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The first day at his first job went quite smoothly. Jimin had envisioned at least one mishap like spilling drinks or tripping and dropping the whole tray of food on one of the customers, given his clumsiness and bad luck. Nothing of that sort happened, thank God.

But the encounter with the two brothers, left quite the impression on him. The younger brother in particular. Even if he didn't make any attempt to talk or even look at him for that matter, Jimin would still like to get to know him. He wasn't so bad looking himself. Back in his home town, he was quite the popular kid. Sure it was because of his association with mischief, but people usually approached him.

Maybe I have an unapproachable face and I haven't yet realized? He stared at the mirror hanging on the opposite side of the wall from his bed. Yup, my chubby cheeks don't make me look threatening or worse, boring, he asked himself while squeezing his cheeks.

After his self-inquiry session, he sighed and pushed himself off the bed. Cleaning up, he went downstairs to help make dinner with his cousin.

Yoongi was already chopping vegetables by the time Jimin went over.

"How was your first day Minnie? Jin Hyung didn't trouble you?", he asked without shifting his gaze from the chopping board.

"It went fine. But you didn't warn me about the ridiculously bedazzled pink interiors? My eyes might have permanently acquired a pink filter, because everything looks slightly pink tinted now, even you!", Jimin rambled like a toddler, making Yoongi giggle.

"Yeah. Sorry not sorry. But I think it's going to stay with you for life, your new pink filter"

"Hyuuuung!", Jimin whined making Yoongi laugh out loud.

With help from Jimin, they were able to finish cooking faster. Well not that fast, because the younger was just hovering around asking questions about the usage of different ingredients and generally causing trouble.

As they were eating, Jimin couldn't help think about the brothers.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything"

"Do you know Namjoon Hyung and his brother?"

"Namjoon? Yes of course. He works at the studio with me and we have been good friends since we were kids. Why do you ask?"

"Well, he came by the cafe today along with his brother. I was just curious about them, that's all."

"Curious about Taehyungie you mean", Yoongi raised a brow and took a swig from his beer.

"Er. Y-yes? Should I not be?", Jimin asked, rubbing his nape.

"What do you want to know?"

"Why is he different?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jin Hyung said he's different. Even I felt something off about it, but I couldn't quite understand. So, why is he different?"

"He's on the autistic spectrum Minnie. He was diagnosed with ASD."

"I may sound stupid here, but what is that? Could you please elaborate?"

"I have known them both since we were kids really. Taehyungie was always different, distant, in his own world. We just all assumed that he was highly introverted  even more than me, and didn't like to socialize as much. But he was over-sensitive to smells and sounds, even sounds which might just be normal for us like school bell ringing, he couldn't bear it. He never made eye contact and hated physical touch.

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