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If fatigue had a different name, it would be Park Jimin.

Because every single muscle and bone in his body was sore. Even his veins threatened to pop off from having to pump blood at insane rates. Jimin doesn't remember the last time he had to toil this hard for anything. Since he woke with the sun this morning, he hasn't gotten a single moment to stop and breathe. There was just so much work to do. Not just for him, but the other five people associated were working non-stop to finish the job at hand.

It wasn't until late in the evening that the job could be deemed complete. Jimin threw himself in the couch with a loud groan. He was sweaty, sticky and too tired to do something about it. The only one who didn't break a sweat was Jungkook. The guy had way too stamina for a average 17 year old high schooler. Jin and Hoseok were complaining more than actually doing the job. Yoongi seemed to be the only one who was truly invested, the way he offered suggestions and redid certain things just to make everything more aesthetic. After 'almost' breaking five things, stumbling around and walking into stuff, Namjoon was ultimately vetoed off the task force. So, now he sat with his arms crossed over his chest and a big pout on his face on the art rest and pretended that the others did not exist.

Taehyung, who was busy in the art studio all day, walked out with his beige overalls smeared with different colored paints, his hands messy and a red streak across his left cheek and threw himself on Jimin, who groaned at first but then broke into the biggest grin when he found the younger sprawled over him. He giggled as he pulled Taehyung closer and kissed his cheeks. The younger hummed in response and made himself smaller to fit into his petite boyfriend's embrace.

"The deal's sealed with that kiss. No take backs Joon", Hoseok announced from his place on the floor, who he was reclining to Yoongi's side as they sat with their backs resting against the couch.

"No take backs indeed Hobah. Welcome to Kim Residence, Min and Jinnie", Namjoon stated in a comically serious tone, reminding everyone that he was still very much upset for not being included.

"Thank you my big baby", Jin walked over and cupped Namjoon's face and gave him a quick peck on the lips, making the younger blush. He tried to keep up his act, but failed miserably when heat continued soared to his cheeks, dusting them a lovely shade of pink.

"B-baby?", Tae asked Jimin with a pouty face, pointing at his own chest.

"You're my baby", Jimin giggled as he pinched his lover's cheeks. Your cuteness will be the death of me.

"M-Minnie", Tae whined. He had disentangled himself from Jimin and was now sitting beside him on the couch, with his arms wide open. Immediately Jimin froze, heat climbing rapidly from the deepest pit of his stomach to the apples of his cheeks. He knows exactly what Taehyung is asking of him.

"TaeTae, baby. No. Not now love", Jimin stuttered out. Just the thought alone was making his insides tingle. His cheeks now a deeper shade of crimson.

"M-Minnie", Tae whined again, this time emphasizing on each syllable for maximum effect. Jimin just closed his eyes and pretended he couldn't see his lover, who was sitting an inch apart.

"What's wrong you guys?", Jin asked, noticing a pout working at hundred percent capacity on Tae's face along with his constant whines and his arms, which were wide open and a very red Jimin with his eyes closed.

Hearing Jin, Jimin shut his eyes harder refusing to acknowledge anyone or the situation unfolding before his very eyes. Anyone looking at him without any context would think he was unwell, with the way he was still exponentially turning red. This can't be happening right now, he thought.

"Is something wrong Min?", Namjoon got up, and looked between the two of them. Now everyone was staring at them with wide eyes and quirked eyebrows, thoroughly confused.

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