Chapter 7

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(F/n)..I think..I remember you, that or your seem incredibly familiar to me" erens eyes remained half closed and focused on you. He rubbed his eyes to wake up a little more. "Eren.." You kneel down beside the bed and place his supper on the nightstand. "How..could I have forgotten you?" Erens eyes widened as he looked into your eyes, softly lit by the moon. "It's been 5 years since we saw each other that day..since then I never..I never was able to find you.." You look down a bit in thought. "After that day, days passed by and the Titans bursted the wall..I ran to look for you but my mother grabbed me and ran to the gates inner walls..I screamed for you, I fought her, telling her we must keep looking. She only panicked, but when we reached the wall the gate was closing..with her carrying me we weren't going to make she threw me just before the gate closed, but in the last moment I saw her there was a Titan next to her..then the gate shut." Your words became a bit breathy, Eren's eyes widened as you were talking. "Scouts from the gate came and grabbed me, I told them my mother was still back behind the gate, but they put their heads down and heart felt broken..lost and scared. they took me to the ship where they were retreating into the inner wall, and that was where my mind when blurry..I couldn't remember exactly how I felt but I knew I was in shock, everyone around me had someone to hold onto but I was holding onto myself. I managed to get a small job in a cafe as a dishwasher, I wasn't payed good let alone I never was able to muster up a decent meal so I remembered the book Armin gave to me..and that was when I decided to join, I knew that if I could become strong enough to fight, I wouldn't have to see someone else suffer the fate I had..I wasn't angry..I was scared..and I want that fear to keep pushing me to tomorrow, fighting for the morning light once again." Your eyes were teary, and your throat felt heavy, telling all this to Eren must make him feel crazy for even bothering to remember you.
"(F/n)...I'm sorry" Eren looks down kinda fumbling his supper with his spoon, he doesn't seem to muster up any appetite. "B-but dont worry, im here now and I've made it this far" you give a small smile. "Seeing you again and you remembering who I am has made me feel like i'm choosing the right path-
Eren quickly wraps his arms around you, pulling you in. Your body froze, trying to once again comprehend his action. Your arms remain to your sides as his arms shuffle you tighter into him. kneeled down, you place your hands on his knees. "(F/n)..remember that night, when we were younger.. when I hugged you?..I felt warm and...happy there, even though it was cold out, I still managed to find some warmth for us to share." You pause remembering those feelings that made your heart race, your face felt a little flush, your mind jumble up and now, that confusing feeling... seemed to become a bit clearer to you. you welcomed his words by moving your arms to his waist. "It feels like yesterday we were like this.." Eren's spoke soft, and a small chuckle came from him. "It..kinda does" you smile nuzzling a little closer to Eren's chest. You look up to see Eren looking out the window, a feint smile spread across his cheeks. His face has changed, his face is slimmed out and his hair has gotten fluffier. His eye colour has changed a bit too, that once innocent teal, has now become the deep sea green, sweeping you into the waves of its reflection from the light. Noticing his facial changes you can't help but notice his body changes as well when he was holding you. His torso was bigger and toned, his body was longer and you could feel his muscles as he hugged you.
("I wonder what he looks like now if I drew him?..") your question quickly was shut down by embarrassing thoughts. You felt a bit awkward for thinking that but you couldn't help yourself, you were raised and a bit inherited to be part artistic; and you develop by hands on touch and seeing.
Eren begins to lean back, and you are lifted with him, he falls onto the bed still holding you close. "E-Eren..." You whisper. You look to see Eren but his eyes are closed. "Shhh..I wanna stay like this, if you don't mind.." Eren's eyes remained closed and his hand began to crawl up to your hair that was in a bun. His hand softly caressed the back of your neck and made its way up to the clip, he pulled the clip out letting your hair fumble down, still a bit damp. His fingers began to entwine themselves in your hair, stroking and pulling softly. As flustered as you were his hands playing in your hair made you become very relaxed, you laid your head on his chest, his breathing heavy and a bit fast. You could hear the mumbling of air as he would inhale along with a beat of his heart, it almost was like a soothing lullaby, you began to slowly drift off. Eren slowly pulls you and himself fully onto the bed, you still on top of him your hands snuggled onto his chest. "(F/n)..can I ask you something?" Eren stares to the ceiling still caressing your hair. You let out a small "hm" as you were charmed by relaxation and sleep. "I've always..wanted to..give you a..kiss.."Eren's words were hesitant. You slowly raise your head;  a bit shy and surprised you only nod, Eren sits up a little and moves his hand to your cheek, tilting your head a little up he nods back and moves closer. His lips part a little and his head begins to tilt, your heart begins to race as you try to move closer..his breath grazing you lips, you could feel the warmth of his breath as he breathed out, and the cold pleasure he left as he breathed back in. Itching to feel his lips you move a bit faster, all the so until-
"Knock, knock, knock" the sound of knocking paused everything, both Eren's and your eyes widen with shock. Eren spins you over and covers you under the sheets and blanket. He puts a couple pillows so that you were less noticeable. Eren sits up and puts his supper in his lap, where your head happen to be resting between two pillows (so the supper was resting on your head ^^) your hands lay underneath your head and on Eren's thighs. "Come in" Eren spoke. The door swings open to reveal Captain Levi. "Eren, how do you feel?" Levi's voice sounding tired. "Fine, Captian."
