Gingers like me

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'As soon as we heard of the wall falling I called all our men back... when can we expect your people to arrive?'

'We need more horses and wagons if it pleases my lady and my Lord. And my queen' the boy, Ned Umber added looking from Sansa to Jon to Daenerys.

'We will give you as many as we can spare'

'We need to send ravens to the night watch as well' Jon said

'Your Grace... But you're not are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a... I'm not sure what you are now a lord? Nothing at all?' a girl, Alys Karstark. Chama and sandor sat in the back, the lords and ladies bickering. While the extras, the soldiers, were eating and resting after a long journey from the capital to winterfell.

'That is not important' Jon told her

'Not important? We named you King in the north' she was just a girl but the men rallied behind her

'You did my lady it was the honor of my life and I will always be grateful for your faith but when I left Winterfell I told you we need to make allies or we will die. I have brought those allies home. I had a choice keep my crown or protect the north. I chose the north' he told them

'If anyone survived the war to come we will have Jon Snow to thank.' Tyrion told them moving around the long table. 'he risked his life to show us as a threat is real thanks to his courage we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen we have brought two full grown dragons and soon the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause' he added and there was an uproar 'I know I know our people have not been friends in the past' tyrion reminded them 'but we must fight together now or die.'

'May I ask how we are supposed to feed all of these armies, the dathraki and the unsullied and two full grown dragons?' sansa questioned 'What do dragons eat anyway?' Sansa questioned

'Whatever they want.' Dani told her smugly.


'Hey gendry,' chama said and he offered her a smile.

'I need you to make me a big fucking axe' sandor told him 'this big.' He held his hands out around Chama.

'Out of the dragon glass?' Gendry questioned

'Of course out of dragon glass you cunt what else?' He grumbled

'I would like your expertise as well but mine should not be that big.' Chama informed him. Gendry held out a blade for chama, she tested the weight swinging it around. 'very nice, I can keep this?' she questioned.

'all yours Red.' Gendry agreed.

'fast work... I'm impressed.' Chama said spinning the blade in her hand with expertise.

'thank you Chama, yours will take longer.' Gendry said his eyes drifting to sandor. He grumbled heading out.

'that's his way of saying thank you.' Chama informed him with a grin before chasing after him. 'I know a way we can spend the time.' Chama coed running up to him, wrapping her hand around his arm.

'that sexy little grin is going to get you in trouble.' Sandor warned her.

'I like trouble.' She informed him, pulling on his hand leading him back to the castle.


'It isn't easy making you an axe this big with dragon glass.' Gendry was telling sandor

'This will do fine' sandor said swinging it around, testing the weight.

'Wow... that's huge.' Chama noted. 'I knew you were skilled.' sandor swung his new axe in gendrys direction testing it.

'Leave him be.' Arya shouted.

'You left me to die' sandor reminded her.

'First I robbed you' arya reminded him.

'You are a cold little bitch aren't you? I guess that's why you are still alive.' Sandor told her walking away.

'you were bested by a child and a mammoth of a woman?' chama questioned sandor.

'Doesn't seem like a bad place to grow up if it wasn't so cold,' gendry offered, smiling over at arya, gesturing to winterfell.

'I agree gingers like me prefer the heat.' Chama purred before running off.

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