5. Breakfast & Bangers

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Sam woke up to the smell of food. He smiled as he brushed his teeth, hearing what he knew to be Zoe's "Sam Jams" playlist coming from downstairs. As he made his way down to the kitchen, he laughed as he heard Zoe singing along with A Tribe Called Quest as she cooked.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Sam chirped. "Apology pancakes? My favorite!"

"Shut up, jerk!" Zoe flung a finger full of batter at him. "Okay, fine, I let my personal shit get to me and I'm sorry." She sighed. "You don't deserve that. I'm an asshole. Please accept these pancakes and hash browns as my penance." She bowed jokingly.

"Blueberry chocolate chip?" Sam raised an eyebrow. The sounds of Parliament filled the kitchen and he couldn't fight the grin forming.

"Of course, my birdman." Zoe said solemnly, trying not to smirk. "And there's turkey bacon in the oven, because I know that you muscle dudes need your protein."

"Damn right!" Sam chuckled. "Got any eggs? Me and the cyborg will decimate the pancakes before you can blink."

"Sure thing, but you're making them." Zoe relaxed. "You guys eat like there's no tomorrow! No wonder why Sarah has a hard time keeping up with you and the little guys!"

"She's just cranky cause she's severely outnumbered." Sam laughed. "She sends her best, by the way."

"Yeah, well, considering I talk to her more than I talk to you..." Zoe replied.

"Seriously, Z, I never got to thank you for checking in on them while I was gone. The boys don't shut up about you..." Sam smiled. "...you made sure my family was okay, I can't thank you enough."

"Sam, you're my family, so they're my family." Zoe hugged her friend. "it was such a strange time, I did the only thing I knew how to do, take care of whoever I had left. We had to look out for each other."

"I can't even imagine what you all went through, and I know you did your best." Sam kissed the top of her head. "I'm just so thankful I got my family back in one piece." His voice cracked.

"Hey! No sadness when Earth, Wind, and Fire is on!" Zoe pulled back and grabbed Sam's hands. Soon he was spinning her around the kitchen while they laughed hysterically.

Bucky came back from a run to see the old friends dancing and laughing. He smiled watching Sam have so much fun, glad he could be there to witness another good part of his friend's life. It reminded him of goofing off with Steve when they were young. He recognized the song as one from the 1970's that he heard around the Wilson house when he stayed with them in Louisiana. Interestingly enough, he didn't hate it...

"Hey, Terminator! Just in time!" Sam called out. "Zoe's making your favorite, pancakes! Don't worry, I got your protein fix covered." Pointing at the pan of eggs on the stove, Sam chuckled. "I know how princess needs his macros."

"Yeah, well, Princess needs a hose down first!" Zoe laughed as the sweaty super soldier passed through the kitchen, shaking his head while trying not to smile at her. He had to admit, he was having a really good time.

Stepping out of the shower, Bucky realized he forgot to bring fresh clothes into the bathroom with him. "Hey Sam? Can you grab me my bag?" He called from the bathroom.

No answer. Shit. Don't panic. You've got this. It's only a few steps from the bathroom to the guest room, hopefully no one would notice.

Just as he peeked his head out the door and stepped out, Zoe came in from getting more paper towels from the garage. "Jesus Christ, Barnes! Are all of you mother fuckers photoshopped?!" Zoe screamed and covered her eyes.

Sam walked through the front door carrying coffees, as apparently the coffee she had in the house wasn't high octane enough for the guys, and stopped when he saw a half-naked Bucky running from a visibly flustered Zoe. "What drama did I just miss?"

"Nothing, just your new partner trying to freakishly out-ab your old partner. What the hell do they feed you assholes?" Zoe shook her head and went back to finishing breakfast.

"Ha! Did someone see something they liked?" Sam teased, setting the drinks down. "You got a little drool on your chin there, Z..."

"Shut the fuck up, Samuel!" Zoe hissed back, feeling her ears turn red. "You know my rule, I don't like guys with racks bigger than mine."

"So what you're saying is I still have a chance?" Sam smirked.

"Fuck off!" Zoe snickered as she threw a dish towel at him. "Like you could handle all this crazy?"

"Promises, promises, Zoe..." Sam chuckled. "What's it been, a dozen years? And the closest thing we've ever had to a date was when you were my plus one to a Stark party? That ship has definitely sailed, old lady!"

"Is that hint of regret I hear?" Zoe teased. "Come on, Sam, you know you're gonna meet Halle Berry one of these days. You're mother fucking Captain America! Just knock on her door! She lives around here somewhere, right?"

"We talking 'Jungle Fever' Halle Berry or 'Catwoman'?" Sam raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Cause that suit was hot!" He laughed loudly.

"Have your people call her people. If you're gonna get shot at for a living, at least enjoy the perks. Did you learn nothing from Tony?" Zoe quipped. "Then again, you'd have to be in one place for more than a week at a time..."

Bucky listened to their conversation while he got dressed and made a mental note to google Halle Berry later. Zoe had a good point. Sam should find someone who makes him happy. Their jobs didn't make it easy, but it wasn't impossible. Tony had Pepper. Nat had Banner sometimes. Clint had his family. Hell, even Steve got to go back to Peggy. Sam was too great a guy to be alone, though he'd only admit that sentiment under threat of torture. He wondered why Zoe didn't seem interested in Sam the way he was obviously interested in her. And why was he not-so-secretly relieved by this?

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