4. Old Friends

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After the observatory, Zoe drove the guys to her favorite taco truck and lost count how many they ate. She was honestly amazed they didn't get kicked out. These guys were fucking eating machines!

Once home, the guys cracked a few more beers and Zoe sat back to watch the fireworks. She knew the men had deep affection and respect for each other, but they were also complete idiots together. Fucking super people...

"Z, did I tell you about the time one of his Wakandan girlfriends made his arm fall off during a fight?" Sam laughed, pointing to Bucky with his beer.

"She wasn't my girlfriend!" Bucky snapped. "And it's just good strategy that Shuri built a fail safe into the new arm." He turned towards Zoe and smirked "Besides, I'm not the one who tried to 'how you doin?' a member of the Dora Milaje and almost lost more than an arm..."

"What? She was cute as hell!" Sam laughed heartily.

"All these years, has that line ever worked, Samuel?" Zoe shook her head, laughing at both of them. "What about you, tough guy? What's you go to cheesy pickup line?" nodding at Bucky. She figured this would be more like the guy she'd heard so much about...

"Back in the day, didn't really need one..." Bucky chuckled nervously. "...now, oh god no! Modern dating terrifies me...the apps alone are enough to keep me away. Have you seen some of the people on there? They're insane!" He shuddered dramatically and took the last sip of his beer. "Is it okay if I get another?"

"Of course! Seriously, help yourself to anything in this house. Your doting partner couldn't even tell me how you take your coffee, so if you need anything that's not already in the fridge, I can grab it tomorrow." Zoe nodded towards the kitchen.

"Black, bitter, and murky, like his soul, Z!" Sam laughed.

"Can I grab one for you?" Bucky asked her as he opened the fridge, ignoring Sam.

"No thanks, I don't actually drink the stuff, I just keep it in the house for guests. Knock yourself out." Zoe replied. "Wait, you can't actually get drunk, can you?"

"Only on Thor's weird space booze, I'm afraid." Bucky sighed. "Thankfully, that doesn't happen very often."

"Yeah, the stiff you see is the stiff you get, Z." Sam laughed. "Nothing can loosen him up, believe me, I've tried!"

"Oh Sam, not everyone can be a bonafide national treasure one minute, and the life of the party the next." Zoe teased. "If he's anything like his old friend, getting loose means relaxing his posture...though you seem not to have a stick up your ass."

"Maybe my stick is better hidden." Bucky deadpanned. He really liked her sarcasm, reminded him of how he used to be...

"Oh! Sexy grandpa's got jokes!" Zoe was pleasantly surprised, and also horrified that she just called The Winter Soldier a sexy grandpa.

"Hey, nuh uh, no sexy grandpa shit! So gross! And no Steve bashing, come on!" Sam yelled. "Don't mind her, Buck...she's not exactly his biggest fan."

"Just because you lived to kiss his star-spangled ass doesn't mean everyone else did, Sam." Zoe hissed. She realized this was probably not the time or the place, considering his best friend was sitting ten feet away and felt like an asshole. Before she could try to apologize, Sam was all over it.

"Whoa whoa whoa, can we dial it back a bit?! Whatever you did to piss him off has nothing to do with me, okay?" Sam yelled defensively. "You need to chill on the animosity! I am not the enemy here!"

"Whatever I did?! Don't you dare give me that Saint Steve shit!..." she yelled back, then caught herself. "No, you're right." Zoe sighed. "I'm sorry, both of you, I shouldn't speak ill of the self-righteous old bastard..."

"Zoe!?!" Sam yelled. "Look, I know you don't wanna tell me what happened with you two, but I can't sit here and listen to you dump on the man's memory. Me and Barnes are his literal fucking legacy. You don't wanna let me in on this secret hate game of yours, fine. That's your choice." Sam took a breath and stood up. "But I can't be a part of whatever this is. Good night, Z, Bucky. I'll see you two in the morning." He headed upstairs to his room.

"Guess that's my cue..." Bucky shrugged and headed towards his room on the main floor. He was not expecting the evening to devolve so quickly.

"Sorry you had to witness that. Unfinished business...Good night, James." Zoe's shoulders slumped as she headed to the stairs. "Sorry again."

"Don't worry about it...you're not alone on the unfinished business. Good night, Zoe. Thanks for a good day." Bucky smiled shyly and disappeared behind his door. What happened to make her so hostile towards Steve he wondered?

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