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A year and half ago

"Minnie, did you talk to the decorator?"

"I did Hyung. I explained all your requirements!"

"Yoongi, how's the entry track for when we walk down the aisle coming along?"

"Fine Hyung"

"Hoseok, the cake? Did you explain-"

"Hyung, can you take a breather and allow us all to live a little? Gosh, it's like being around a bratty teenager. Calm the fuck down. Everything already checks out on the to-do list", Hoseok who is usually all smiles and laughter was fuming at the moment, hands on his hips and chest heaving.

With the wedding in about two weeks time, Jin has finally lost touch with reality. Everyday he rises with the sun, screaming orders and frantically going through his to-do lists a thousands times. Namjoon, bless his poor soul, takes the brunt of it all, doing everything he can to appease the insatiable monster in Jin. But two days in, he has given up, deeming the job as "an impossible feat for anyone, dead or alive". Taehyung was the only one who was able to break through Jin's crazies.

One day, after a heated argument with the event manager about flower arrangements, Jin was sitting at the dining table. His face resting in the palm of his hands and a steaming cup of untouched coffee sitting in front of him. The veins in his temple thrumming from the mental pressure exerted and giving him a massive headache. No one was there to console him. Namjoon was out printing invitation cards and Jimin was managing the cafe. Suddenly the weight of his solitude along with the building pressure of having the perfect wedding with the man who has his heart and soul, came crashing down on him. First it was one tear, then two and before he knew it, he was breathlessly sobbing. The mahogany clad walls of the Kim residence reverberated with the echoes of his helpless cries.

Little did he know that he was not home alone. Taehyung was taking a nap upstairs in his bedroom when he heard wails coming from downstairs. Tiptoeing down, he stopped and peeped into the dining area. He noticed Jin with his head buried in his hands and body trembling. After a while, Jin lifted his face and wiped his tears with the back of his hands and tried to steady himself. For a minute, it seemed as if he had reined in his feelings until he fell apart and his fragile emotional state shattered all over again.

Slowly, Taehyung walked upto Jin. The older was so self immersed in his sobbing that he couldn't see nor hear the younger until he was standing right next to him. Through tears in his eyes, he looked up to meet his gaze with that of hazel doe eyes looking down at him.

"J-jin Hyung-g, are you sad?", Tae asked softly.

That made him all the more upset and before he knew it, he was breaking down again. Hot tears came streaming down the corner of his eyes as he bit on his lip to prevent himself from sobbing for god knows how many times since early afternoon. He managed to frantically nod to let Taehyung know that he was doing just fine.

Everyone knows that Taehyung struggles with emotions, expressing his own and understanding others as well. He was mocked as being "emotionally crippled" because of this. Jin didn't expect Taehyung to understand his messy emotional state, heck he himself didn't understand what was wrong with his head and why everything little trivial thing was making him so upset.

Taehyung raised his hand and ever so gently placed it on Jin's head. Before the older could figure out, Taehyung was ruffling his hair, so softly that it felt like a warm gust of wind on a cold winter night.

"H-hugs and kisses from TaeTae?", Tae suggested hopefully.

Jin was looking up at the younger, dumbfounded. Was this Taehyung's attempt at consoling him? He simply nodded his head in response.

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