Chapter 11: Trick or Treat, Freak

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 I woke up to the sound of my alarm and enthusiastically turned it off as I remembered what day it was. It was Halloween! I had gotten up early to make sure I got my costume perfect. The boys were going as the Ghostbusters; I was going to dress up as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

Once I finished getting my costume on, I dashed down the stairs. It was a little difficult going down the stairs in such a bulky costume, but I managed. I found Steve in the kitchen making toast and twirled in my costume.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"You look ridiculous," Steve blankly stated. I let out an annoyed sigh, causing Steve to chuckle a little bit.

"I'm kidding of course," He clarified, "You're still staying the night at Dustin's tonight, right?"

"Yeah, go ahead and get drunk and stay out 'till midnight, live your best life, Steve Harrington. Oh yeah, and use protection!"


"Just stating the facts!"

"Whatever. Come on, let's go." Steve handed me a piece of toast and we headed out to the car.

As I walked over to my friend group, I could tell that Mike and Lucas were arguing about something. Dustin and Will were awkwardly standing around, not sure of what they should do. Then, when Will saw me he had a relieved look on his face.

"Hey, guys! The Marshmallow Man is here!" Will shouted, interrupting Mike and Lucas's bickering. That's when I noticed Lucas and Mike were both Venkman, that's probably what caused the fight. Dustin, however, seemed preoccupied with something else.

"I said... the Marshmallow Man is here!" Will repeated, trying to catch Dustin's attention.

"Guys...." Dustin stuttered, "Why is no one else wearing costumes?" We all looked around at the other kids, and sure enough, we were the only ones in costumes.

"Shit," I mumbled as the bell rang. We all headed inside the building, eliciting stares and whispered teasing from our fellow students.

"When do people make these decisions?" I asked.

"Everyone dressed up last year," Will noted.

"It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Just be cool," Lucas instructed.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" Some random kid teased. I gave him the finger and then headed to my first-period class.

Later that day, I spotted Dustin and Lucas talking to Max. So, naturally, I decided to eavesdrop.

"Okay, but um..." Dustin stuttered, "So, we were talking last night, and you're new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick-or-treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us." I held back laughter at Dustin's awkward comment. His discussion was especially funny considering I had already invited Max to come trick-or-treating with us yesterday.

"It'd be okay?" Max questioned Dustin's phrasing.

"Yeah. Our party's a democracy, the majority voted you could come," Dustin responded. I couldn't hold it anymore, I chuckled from behind them. Max spotted me and Lucas almost turned around.

"Didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you," Max sarcastically commented, getting Lucas to snap his focus back to her.

"We know where to get the full-sized candy bars," Dustin noted, "We figured you'd want in."

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