Chapter 19: Y/n, Do you Copy? (S3)

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A/N: For the next six chapters (including this one) consider the following trigger warnings.

TW: Kidnapping, physical violence


 Being kidnapped by Russians was not easy. The only way I was able to keep track of the days was by watching the guards change shift schedules. They had beaten me every day to get me to spit out information, but after a few days, the Russians and I both knew we were getting nowhere. So, I struck up a deal. Every day I would give them a piece of information, in exchange for food, paper, and pens.

I had been held captive for several weeks. I didn't know quite what day it was or how many days I had been held prisoner, but it was enough that getting back to counting was difficult. I heard a knock at my door and Ozerov entered. Normally, he would give me my breakfast and we would talk, but that day he didn't have food.

"Come," He instructed. I hopped off of my bed and stood up. He grabbed me by the shoulder and led me out of my cell. This was the first time I had seen beyond the tiny little window in my door. He and I sat down in a small, red cart, and he whispered something in Russian to the driver. We drove down a long, blue and gray, metal corridor. It looked like we were in some sort of futuristic bunker, well, we kind of were. After a few minutes of driving, we stopped in front of a large entryway to a cafeteria.

"Спасибо," Ozerov told the driver, before guiding me off of the cart. An armed guard followed us into the cafeteria. There were dozens of tables in the room, all of which were completely empty, except for one. One of the tables had a plate with some pancakes and butter on it, and a glass of water. I smiled and sat down in front of the plate.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked Ozerov as he sat down across from me.

"I'll answer later," Ozerov replied, "First, you tell me what I need to know."

"Okay," I cut up a piece of my pancake, "So, last time I told you about The Mind Flayer, correct?"
"Yes, you told me that this... Mind Flayer creature is in charge," He responded. I took a bite of my pancake and nodded.

"The Mind Flayer is the brain of a hive mind that connects everything in the Upside Down," I explained, "That's your fact for today." Ozerov nodded.

"So, why am I here?" I questioned.

"You have given us good information. Mother Russia is proud," I scowled at his words, "In time, you will grow to love this great country."

"Sure," I replied sarcastically. I continued to eat my pancakes.

"The general has decided to start training you."

"Training me for what?"

"Assistance in our cause."

"You do realize you kidnapped and tortured me right?"

"Well, our goal was always to add you to our team. You've gained our trust."

"I don't even know your language."

"You will learn. But, Y/n, do you want to join us?" I thought about his proposal. If I said yes, I would be aiding the Russian government in an attempt to use the Upside Down as a weapon. If I said no, they would probably torture and kill me. So, there was only one option.


~3rd Person~

Dustin sat in the backseat of his mom's car. The entire time he was at camp he had been worried sick about Y/n, but now he was coming home. As he drove down streets near his house, he shouted into his walkie-talkie.

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