Chapter 6

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( hey it's been a little bit, I've been adding bits here and there this story, there's so many ways I can write it that I can't seem to decide quick enough aha but forgive me for the slow release of the chapters, but thankyou for your kind support, I can never get enough of it, it keeps me writing and smiling ^_^v)

You took a deep breath and headed to the group. Commander Erwin patiently standing in front of the rest of the scouts waits for you to fall in line. Levi sways next to Erwin and they begin to walk away. Suddenly the lively voice of professor Hanji breaks the silence "okay! Without further hesitation..." She grins as her glasses flash a quick beam of light before finishing her sentence. "Let us begin the experiments~!" Her face started to seem as if she tasted something incredibly good because drool seeped from her a bit as she cringed her hands upward.
"Eren, darling boy, come stand over here" Hanji motioned towards the free space out in the field. Eren awkwardly agreed as he walked till he was a small but notable distance away from the group. "Perfect, now hold it there Eren! You two-" Hanji points at Jean and Armin. " I need to you preoccupy that space just ahead of Eren, you will be backup in case Eren turns into a Titan, but you will not strike Eren no matter what, we can't lose such a valuable chance".
"Mikasa dear, you cover the left of the plain and hold your position with Captain Levi" she motions Mikasa to Levi. Levi and Mikasa's similar glares reach each other as she stands beside him, both rather irritated but tolerant. "And finally (f/n) dear..hmm I'll have you cover the right plain, Erens eyes will be on you for the test so try and keep his focus until I have finished this test Mmkay darling? But do not engage you 3DM gear unless you must avoid him". Well that was a bit intimidating to hear. You walk slowly and a bit nervous as Eren watches you move into your position. You keep your eyes on Erens as he stares back at you, you start to feel a little embarrassed, his matured enticing stare is almost pulling you closer; those sea green eyes illuminated with the beams of light hitting them. Looking over Eren's shoulder you see Levi peering at you, stripping your frame down to the bone with his stare, he's carefully wavering his eyes to Hanji's movements, Eren's and yours, he doesn't seem too concerned for Mikasa, but moreover for you in this test.
"Alright Eren have a seat on the ground and face front, don't look behind until I tell you so" Hanji's voice erred behind Eren as he did as directed. Erens gaze remained dormant to you as you crouch ready to flee in the case of him turning into a Titan. you've never seen Eren turn into a Titan so you don't know what to expect from him or Hanji.
"Now Eren...let's talk a little about your past shall we?" Hanji begins to slowly walk back and fourth behind Eren. "All I want you to do is answer my questions, if you get angry you can go Titan, no one here will hold anything against you for it, just so we understand the purpose of this test, it's better for you to not know what I'm doing. So what happened 3 years ago with the colossal Titan, are you still upset?"
"O-of course I am..why would you ask that?" Erens head tilts down a little, you look into his eyes and can tell memories are running through them with his expression. "Well curiosity killed that cat; but kittens can be prevented from the same result as the cat by learning from ones past mistakes, right?" Hanji's tone seemed to change, she's more serious towards Eren. "Did you learn from your mistakes? If not could that have been the reason why you were cursed with becoming a Titan? A threat in which humanity's trying to destroy?"
"Professor Hanji, this isn't a curse but an advantage for humans! I was given this power because no one else could understand how terrible the Titans are except for me, and in order to kill them off, I must become stronger then them". Eren became a bit defensive in saying this. "Oh? So you think you can destroy every Titan that walks? Can you really say that? when your no better then one of them, a human driven with destruction from tainted memories, but given the power of a monster, to be frank, that just might sound worse then the Titans". Hanji's voice reminded monotone and invasive towards Erens feelings.
"What do you know about this power?!" In a split of a second, Eren became angry.
"Then show me! Prove that this power is better then those of any other Titan, that its controlled, that you can really call yourself stronger and more willed then those grovelling monsters that bang on our walls!"
Erens face became furious as he instinctively reached for his hand, biting it till the point where blood seeped out. In that second a huge flash of light blasted your eyes, the force of wind and smoke knocking you back off your feet. The wind and smoke pushed you away, tumbling your body a few feet until stopped and you laid on the ground. You quickly regained focus and saw a huge Titan body lurking over you, his hands on both sides of you, meters away from each side. The Titans face was huge, and hovering above you. You weren't sure if it noticed that you were beneath it until it's face slowly tilts down, it's big glowing green eyes, envisioned with pure anger and rage stabbed your gaze as the Titans breath seeped out what looked like smoke.
