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The next morning, your mom woke you both up early. Eddie got up and went downstairs. You, however stayed in bed. After a few minutes, your mom came to your room to check up on you. She found you still in bed.

"Y/N, you have to get up."

You then rolled over to expose yourself.

"Mom, everything hurts."

You didn't say it in a complaining voice but just saying it.

"Oh hunny. Give me a second."

You nodded. You then got up to get dressed. It was the slowest dressing you've done. You got done in enough time before your mom could even make it back to your room.

"Here. Take this."

"What's wrong?"

"Poor baby woke up in pain."

"I swear I'm gonna kill Jason."

"Eddie, no. Plus, I kinda expected to wake up in pain."


Eddie rolled his eyes, knowing he couldn't kill Jason if he wanted to and the fact that you're holding him up from it as well. You took the tylenol. You guys didn't even eat breakfast that morning. You all piled in your moms car and drove to school. You got there and saw a few cars there. You recognized Jason's car since you've seen him showing it off before just to make himself seem cooler.

'Yep. Knew it'

You went silent and didn't say anything. Eddie then saw his car too and then realized why you were acting the way you were. Your mom, however, saw you guys acting weird and was confused. She parked the car and you guys got out. You walked through the doors and straight to the office. You walked through the office door seeing Jason, his friends, and you were assuming their parents along with some officers.

"Good morning."


"Please take a seat."

Then, Jason decided to open his mouth.

"Why is the freak here?"

"Jason, shut up."

He glared at you. It was the type of glare that he seemed somewhat offended that you spoke to him but also full of anger. You pushed it off. The nurse then spoke.

"So, from yesterday, Y/N said that you boys.. beat her. It's clear that she has been beat and we did look through the security cameras."

The boys then looked scared. Their parents gave them disappointing looks. All besides Jason's parents.

"That's not true! My boy would never hurt someone! He has the sweetest soul ever! That's just makeup!"

"Well, let's look at the footage."

She then turned the screen where they could all see. Right there, it showed Jason and his friends beating you while also getting you fighting back. Then came the scene where he punched you one last time. You stared at it in envy. The other parents looked angry, your mom shocked and Eddie angrier than ever.

Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now