The End

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Every square inch of the space screams opulence. The tables have been decorated in beautiful ivory covers and topped with golden dishes and a lovely centrepiece of fresh peonies. An antique crystal chandelier which looked it was star spotted from the Victorian Era refracted light, casting tiny rainbow beams throughout the grand space.

Guests have been arriving in steady streams and are being greeted by a very enthusiastic Hoseok and a please-just-get-me-out-of-here Yoongi, both dressed to the nines in lovely suits.

Behind the hustle and bustle of the convention hall crowded with guests, there is a room just off the small hallway to the right. Inside it, an absolutely mortified Jin is pacing back and forth blabbering to himself and occasionally rubbing his temples. And a pretty relaxed Jungkook, who after multiple attempts of consoling the elder has given up altogether and is now indulging himself in some war game on his phone.

Amongst the chaos, sitting on a teakwood chair with intricate carvings is the slightly nervous bride. She looks splendid in her ivory ballgown style wedding gown with a sweetheart neckline and crystals all over it. Her hair has been pulled into a carefully arranged messy bun look with a dainty little pearl clip is loosely holding a fringe of hair. She looks regal, with the way she carries herself, her posture straight and head held high, like she is a princess of a kingdom unknown. Yet, she appears sad and anxious, evident from the way she fiddles with her engagement ring.

"Uncle Jinnie", she turns around and nervously calls to a now frantic Jin.

"Ah, yes baby?", Jin is startled but composes himself before he walks up to her.

"I want dada please", she insists, like her life depends on it.

"Oh baby, he is busy with the arrangements. You know how they won't let me go near anything because apparently, I go overboard. Like, what does that even mean? Now, one can never be too prepared if you ask me. I-", Jin rambled on until he was stopped by Jungkook's fake coughing.

"Jeez, Hyung. Calm down, will you? You're scaring the poor girl on the day of her wedding", Jungkook looks up from the screen and deadpans.

"The girl wants her dad. Just give him a call and let her have what she wants", Jungkook winks at her and she winks back.

Thank you Uncle Kook, she mumbles under her breath.

Anytime kid, he whispers back.

Jin glares at Jungkook for one solid minute and proceeds to pull his phone out. He talks for a few minutes and hangs up, walks up to where Jungkook is sitting and lifts him up by his arm and drags him towards the door.

"Hyung! What-?", Jungkook stumbles as he is pulled against his will.

"He will be here in a minute, let's give the two privacy. You'll be okay baby?", Jin gives her a worried look, but she nods and smiles back.

As she waits and continues to fidget and rub her fingers, the door clicks open. Immediately her face lights up to a thousand watt.

"Dada", she is already on her way to the door and throwing herself into his arms.

"Mimi", Taehyung whispers, as he catches the girl and pulls her against his chest. He gently rubs the back of her head, taking proper care so as not to ruin her hairdo.

"Dada, I am nervous", she pulls out of the hug and looks him in the eye, her own ones misty.

"W-why nervous? You not happy?", Taehyung asks worriedly, cupping her cheeks in his huge hands.

"It's just that. What if our love is not like yours and Dad's. What if we fight and separate? What if he thinks I am not the right one for him?", she is on the verge of tears now.

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