Chapter 27: Shit, We're in High School (In-Between)

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 I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. That day was the start of a new era, a new me. Or, at least I thought it would be. I dashed out of bed and scrambled to get my clothes on. I needed to look my best because that day, I was starting high school.

I grabbed my favorite mom jeans, a brightly colored sweater, and my worn-out converse. I brushed my teeth and my hair, making sure to get every little detail in place. I stared at myself in the mirror for a moment, debating whether or not to cover up the massive scar on my neck.

"Y/n, come on! You don't wanna be late on your first day," Steve called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted. I grabbed my backpack and then looked back at the mirror for a moment. It would be fine, right? Nobody would care about a scar some random freshman had, and if they did they would probably be intimidated. I dashed down the stairs and stood on the last step.

"How do I look?" I asked as I spun around. Steve sighed and shook his head.

"You look fine," Steve responded, "Your hair could use some Fawcett, though." I smacked him on the shoulder as we piled into the car. I anxiously picked at my fingernails as we pulled out of the driveway.

"You got this," Steve reassured me, "You're Y/n Harrington! You're my little sister. Everybody loves a Harrington."

"Well, mom didn't," I tone-deafly joked, "Sorry, I'm just really nervous."

"Don't be. You're gonna kick ass! You're like one of the two smartest people that I know, and the other one is your boyfriend. People can't kick the ass of someone who's a genius!"

"Yes, they can. You did!"

"I didn't beat people up in high school."

"I'm not talking about high school. I'm talking about the comms director from the Russian base."

"He was the director?"

"That's not the point, Steve!"

"Then, what is?"

"It's that I've seen enough movies to know that people aren't nice to people like me! I'm a nerd with trauma! Those are the exact people that get bullied in literally every high school movie."

"But those people aren't Y/n Harrington. Trust me, people are gonna love you." Steve pulled into the parking lot, "We're here." I took a few deep breaths before opening the car door.

"Knock 'em dead!" Steve encouraged. I gave him a thumbs up before shutting the car door and watching him drive away. Shit, it was actually happening. With all the crazy crap that had happened over the past few years, I didn't think I'd even get to high school. I thought I'd be dead in the Upside Down or locked away in a Russian prison before I got to that point in my life. But there I was, starting high school.

I saw dozens of people begin to flood into the school, and I panicked. I dashed towards the side of the school and pressed myself against the wall of the main building. I unzipped my bag and pulled out my walkie-talkie.

"Dusty, do you copy?" I whispered into the walkie, "I repeat. Dusty, do you copy?"

"I copy," Dustin responded, "Are you here?"

"Yeah, I uh... what's your twenty?"

"I'm at my locker with Mike, Lucas, and Max. Is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah, absolutely, one hundred percent. I just... I'll explain in person. What locker number do you have?"

"Locker number two twenty-seven."

Always Be There For You ~ Dustin Henderson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now