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Bear-san's Trials, Witnessed By Rojina-san.

Rojina-san's POV

The Bear-girl thrust the two knives that Ghazal had made into the center of the magic circle and poured her magic power into it.

[What's that?] Rojina

The magic circle shines dazzlingly. I've never seen a weapon made it glow like this before even with my creations. I glanced at Guildmaster next to me, who's just as surprised as I am.

While we were distracted by the light of the magic circle, I saw the ground rising up in front of the Bear-girl.

[Missy. Look ahead!] Rojina

When I warned her, she immediately pulled the knives out of the magic circle.

The soil creates a form, a humanoid form with a large body and it transformed into... A golem?

How could such an opponent come out on the first round against a knife! Though it's true, the knife that Ghazal made was a good one. While the Bear-girl's ability is good, it should only be the performance of the knives that would be judged. It is said that the magic circle examines the strength, weight, and sharpness of the weapons. And the amount of magic power added to the knives. From there, an analysis will be made and it will prepare a suitable test subject.

A golem is not the kind of trial that shows up on the first try, especially with the knives. When the golem swung its arm down to the ground, the shock made the ground quake.

I told her to run away, but the Bear-girl doesn't want to. So I have no choice but to advise her.

[Missy, that thing should be hardened by magic. If you attack it thinking that it's just a pile of dirt, it'll bounce back at you!] Rojina

The opponents that appear here are composed of magic power that has been stored for a year. The hardness is proportional to the magic power used.

I'm not sure if she heeded my advice, but she clenched her knife and started running towards the golem. She's fast in that hard-to-move bear outfit. In an instant, she closed the distance between her and the golem. The golem flailed its arms around, but she dodged those with ease.

Amazing. She's not scared? Even a grown man would be afraid to approach a golem. Moreover, to have the courage to get close to a golem wielding such a brutally, rugged arm? And yet, she's able to see right through it and dodge it effortlessly.

Normally, it would be terrifying just trying to approach that.

The Bear-girl dodged the golem's attack then slashed it several times with her knives. Her arms were moving so fast, I couldn't tell how many times she slashed it. When she stopped moving, the golem's arms and legs fell off. It's hardened by magic, you know! So it should not be soft enough to be cut so easily.

Then the bear-girl went behind the golem, which had lost its legs, then cut off its head. And just like that, the first trial was over.

[...Rojina, those knives were made by Ghazal, right?] Guildmaster

[Yeah, there's no doubt about it. But putting the knives' sharpness aside, it's that girl's ability which defeated the golem.] Rojina

If you ask me if I can do the same, there's no way that I can.

[I get that. Missy, she's making the most out of her knives.] Guildmaster

Even if you have the ability, a dull knife couldn't cut that golem. And even if you have a sharp knife, you can't cut that golem either if you don't know how to use it. It's no good if either the weaponsmith or the user is lacking the skill.

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