Meteor Shower

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After Namjoon's confessions, him and Jimin made their way to the backyard where their entire stargazing setup was ready. Four chairs are arranged in a semi circle, facing towards the telescope which is tuned and already pointing at the beautiful night sky. Each chair has a cosy blanket to keep the occupant warm. Jin already wrapped up in his, while Taehyung was sitting on top of his.

Jin had warned Namjoon not to bring in the drinks, unless the backyard grass were suddenly craving something hot. So, Jimin carefully carried the tray of hot chocolate and Namjoon helped distributing, after adding marshmallows into each cup. They all got settled down, each person warm and cosy in their place.

Jimin pushed his chair closer to Taehyung's and observed him. Tae was intently looking at the sky and pointing at something or the other every now and than.

"What are you doing, my moon?", Jimin asked, curious as to what was going on in the younger's unique brain.

"N-northern star", Tae points at the brightest star in the sky.

"Is that the northern star TaeTae?"

"Y-yes. Also called P-Pole star", Tae stuttered out.

"Is that your favorite?", Jimin asked, looking at the younger fondly.

"TaeTae favorite", Tae confirmed.

"And why is that?"

"N-northern star stays. Always. Always right there ", Tae pinpointed the location and Jimin's heart tugged. He felt a sudden rush of emotions.

Poor baby. Always looking out for something constant in this ever changing world. He has been abandoned too many times.

"It's so beautiful. Can you show me something else?", Jimin tried to distract his own mind more than Taehyung.

"O-Orion's belt. Those three s-stars", Tae pointed at three stars twinkling in a straight line. Jimin had no idea how Tae knew so much about this.

"You're so smart my moon. How do you know so much? You like space?", Jimin was genuinely curious as to how Taehyung attained so much knowledge about the topic.

"N-no one friends with Tae-Tae. No one t-talk with Tae-Tae. Tae-Tae friends with stars and moon", Tae uttered the last word and pointed at himself, suddenly reminding that, that's his nickname too.

It would have triggered a round of chuckles. But Jimin's heart and head felt heavy as if gravity was working twice as hard on him. He got teary eyed and a lump grew in his throat which threatened to burst out.

No one wanted to talk to him? Or be friends with him? Why? Because he's different? Because he can't express himself or his emotions? Just because he needed a little extra patience, no one stopped by to help him? Are we living in a world of monsters pretending to be humans? Have we lost our hearts and souls to the devil? Does no one have a little love to spare?

As Jimin was drowning in his own reverie, Jin was chocking on his tears beside him. Namjoon looked somber, a hand holding on to Jin's. Tae was simply swaying back and forth in his chair, the fingers of his right hand fiddling and rubbing against his palm.

Jimin so badly wanted to pull his worried hands into his own. Maybe hug him till all his problems evaporates for good. He wanted to show the younger that the world isn't all bad because he cared for him. Maybe their relationship has no name and probably never will, but he still cares about him a lot. Jimin controlled himself.

"What are we TaeTae?", Jimin whispered to himself.

"It's begun", Namjoon suddenly called out. Jimin sighed, glad for the distraction.

The meteor shower has started.

Tae gasped when he looked up at the sky. "S-stars falling? Why?", he started fidgeting, uncomfortable at the thoughts of sky being empty of stars. Namjoon had to explain that they weren't actually stars but pieces of fiery rocks. It took a while, but in the end he was convinced or so they thought. No one will ever know for certain.

Jimin loved it though. Every second of it. It looked absolutely breathtaking as they hurled across the sky and illuminated like nature's very own fireworks. Namjoon focused the telescope and they took turns to witness the phenomenon from a closer perspective. It was surreal. Jimin has never experienced anything like this before. The shower continued for about ten minutes and the sky returned back to its usual darkness; interrupted by the twinkling of stars and other heavenly bodies.

They sat there for a while. Namjoon and Jin discussing about the sleeping arrangements. It was ultimately decided that Tae will sleep in his room because he can't sleep anywhere else. The rest of them will sleep in the living room using sleeping bags. Jimin wanted to be with Taehyung for the whole night, but he knew better than to ask. He knows how the younger hated changes in his routines. He would never feel comfortable with the older in his room.

After about an hour, they slowly started cleaning up the yard. Jin carried the trays and cups back to the kitchen to do the dishes. Namjoon was packing the telescope back in its box, while Jimin was folding the blankets. Taehyung had already left for his room.

Once the backyard was clean, they headed inside. Namjoon showed Jimin to one of the guest bedrooms to clean and change in PJs. By the time Jimin was done, the other two had already changed and were sitting on the couch with the TV on.

Jimin joined them. They watched a romcom movie. It was funny and had a good cast, but it wasn't enough to keep Jimin's mind from escaping back to a certain someone who might be asleep in his bedroom by now. They couldn't finish the movie though because everyone was dozing off at certain point. So they decided to just sleep. Jimin made himself comfortable in his sleeping bag. His was the one closest to the long couch, while Namjoon and Jin slept close to the fireplace.

Sleep didn't come easy to Jimin as he kept thinking about Taehyung. How he wished that if things would be any different, than he and Taehyung might have had a real sleepover where they could be up all night having fun and sleeping together in the same room, like how friends usually do. But things were not different and this was his harsh reality. Finally, he bored his mind enough to fall asleep.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, Jimin's throat felt scratchy because he was yet to recover from the flu completely. As he opened his eyes and decided to go to kitchen to grab a glass of water, he felt something tug. When he looked down at his hands, he gasped. Another pinky was wrapped around his.

He looked up to find Taehyung sleeping on the couch right beside his sleeping bag. His one hand dangling off the edge and secured tightly around Jimin's small pinky. He looked adorable with a big pout on his face and buried under a fluffy comforter.

Not so different after all. Jimin smiled and moved closer to the couch and tightened their tiny little bond. His throat can wait until tomorrow.


I am so soft for this VMIN. What's your favorite thing about the story so far?

Mine would be Tae's new habit of intertwining their pinkies. How cute is that!

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Also thank you ARMYs.💜
Can't believe this book has 100+ reads.

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