flower I'm looking at". his eyes remained fixed on you. You could no longer tell if he was still talking about the flower. "Levi! We're ready, shall we proceed as planned?". Commander Erwin's deep voice echoed to the two of you. Levi shot up instantly "yeah, let's get this done". Levi began to walk back. "Let's go (F/N)"
You quickly put away your sketch and began to head back. Hanji's experiments will start soon. You took a deep breath and headed to the group.
~~end of chapter 5
(Authors note
Ahh I'm really enjoying writing this :,3 I'm building it up guys so keep checking in now and then, im happy those have stayed with my story up till now, I can't thank you enough for your kind support and comments and votes, lots of love to my readers and I can promise I'm going to try and make this story fun, lemonade enjoyable, and good. Let me know how you feel about it so far by sharing some votes and well if you have an idea of a next fanfic please let me know ^^v I've got a few of my own lined up but I'm open to suggestions
Love you guys and see you in the next chapter! Hopefully it'll be much longer I feel like I'm making them a bit too short XP
Ah well see you soon! Bye bye! ✨🌹)

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