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Lance's POV

"I'm with you Lance, you can do this, I believe in you" Pidge's encouragements helped bolster my confidence and we marched through the dining room doors, unfortunately that feeling of confidence left  just as quickly as it came.

4 pairs of eyes turned as we entered, only a couple lingered the others turned away. I watched as Hunk rose from his seat and paced his way over to us, I didn't move as Hunk slid his arms around my body and engulfed me in a massive hug.

"Its so good to see you buddy, it's been days and I've been so worried about you, I heard about you actually being an Omega, and that you went into heat and then found out you were with Keith, he's been super supportive by the way, and we all want to be there for you too as we haven't been the best of friends towards you recently, I should've noticed earlier that something was wrong, I should've been there for you like the friend I always thought I was for you, and now here I am mumbling and rumbling at you and I should probably put you down now too, but what I am trying to say is that you're my friend, I love you like a brother and I want to be someone that you can count on and be there for you."

I could feel my own body relax in his hold as he continued to talk, there was something so endearing and relaxing that even after Hunk finding everything out he still continued to be exactly the same way towards me and in his 'Hunkish' worrying speech just wanting to be there for people, and in this case, for me. 

From what was free of my arms I tried to hug back "It's nice to know some things never change Hunk, and thank you, I love you too man."

This was the exact moment that Keith had decide to come through the doors, eyebrow raised at the scene and hearing those last words. Keith made a beeline straight for us as Hunk was still holding me in a tight hug, Pidge still clinging to my sleeve. "Why do I feel like I'm going to have to fight for your attention now?" His hands on his hips and a slight smirk resting on his pretty lips.

Hunk let out a little nervous laugh "Just wanting to make sure he knows he is loved no matter who he is." Now wearing that happy/proud smile that he does, I could already feel my Omega beaming with joy at being praised and n involuntary scent of happiness started to release into the air, I swear from the people I could see, all their shoulders dropped like they do when you finally relax. Did I cause that? I shouldn't have done that?! Should I?

The worry must've been evident on my face as Keith quickly draw me into an embrace.

"Don't worry, your scent is calming and relaxing. You're doing nothing wrong by showing you're happy, it is natural and we all want you to be able to feel and express yourself however you want. No repercussions ok?" His arms growing tighter on me to help prove his point. "Won't we everyone?" His purple eyes darting across the room. He must've felt me tense at the statement as his eyes drew back to me and let out one of his own calming scents which helped tremendously.

"He's right." Allura spoke from the across the room, one of the pair of eyes that had looked away. 

"Hunk spoke to both me and Coran properly about your human 2nd gender dynamics, and I must admit that when you all first joined us here I didn't truly comprehend how much of an integral part it is to each of you individually." Now her eyes looked up and met mine, her eyes full of sorrow and understanding.

"I apologise for being so harsh on you Lance, part of the qualities for being the Blue paladin is their fortitude and their potential and I was pushing you to become like the paladin before not the paladin that you are. And after learning of your 'Omega' status and how bad my words and actions were towards you I felt sick to my core, not that my actions were justified in the first place, but with this past week and what has occurred I feel like I understand you more and I will push myself to become a better leader for you and everyone else on this team."

I turned to Keith and gave him a quick nod before I walked over and engulfed Allura into her own tight hug. "Thank you Princess. Not for the apology but for seeing how you acted hurt others and wanting to do better, you're becoming such a great leader for Voltron and I'm sure your Papa would be proud, right Coran?" I could see our gorgeous man trying his best to hold back his tears during all of this and I couldn't just leave him there by him self, so of course I opened my arms to include him in our embrace and whispered kindly into his ear. "Thanks for being the best space Uncle ever." Lets just say that my shoulder came off with a noticeable wet patch from tears. 

I went back to stood between Keith and Pidge and they instinctively stood closer, Keith's arm around my waist, Pidge's hand gripping my sleeve again 'so much for not being clingy Pidgeon' I thought to my self. It felt safe and also weird that I was openly being an Omega and I could feel safe with people, not scared or worried that I might get attacked or shunned, so far everyone had been understanding, supportive and pretty much loving. I couldn't help the happy scent radiating off me and I think this in turn made the others feel safe and happy as Keith, Pidge and Hunk all smelled happy and loving too. 

The only person that hadn't spoken during all of this was still sitting quietly on his chair at the head of the table, face of deep thought plastered across his them not giving anything away. I could feel Keith's hold tighten on me as we all looked to Shiro as the last person to say something. 

We all held our breathes as he stood from his chair and slowly made his way slowly towards us with a face full of determination. 


I'm so sorry for not updating this in such a while!

Hope you like the new chapter

Kiki x

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