"Good, I wanted to check in and make sure you had supper. we discovered a couple new things with your abilities while you were out cold" Levi sits in the chair next to the dresser, his leg wraps over his other. "I-I see..I didn't hurt anybody did i?" Eren voice became a bit nervous. "Well nobody was hurt but you could have come off as frightening, not to me, but to the others. You had (f/n) in quite a scare, she's never been so close to a Titan.." Levi trails off. " I didn't hurt her did I?"
"No, she's a lot tougher then to have a idiotic Titan get to her, so relax." (" Levi complementing me?..") You thought. "I'd go over the details of the test, but hanji wants to do that with you tomorrow" Levi lets out a small sigh and gets up. He begins to walk out of the room, "get some rest Eren, you'll need it" Levi pauses before he leaves the room "by the way, have you seen (f/n) anywhere by chance?.. She's not in her room..".
"She may have went to use the washroom..or something like that.." Eren kinda mutters. "Tch..even at this time of hour, she ceases to stay off my mind" Levi mutters under his breath. "Well tell her to get back to her room if you happen to see her". Levi walks out and closes the door.
Eren waits for a second to hear the footsteps pace away, and lifts the sheets. You pull up kinda catching your breath. "Are you okay?." Eren tilts his head. "Yeah, that supper was sitting on my head and it made me hot" your face blushing from the heat. "Eren, I should be heading back now..I don't want you to get in trouble by Levi or anyone that walks in.." You begin to feel a little sad. Eren pulls your head up with his hand and plants a small kiss on your forehead. "Okay, we can save that kiss for another time?" You nod and look away in shyness. You climb off the bed, and grab your hair clip. "W-wait was this sitting on the nightstand when Levi was here?" You look at Eren, his face a bit shocked "ahh..maybe? I hope he didn't notice it" Eren a bit worried looks at you "if anything happens..I'm there for you (f/n) matter what I won't let us become separated again" Eren grabs your hand and with his reassuring eyes, and it brings a small smile to you. "Same here, Eren" you open the door wave a small goodnight and head out into the halls. The halls were really dark, managing to find your way back may be a little challenge, you were tired from today. You felt a little sad leaving Eren, but you felt grateful for him to remember you. You turn the corner and keep walking, you see a figure ahead, walking closer and closer, you hold your ground and keep walking, you notice it was Levi, heading into his room, he pauses and looks at you "(f-f/n) there you are..where were you?" Levi was no longer in his scout military apparel but a black baggy shirt and black sweats, which was very rare considering he's known to sleep in his military apparel among many "fan-girling" cadets. "Captain, I..brought Eren his supper a little while ago, then went outside for some fresh air, I took a little walk to clear my mind a bit, and well now I'm heading to bed" you are a little less formal being that you two look more like civilians then scouts right now. " I see..well..goodnight make sure your ready for tomorrow" you give Levi a nod and begin to continue to walk "(f/n).." You turn around to Levi "I'll... be there for you..for tomorrow, in case anything happens, so don't be scared" Levi begins to walk into his room before you could react and shuts the door. You pause for a moment "Levi will... protect me?" You thought to yourself "he sure has a change in tone at night, well I can only take that as I have to do my best for the Captain" you head to your room, preparing for bed and tomorrow, you were more anxious then ever to wake up for tomorrow. You lay in your bed and snuggle up to a pillow and drift off to sleep.
~~~~end of chapter 7~~~~~
Authors note;
(This chapter isn't as long as I'd hoped it to be but Ah I'm so very thankful to have readers stick Around to read this slow a** writers works. I'm a bit slow but I do try to make the story as good as I can for you guys, I hope you'll continue to see my next chapters, hopefully the story progression is alright too ^_^v work and drawing have my hands tied, I wish I had a third arm for stories haha, but regardless I'll keep doing my best for you guys! 😁💕💕)

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