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It seemed that the week was dragging on and on to no end. The cafe was unusually crowded all through the week, leaving Jimin and all the other staff on their feet for almost the entire shift.

By the time friday arrived, Jimin's entire body was sore. He just wanted to crawl into his bed and hibernate till Monday. What sucked more than the crazy work schedules and workloads was not getting enough time with Taehyung. He had to work extra shifts because of the time he had missed his shifts when he was down with flu.

Everyday when Taehyung arrived with Namjoon, Jimin hardly had time to stop and chat. He just quickly greeted them, frantically served their order and rushed back inside. The younger did show his dissatisfaction by groaning and fidgeting more than usual, which forced an already swamped Jimin to drop everything and go console him.

Now, here he was sitting (or rather sprawled) on the couch of his living room shifting through channels on the TV. He hasn't even bothered to wash up and change out of his work clothes. His backpack was abandoned by the foot of the couch, which given Jimin's condition would likely stay there until Monday when he carries it to work again or until Yoongi decides to intervene and do the deed himself.

Jimin's phone buzzed. He checked the caller ID.

Yoongi Hyung calling...

"What Hyung?", Jimin groaned into the phone.

"Wow. That's a nice way to greet your Hyung you brat. What's up with you?", Yoongi asked.

"Sorry Hyung. Another busy shift. Didn't mean to take it out on you", Jimin apologized.

"It's okay Minnie. I understand. But I am afraid you can't rest for long", Yoongi whispered awkwardly.

"What? Why?!", Jimin sat up straight and almost yelled into the phone, surprising himself.

"We are having guests over. And it might probably turn into a sleepover", Yoongi was now whispering into the phone, too afraid of the other's reaction.

"Don't worry. We don't have to cook, I will order takeouts", he added quickly, trying to diffuse the situation.

Jimin sighed, he knows how hard Yoongi works too. He sometimes comes home late and checks up on him. He even finds time to cook for them and takes Jimin to work on most morning. The least he has do is make his Hyung happy and that what he plans on doing.

"Sure Hyung. I am okay with it. What time?", Jimin tried to make his voice sound cheerful and it worked.

"Really? You're okay with it?", Yoongi genuinely sounded surprised. He expected a negative reaction.

"Of course Hyung. Work will go on and on. We can't just stop socializing now, can we? Besides a sleepover sounds wonderful", this time Jimin smiled and Yoongi's voice cheered up too.

"I will start cleaning up around the house, you get the drinks. Then we can order once everyone is here", Jimin said, already picking up his backpack and heading upstairs.

He dusted the living room, did some dirty dishes and cleaned up the dining table. After about 30 minutes, he was satisfied with how the house looked and headed upstairs again to take a shower.

After taking a warm and rather long shower, he felt revitalized. He pulled out a black jeans and paired it with a casual buttoned down yellow shirt. He checked himself in the mirror and approved of his look. Although he did think of adding accessories like rings and bracelets, he was too lazy.

By the time he headed downstairs, the doorbell chimes. Jimin straightened himself up, uttered a quick "You can do this Park Jimin" and opened the door.

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