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First day in a new city?

Most people are nervous wrecks. After all you leave everything you have ever known behind at your old city and for whatever reason, are now standing in a brand new place, surrounded by brand new people and breathing brand new air. Who wouldn't lose their minds? But there are some people, let's call them adventurists who take thrills in these situations. Optimistic, if you will, always seeing the bright side of every situation they are thrown into.

Jimin however, falls in a third category. The in-betweens, who are neither trembling with fear or exhilarating with hormones at the opportunity presented. He is, in one word, okay. Okay, that his parents decided to cut ties with him and throw him out because he was a trouble maker who was fresh out of college with no job and even worse, gay as his parents pointed out. How being gay and loving someone your own gender a bigger problem then, pranking your neighbors, Jimin will never understand. They conditioned that if he managed to stand up on his own two feet by sustaining himself with a well paying job and get out of his 'gay phase', they might just consider taking him in.

Boy, are they in for a disappointment, he thought.

So, here he was. 24, pathetically single, gay and away from family, by force of course and in a brand new city, all by himself. Well not quite by himself, per se. His older cousin did decide to help him through his rough patch. Min Yoongi is his name. He is 28 and is currently renting an apartment in the suburbs and working as at assistant at a music studio.

Jimin dragged himself to the address his cousin had texted, after getting off the bus. A heavy bag pack hanging off his back, making his shoulders droopy and a medium suitcase, the wheels of which are making a ear-piercing noise against the asphalt of the sidewalk as he searched for the address on his phone's navigation system. After a few minutes of angry glares from people, stopping and looking around, Jimin managed to reach the house he was looking for. Number 39. The house was okay, like the rest of everything in his life really. It was painted yellow at some point, it was now a dirty mustard. Three steps led up to the front porch. A shabby looking car parked at the driveway suggested his cousin was home.

He drags himself the rest of the way and up the stairs and knocks thrice on the door. An auburn colored boy in his late twenties opens the door with a sharp expression on his face. Sharp because Jimin doesn't know how to describe this weird facial expression. He looked neither delighted nor disgusted by his presence.

"H-hey Hyung", Jimin blurted out, after a new seconds of extremely awkward silence. He wasn't too sure if he should modulate his voice to sound excited to meet his cousin after such a long time and for helping him during his troubled time or sound somber because of his 'sharp' expression.

"Come on in", was the only answer he gets to his awkward greeting.

Jimin stumbles on the threshold as he made his way in with his heavy bags. He stops just a new steps away from the front door and looks over his shoulder in a kind of 'I-don't-know-if-I-am-invited' expression.

Yoongi walked up to him, scans him from the tip of his shoes to the top of his head for a few minutes, before pulling him into a bone crashing hug.

"How are you Minnie? Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?", he kept bombarding the extremely stunned younger, who stood stiffly, suddenly forgetting how hugs work.

"I am fine Hyung. Thanks for helping me through this. I will make myself useful", Jimin said genuinely, after they broke apart from the world's most embarrassing hug.

"Don't worry. We will get through this together. They will realize their mistake soon enough", Yoongi smiled.

"I may not be the most affectionate and talkative person, but people say I am a good listener. You can always come to me and I will help you in the best way I can", he added.

Jimin got teary eyed. Before he could bawl his eyes out, Yoongi sensed it and pulled Jimin by his hand and showed him to his room. It was upstairs, in the attic. The upper floor had its very own living room though it was considerably smaller than the main living space downstairs, a bathroom and a bedroom. The bedroom was medium sized. It had a queen bed which looked comfortable, a dresser, nightstand, a small walk in closet and a mirror. The most beautiful feature of the room? A skylight on the ceiling to one corner of the room.

"I figured, you did want your own space. We have two rooms downstairs for when I have people over. Make yourself comfortable Minnie." Yoongi was about to head out, when Jimin pulled at his arm.

"I will pay the rent and utilities as soon as I get a job. I am sorry for being such a burden."

"You're never a burden for me. We're family. Family sticks together", Yoongi smiles as he leaves.

If only his parents shared the same ideology.

Jimin sighed and sat down. He wasn't sure how his life will turn out in this new place. Will he be able to make a living for himself? Will his parents ever accept him back? Too many things were swirling around in his extremely tired head.

He rested his head on the pillow and the next second he had teleported to slumberland. His reality was soon about to be shaken up by the arrival of a certain someone. Is it for the better or for the worse? Only time will reveal. For now let it be shrouded in mystery.

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