Blades of fire

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'When you killed the white walker almost all the dead that followed it fell... why?' Mormont asked jon

'Maybe he was the one that turned them?' jon pondered.

'Maybe if we go for the walkers we will stand a chance?' mormont suggested

'No we need to take him with us, we need to take him to dragon stone, Daenerys is our only chance.' Jon pointed to the captured white walker.

'There is another chance if we kill him if we kill the knight king we killed them all.' Chama suggested through chattering teeth seeing him standing tall above his army. He looked terrifying. He stared down at them, unmoving.

'The Lord brought you back, the Lord brought me back, did he do it to watch his freeze to death?' Beric asked jon.

'Careful Beric you lost your priest this is your last life' Sandor told him.

'The lord of light will guide us-' beric always the faithful servant.

'Everyone I've ever met has been a cunt. I don't see why the Lord of light would be any different.' Sandor told him, they stare down the night king he stood on the top perched high about everyone else watching them, waiting to attack. Sandor started throwing stones at the White Walkers hit one in the face

'Dumb cunt' he said throwing another, he threw another stone but it stayed on the surface on the ice, the ice didn't break, the walkers noticed. 'oh fuck' he said as the ones started to move closer to him a single white walker walking across the ice and then more started to walk seeing it was safe their swords and boots dragging across the ground.

'SANDOR!" chama shouted her and beric lite their swords quickly as they prepared. They were coming. They prepared for the worst. Swords and daggers and hammers and axes all being swung through the air all killing the white walkers Beric set his sword aflame again slicing them through the heart or their lack of heart. They were getting closer there was too many of them they were gonna die, too damn many. Closer and closer they got the harder they swung the harder they fight the smaller their little island of sanctuary became. The white walkers were getting the upper hand crashing down on top of them.

'Fall back' Jon shouted 'fall back' but where were they to fall back to? They were surrounded.

Tormond was being toppled. White walkers fell into a hole in the ice and where trying to drag him under. Sandor saved him killing the walkers and pulling tormund up. They lost a few men pulled under by the walkers eating them alive. They were going to die. Their spot of safety was gone. Chama was back to back with Beric, swinging flaming blades into walkers but there were to many. For every walker they took down, it seemed another hundred appeared.

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