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Three years later

"Hannah, no darling stop! You're going to hurt yourself", Jimin was panting as he chased the little girl around the dining table. He has been at it for what seems like forever.

"Stop me if you can!", the girl with her brunette hair tied together in a ponytail giggled as her little feet carried her towards the door leading to the studio. As she turned back over her shoulder to check on the position of her chaser she bumped into someone's leg.

"Uncle TaeTae", she hollered, looking up at her favorite human and making grabby hands. "Save me from uncle Mimi."

Taehyung nodded. Mission understood. He carefully wrapped his arms around the tiny girl who was now clinging to his chest and ran upstairs. Together they found a hiding spot behind the door of a bedroom, which they deemed "best hideout ever". Little did they know there plan was deemed to fail right from the very beginning because A, hiding behind the door kept the door ajar which was already suspicious because the doors are usually always closed and B, it was nearly impossible to keep Hannah quiet. Her vivid imagination spurted thousands of short and long stories all day.

"Gotcha!", Jimin jumped from behind the door and popped right in front of the uncle and his niece.

"Aaaahh...Not fair!", the girl's pout was at full functioning capacity.

"Not fair you say? Come here you little monster!", Jimin took the girl from Taehyung's arms and twirled her around and then tickled her all over. The room echoed with the loud and cheerful giggles of the little girl and Jimin. Taehyung stood a little away, staring fondly at his fiancé having the time of his life with his niece. Him and Hannah are joint at the hip. They did everything together, but it wasn't always the case.

Hannah has been part of the family for a year and a half now. She was adopted by Namjoon and Jin when she was a bubbling three year old. They had been looking for ways to adopt a child of their own right after their marriage a year and half ago (it was a beautiful July wedding with family and close friends) and when the opportunity presented itself, they immediately jumped right in. Hannah was the perfect addition to the family. Her laughter and silly stories filled the otherwise dull mahogany clad walls of the Kim residence.

When Jin had received the email that their adoption case was approved and they could bring the child home in a week, he had gone berserk. Namjoon took the brunt of it all because he was forced to undertake the responsibility of choosing a room for the child and then renovating it to meet the said child's need and imagination, in this case a pink princess themed room (it looked more like Jin's requirement than the child's because everyone knows the soft spot he has for all things pink and who can dare forget the hot pink interiors of the cafe).

Next step on the agenda was to baby proof the shit of the house. Any sharp edges like the corners of coffee table and dining table was immediately covered with thick pieces of plastic. All the electric sockets which were reachable were secured with insulating plugs. Much to everyone's utter dismay, Jin threw away all the snacks he deemed "unhealthy" and replaced them with "healthy and nutritious" ones. Although Jimin thinks they all taste the same, bland.

Taehyung created beautiful art pieces for the child's room in shades of pastels. There was a castle, a wishing well, pictures of animals and a cute girl holding a teddy bear to her chest. Jin was so moved by the paintings that he immediately commissioned Taehyung to do a few more pieces so that they can have a gallery wall.

Finally when the day arrived, Jin's panic attacks reached a whole new level. He constantly fussed over small details and chided anyone who so much as looked in his direction. Namjoon was extra clumsy due to his growing nervousness which cost four plates and a cup their lives. Jimin had to finally intervene. He shoved them in the car before the four of them drove to the adoption center.

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