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September has arrived.

Winter was fast approaching. You could already feel it in the cool tingle of the air after sundown. Half of the year has already gone by.

Sometimes Jimin can't believe it's already been four months that he has been here. He has adjusted and settled in well, he would say and made such strong bonds with some amazing people that will probably last a lifetime.

He was always grateful for his cousin, his Yoongi Hyung ever since they were kids but now he was appreciative for the other five people in his life too.

Jin for employing him and constantly nagging him to improve his skills, to eat healthy and to take care of himself. Just like a mother would. Namjoon was like the father figure, the silent guardian. He would calmly advice him on different things. His care wasn't as vocal and aggressive as Jin's, but it was there, it was evident. Like that one time Namjoon suggested to start a savings account and set aside money for emergencies. Till then, Jimin had not thought of it and he is forever thankful for such a brilliant idea.

Hoseok was the much needed breathe of fresh air that everyone needed in their lives. His happy-go-lucky and charming personality always managed to put a smile on Jimin's face after a long tiring day at work. Also, Hoseok introduced him to dancing, which he is currently treating as a temporary hobby. Deep down he knows, dance will soon turn into a passion just like literature.

Jungkook is just Jungkook. Though his curiosity and constant urge to bombard Jimin with useless questions gets on his nerves, he still enjoys his company. Jungkook brings out the kid in him and he indulges in it.

Finally, how should he begin talking about the guy who owns his heart now? Taehyung, the curly haired brunette who charmed his way into Jimin's heart simply by being himself. His innocence and simplicity sets him apart from the rest of the world. Sometimes all Jimin wants to do is wrap him in a warm blanket and protect him from the world.

Life has been beautiful and he is filled with gratitude.


Namjoon's birthday is in two days and everyone is buzzing. They have decided to throw him a surprise birthday party and buy him a gift. They have all pitched in money except Jungkook (Jin refused to accept money from 'the kid' much to Jungkook's disappointment). Jin says that he has a surprise of his own which will be revealed on that day.

They were trying to act as normal as possible but Namjoon suspected that the group was up to no good when he saw Jungkook bursting into a fit of giggles when the older asked him for a glass of soda.

"TaeTae? Have you thought of something?", Jimin asks, turning to face Taehyung. They were both sitting in a park bench near the Kim residence.

"W-what?", Tae asked, staring at the horizon and fiddling with his fingers.

"For Namjoon Hyung's birthday silly", Jimin smiled.

"I d-don't know", Tae looked confused.

"What does Joonie Hyung like?", Jimin was curious. Maybe asking Taehyung will give them a hint as to what to buy for him.

"M-music", Tae stated simply.


"R-reading. B-books. S-stories".

"That sounds amazing", Jimin smiled genuinely. Namjoon was a very creative and learned person.

"Ji-min birthday?", Tae asked, now staring at his feet.

"October 13, 1995", Jimin smiled brightly.

"D-December 30, 95", Tae spoke, pointing at his chest.

"I know TaeTae, I know. And that would make me your Hyung", Jimin laughed, throwing his head back in the process.

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