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Jimin was still under the weather. A little better than yesterday but still a lot worse. Jin had given him three days off anyway, so he was relieved for a bit. Yoongi had to head to work earlier than usual. That means, he was all alone for the rest of the day with nothing better to do than be in his own company. Here comes the overthinking-till-you-have-depressed-yourself-to-the-core party. Fun!

Slowly, he made his way downstairs to put something in his empty stomach which has been growling for food for a while. But Jimin was just too lazy to pay attention to his own body. He grabbed himself a bowl of milk and a box of cereal and sat down on the couch and switched the TV on.

The news showed that there's going to be a meteor shower that would be clearly visible over the city tonight. This got him excited and super charged up. Jimin is a self proclaimed space enthusiast. He loves reading about the universe, space, planets, black holes, nebulas and spaceships. God, as cliche as it sounds, he wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid.

The news reporter announced that the city council has set up a star gazing site at one of the parks in the city for everyone who wanted to witness the meteor shower than night. To add to the spectacle, there will be a full moon tonight.

Full moon night?

Full moon.


A smile crept up Jimin's lips. He cupped his cheeks and realized his face was warm from blood rush and that he was grinning stupidly. Wow, just a split second thought of a certain curly haired boy with headphones has so much effect on me.

As quickly as the smile had crept up, it vanished too; replaced by a frown.

What does Taehyung mean to me? Why is he affecting me so much? What even is our relationship? Do we even qualify as friends? But when I asked Tae, he hesitated. Maybe we are not. Maybe we are not meant to be anything. But why does my heart hurt when I don't see him for a day?

Help me, Taehyung. Tell me what we are.

He was broken from his reverie when a sudden thought came to his mind. Maybe they should go and check out the meteor shower thing together. That would be fun right? Taehyung would want that?

He decided to give it a try. He pulled his phone out of his hoodie and called Namjoon.

"Hello Hyung! This is Jimin. I hope I didn't disturb you", Jimin said cheerfully, already excited about the prospect of going out with Taehyung.

"Hey Jiminie! Not at all. How are you feeling now? Better?", Jimin could sense the worry in his voice. He smiled, happy that the older was concerned for his well being. If only my parents did too, he thought.

"Oh. I am doing much better now. Hyung I was wondering, if Taehyung and I could go watch the meteor shower together. They have set up a watch party at the riverside park", he asked, hopeful.

"I don't know how to say this Jimin. I don't think Taehyung can go. For one, there's gonna be a lot of people and Tae hates gathering. Also, it gonna be late at night and I can't allow him to be out that late. I am truly sorry", Namjoon apologized profusely, feeling guilty for being the strict 'parent'.

"Oh. No Hyung. Don't apologize. I understand. I should have thought so too. Sorry. Don't mind me. I will hang up now. Take care!", he hung up quickly wanting to hide the utter disappointment in his voice. He didn't want to be sad and whiny like a kid who's been denied candy or screen time.

What was I thinking?

He took a deep breath and sighed, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes.

His phone started ringing again.

Namjoon Hyung calling.

"Jimin?", Namjoon called out from the other end.

"Ah. Yes Hyung?", Jimin felt stupid for hanging up the call abruptly.

"On second thoughts...", Namjoon took a pause and Jimin's heart raced.

"I remember my grandfather's old telescope being somewhere in the basement", he added, trying to bite his lips to control his giggles.

"Oh my god. Hyung! Seriously? Would you do that? You're the best Hyung in the whole entire world", Jimin screamed into the phone while jumping off the couch and dancing, probably damaging Namjoon's hearing ability in the process.

"Please don't tell Yoongi Hyung though", he added. Namjoon burst out laughing.

"It's like I have two kids to take care of now. Come over tonight. We will have dinner together and you can sleepover if you want too."

"Really? That might be a lot Hyung. I don't want to bother you."

"You will never bother me. See you in the evening!"

Just as Namjoon was about to hang up, Jimin interrupted him.

"Hyung? Sorry. But is Tae around? Can I say a quick hi?", Jimin spoke softly, feeling guilty.

"Of course", Namjoon yelled for Tae. After two minutes of silence, Jimin heard a humming sound from the other end.

"Is that my moon?", Jimin blushed as he spoke.

"M-moon", Tae's deep voice confirmed. Jimin chuckled imagining Tae pointing at himself as he called himself Moon. He loved this cute habit of his. Well, frankly he loved every single habit of his. He found everything about him endearing.

"Okay Moon. Do you want to watch the stars with me tonight?"


"Yes stars. In the night sky."

"Tae-Tae watch stars with MinMin"

Okay Taehyung, enough! Stop it. This is too much for my fragile heart. How can someone be this cute? MinMin? He gave me a nickname just like his? I want to throw him in prison because frankly being this cute is illegal. Or should be. Illegal or not, it is fatal. You're going to be the death of me TaeTae.

"MinMin. Is that my new name?", Jimin asked, after slapping himself to snap out of his daze.

"My MinMin", Tae said. Jimin grips his chest tight, afraid his heart will break out of its cage.

"Oh. So only you can call me that? No one else?"


"What if Namjoon Hyung wants to call me that?", Jimin joked.

"M-mine. No. No. M-mine", Tae got agitated and Jimin could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Okay. Sorry TaeTae. No one else can call me that. Only you."

"M-Mine. MinMin mine."

Where is the nearest tattoo parlor? I am going to tattoo that on my forehead. Or maybe I should climb atop a radio tower and scream it to the world. Just pull the trigger TaeTae, you're killing me. This is too much.

Jimin's face is already hot and tinted a deep crimson color.

"Okay TaeTae. All yours. Can I sleep at your place tonight? Hyung says I can?"

"H-Hyung say yes?", Tae asked.

"Yes. He said yes."

"Y-yes. Stay with Tae-Tae."

So cute. He wanted to confirm with his brother. Sweet.

"Okay TaeTae. Bye!"

"N-no. No bye. No. No bye!", Tae screamed from the other side.

"Okay okay. No bye TaeTae. I am sorry. We will see each other tonight, okay?"


Then he hung up. Jimin put the phone back in his pocket and thought about Tae's reaction.

He hated saying bye. Probably because too many people had walked out on him. It's really their loss.

Jimin snapped out of his train of thoughts. He is super excited. Because there's going to be two moons tonight. The big bright one in the night sky and his own personal Moon, shining by the strength of his sweet, sweet soul.

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