The Cafeteria

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After your first class, you only had a couple more before lunch. When lunch finally came around, you made your way there. When you entered, Jason immediately saw you.

"Hey guys, look. It's the newbie. Can't even say a word without screwing up."

You just stared at him. You hated how he treated you.

'Well, mom was wrong'

You just kept walking until he, once again, tripped you. The entire cafeteria was laughing at you. Or at least the people that saw.

"Wow. Do you really not watch where you walk? Or can you just not pick up your feet?"

You felt something on your face that was now dripping on the floor. You wiped your nose to find blood. The basketball team laughed at you when they saw the line of blood from your face. You wiped it away. You were about to run away until you heard a familiar voice.

"Y/N! Sit over here!"

It was Eddie standing on the table, waving his arms in the air. You slightly smiled. He had only noticed Jason bullying you when Dustin said something. You quickly headed over to their table. Eddie pulled a chair out for you right next to him.

"Here sweetheart."

He gave you a napkin to wipe your nose with. From across the room, you could see Jason and his friends pointing and laughing. You just ignored it.

"Hey. Do you want me to deal with them?"

"Uh, no. It's fine."

You faked a smile at him. He wasn't buying it but decided to let it go.

"Boys, this is Y/N. She's new here so be nice. Don't be a Jason."

He glanced over at him. You were looking at the boys around you, seeing they were all wearing the same shirt.


"Oh, it's my D&D club. This is our table. We're known as the freaks."

"Is that why Jason called you that earlier?"

"It sure is. We're known as freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But-"

Eddie then got up on the table. You giggled as you watched him walk.

"As long as your into band, or science.."

He then made a funny voice.

"Or parties.."

He then cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"

You giggled when he yelled. You saw Jason stand up.

"You want something freak?"

Eddie then put his fingers to his head and stuck his tongue out making a demon look. You then saw Jason just turn around. You kept giggling after that. Eddie smiled knowing he made you laugh. He got off of the table and sat back down.

"Hey Eddie."

A kid started.

"Uh, me and Mike were talking.. you know, shooting the shit.. and we were thinking about.. postponing the game tonight."

"Postpone!? You want to postpone.. the cult of vecna!?"

"Lucas will be at his..balls in laundry baskets game."

"So Sinclair was taken in by the dark side?"

"Something like that."

Eddie then threw pretzels at the boys.

"Something like that!? Just find a sub for Sinclair."

"They'll all be at the championship game."

"Oh, it's the championship game?"


Eddie just shook his head. He then looked over at you. You were just giggling away at the scene you were seeing between the boys.


You stopped laughing when you heard your name.


"Do you know how to play D&D?"

"Kind of."

Eddie then smiled and looked at the boys.

"We have Sinclair's sub. No postponing today."

"Wait, what?"

You weren't really paying attention.

"Tonight, we have our special D&D game. It's the campaign. Sinclair will be at his championship game for basketball. So, if you don't mind sweetheart, you'll be his replacement."

"Uh, yeah, I'd love to!"

He smiled. Then, just like that, lunch was over. Before you left, Eddie tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hey, meet me in the woods after school."


You didn't bother to ask. You went on with the rest of your day, which still didn't go too good. You were being bullied by many because the famous captain of the basketball team was bullying you, so everyone else had to join in with him. Finally, school let out and you made your way to the woods. You walked through, eventually finding an empty bench to sit at and wait for him.

Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now