You wanted to couldn't make any moves without him seeing you, so escaping seemed unimaginable and he seemed to get angrier and angrier with each second passing by. You covered your face with your hands and heard the Titan roar, his roar was incredibly loud, the ring of it rumbled into your ears as you were about to scream with it, until suddenly you felt a huge push from your left side, like you were being grabbed, instinctively you swung your right hand to hit but once you noticed; it was Levi. Levi swooped under the Titan to grab you with his 3DM gear. You grab onto Levi and hugged him tight, fear shot through you. You open your eyes to see the Titan trying to stand as Hanji was yelling at the Titan, what she was saying, you weren't able to distinguish. You closed your eyes and held onto Levi as he maneuvered through the forest. Levi lowered to the ground, stumbling a bit as he landed with you, he had you in a bit of an awkward carrying position for Maneuvering around. His arm wrapped around under your knees and one wrapped under your back, (it was a bridal style) he stops and quietly catches his breath a little.
You remain clinging onto him, not noticing that he stopped, your breathing was slow but heavy, you felt like you were out of breath. Small tears slowly started to form from your eyes.
Levi remained silent and let you hold onto him for a little bit, he spoke quietly, he tried to be a bit gentler with his voice "hey, are you okay now?" Levi's voice was close to your ear, he wasn't sure if you heard him. "Hey (f/n)"
"C-captain..Levi..I f-froze and I c-couldn't h-hold myself together" your face slowly buried into his shoulder hiding your shame.
"Was that your first time..seeing a Titan?" "Y-yes..and I couldn't make the right call to get away from it.."
"Not everyone can the first time, that's why many of those who hesitate don't make it when faced with a Titan, then there are those who are lucky and make the right choice based on instinct"
You lift your head a little looking at Levi his eyes catch yours, you seem to relax and calm down.
"Can I put you down now..your kinda heavy" blushing a little from how you two appeared to look in your imagination, you nod as he places you down. Levi rubs his arms. "So now that you've seen a real Titan, do you feel better?" You think about it and feel a bit confident in yourself that when there's a next time you might handle the situation differently, and you can thank Levi for teaching you that.
"I feel better Captain..thankyou"
Levi walks up to you and gives you a slap on the back and starts to ready his 3DM gear. " let's head back now" Levi takes off and you quickly follow suit.
Approaching the field once again you see steam, lots of it. It's not long before you make out Eren's figure collapsed on the ground, he seems back to normal, but exhausted.
"Ah you two missed an incredible discovery!!" Hanji walks up to you and Levi walks to Erwin. "My dear we may have figured that the Eren Titan can comprehend human language and can do as commanded, but it takes him great effort to control what he does without rampaging. I'll go over the details in tonight's meeting, for now let's head back, it's already been far too much for Eren to continue with our next experiment so we will have to post pone that for tomorrow's event"
You nod and salute. You walk back to the building and see that Jean and Armin are helping Eren back to his room. Levi and Erwin talking just outside his room, you walk past the commander and captain, but the commanders voice stops you " cadet (f/n) are you alright?" You turn around to see Erwin. "Why yes commander..I would like to formally apologize for my displeasing act of neglecting my position and letting my emotions get ahold of me" you salute with your head a bit down but feel a hand on your shoulder. "Cadet, you did well today, learn from it and move forward with it" Erwin gave a warm smile and you gave a small grin of appreciation and you remained saluting and marched away.
Reaching your room you plop onto the bed and let out a big sigh. You decide to take a warm bath and get cleaned up a bit putting on more comforting clothes, still scout wear but less gear, you wear a the collared white dress shirt, along with the the jacket, boots and white jeans.
Supper comes that evening and Eren is still in bed, everyone eats and afterwards gets ready for bed. You are no longer wearing your uniform but a dark green military t shirt and black baggy sweats, along with black socks, your hair was tied into a bun as you were walking down the hall.
"My dear, would you mind giving this to Eren?" A lady's voice came from the kitchen door as you were walking, it was one of the kitchen cooks. "It's his supper, I imagine he hasn't eaten anything yet, he can't sleep on an empty stomach, so please give him this" a small plate of leftover supper was handed to you "Alright I will, thankyou m'am" you nod and she nods and you head towards Erens room.
"I wonder... if he's asleep by now..." you walk past a large door and hear the Commander, Hanji and assuming Levi is in there as well, talking about today's test. Walking past it you continue to Erens room with his supper in your hands.
You give a little knock on Erens door once you reached it. "Eren?'s (f/n)...I brought you your supper.." You hear a little groan come from the door, kinda signalling you to open the door.
"Eren?..." You open to see the window directly ahead of you, open and moon shining into the room, the candle lights were very dim and the bed was on the left side, Eren underneath the blankets. The nightstand was next to the bed and you approached the bed. The sheets stared to move as Eren slowly sat up, closing the door and walking closer you can see his eyes were lit up with the moons light, glowing a soft bluesy green and half closed. Before you could say anything Eren looks as you, his eyes tired but softened "(f/n)..I think I know you.."
~~~~~~~~~end of Chapter 6
(Authors note;
I apologize if I'm a bit slow, I've been drawing a lot and planning out more stories I want to write, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter 💕💕 there will be lemon coming up soon, so you are warned! (・ω・)ノ stay tuned!)
Ps. I'll be fixing up grammar and mistakes I see (mainly because I finished writing this at 1am lol)
Take care! ✨🌹

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