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"TaeTae wants you in bed"

"Say what now?!"

Jimin's eyes threatened to pop right out of their sockets. Did he hear Taehyung right?

"B-bed TaeTae?", Jimin stuttered out, too stunned to create proper coherent sentences.

"Y-yes", Tae stated matter of factly. He was about to shut the door to the bathroom when Jimin leapt from his place on the bed and stopped him.

"Wait! TaeTae, you gotta tell me what you mean?", Jimin asked. He couldn't wait a second longer. His heart was threatening to escape its cage at any moment now.

"C-cuddles Minnie. TaeTae liked your cuddles last night", Tae spoke, pointing at his own chest.

"Oh. Oh. I see. So, um. That's what you meant?", Jimin was too embarrassed thinking that his mind processed Taehyung's words differently.

How could he be so stupid? Wait, but does this mean that deep down he was ready to take their relationship to the next level? Would their relationship ever reach that level of comfort? Will Taehyung ever want him that way?

Tae started bobbing his head to the side. "Did TaeTae say something wrong Minnie? Minnie seems lost?", he asked, looking confused.

"Aah! No. Of course not TaeTae. I am not lost. I was just thinking about getting to Jin Hyung's place as soon as we can. We're already quite late. Go on, be done quickly okay?", Jimin pushed the younger inside and shut the door behind him. Then he let go of a deep sigh, glad that he was able to avoid the disaster of a conversation for now.

It didn't take them long to get ready and be on their way. They made sure to take the cake and Taehyung's sketch with them. Yoongi had texted earlier that him and Hoseok had managed to buy Namjoon's present and had already carried it with them to Jin's place.


"Took you guys long enough?", Jin opened the door to a very guilty looking Jimin and Taehyung who both hung their heads low.

"S-sorry Hyung. We woke up late", Jimin whispered softly.

"Don't be silly. Come on in. Everyone else is already here", Jin side stepped to allow them to get inside.

Jin was right. Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon were sitting on the couch with a drink in each of their hands talking loudly about something and laughing. Jungkook was sipping on what appeared to be orange juice with a pout on his face.

Jimin put the cake in the kitchen and made his way to the living room, Taehyung trailing right behind him.

"Happy birthday Joon Hyung!", Jimin greeted the older with a warm hug.

"Aah. Thanks Min! Means a lot", Namjoon returned the hug with equal warmness.

Taehyung stepped forward. He stood awkwardly at first, looking down at his feet and fidgeting with his fingers. Then he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his brother. Namjoon didn't move a muscle. He was thunderstruck at his brother's action. They rarely hugged.

Namjoon was a little taller than Taehyung. So when they embraced, the younger very gently placed his head on the older's chest. Namjoon was reduced to tears. Everyone in the room grew radio silent. He wrapped his hands around Tae's neck and ruffled his hair. The older brother put his nose in the younger's curly brunette hair and inhaled deeply. He wasn't a physical person, but every now and then he wished they both could be a little more affectionate towards each other. After all they are the only family they have.

"H-Hyungie?", Tae asked, his head still resting softly on his brother's chest.

"Yes baby?", Namjoon whispered as he continued to card his hands through Tae's hair. Tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.

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