First Day

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You were peacefully sleeping until you heard your alarm go off. You slightly woke up just to hit the snooze button. A few minutes later, your mom came in your room shaking you awake.

"Y/N! Get up! Time for school."

"No. Five more minutes."

Your alarm went off again. This time, your mom clicked the 'off' button. She then took your blanket from you.

"Get up. Now!"


You then arose from your slumber rubbing your eyes. Your mom put your blanket back down.

"Make sure you hurry. I have breakfast out."

She then left your room. You walked over to your closet skimming through all of the clothes you had in it. You decided to wear a black semi crop top with a pair of ripped jeans and your usual converse. After dressing, you made your way downstairs.

"Here you go honey."

Your mom handed you your breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs. You quickly ate, then went to brush your teeth. After that, you grabbed your bag from beside the kitchen chair you were sitting at.



Your mom headed out the door before you. You sighed before walking out to the car. You got in and your mom started driving. She could tell something was wrong by the way you fidgeted with your fingers.


"A little bit. What if people don't like me?"

It was those 'first day, new school' jitters.

"Who couldn't love you?"

Your mom took your hand holding it.

"You're right. I'm just scared."

You then finally arrived. Your mom waved you goodbye before heading out. You sighed again and told yourself 'I got this' before walking in. You skimmed the halls seeing all these new faces. You could feel everyone's gaze on you as you passed them. You just pushed it off until you got to class. Sadly, a few minutes after the bell rang considering you got lost.

"Ah, look who decided to join. Don't worry about being late. Everyone, this is our new student."

Everyone was staring at you. You felt like they were judging you. You started to fumble with your fingers again and started crossing your arms over your body.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Uh, sure. Hi, I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you all."

You said your sentence with a little shake in your voice from how nervous you were.

"What is wrong with you?"


"No comments please. She's just nervous. Why don't you go take a seat next to Eddie. Raise your hand Eddie so Y/N knows where to go."

This boy all the way in the back raised his hand. That's all you saw. You then headed that way. On your way back, someone had tripped you.

"Sorry, I didn't know my foot was there."

He bursted out laughing along with everyone else. A kid then approached in your sight.

"Jason, knock it off."

A hand was held to your face. You took it politely. You looked up about to say 'thanks' but stopped. This tall boy with long, curly black hair and brown eyes was in front of you.

"Look at the freak standing up to someone."

"Real funny."

Eddie's gaze was on Jason for a second but then back at you.

"You just gonna keep staring?"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay."

He chuckled a little before taking your hand to lead you to the back of the class. After that, you got seated and class begun.

Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now