Your lord of light tell you that?

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'bad night to be outdoors.' Beric noted the wind whipped around them,

'you got powerful magic figure that out.' Sandor grumbled.

'Its snowing' thoros said bringing his horse up to them as well.

'Your fucking lord of light tell you that?' sandor grumbled. 'Its snowing outside thoros, its windy, its gonna be a cold night!' he barked.

'You are a grouchy old bear... you want some rum?" Beric offered.

'That shits too sweet' sandor said, looking back to a chattering chama. The falling snow thickly, snowflakes clinging to her eye lashes and falling down her face with every blink.

'Why are you always in such a foul mood?' Thoros questioned.

'Experience' sandor told them. 'whats wrong with her?' sandor questioned. Chama looked up from Cavall.

'she doesn't do well in the cold.' Thoros informed him.

'sucks for me, because winter in here.' Chama said bitterly she couldn't feel her fingers or toes, hell her whole body felt frozen and her teeth wouldnt stop chattering.

'you lot don't seem to be doing so bad?' sandor noted.

'chama claims she is made from fire, so the cold puts out her little light.' Beric informed him.

'its fucking cold! ' chama shouted, though frozen cheeks. 'any no-normal person would be freezing their asses off!' a shiver went through she spine and she shook out her head, snow falling from her vibrant hair to the ground. 'we are headed more north, if we don't die from walkers, I'm going to freeze to death getting there!' sandor stopped his horse as chamas caught up and he pulled his cloak off, throwing it over her shoulders. 'you need it-'

'take it.' Sandor told her. she was going to object again but she was already feeling better.

'th-thank you.' Chama said her lungs filling with cold air. Sandor grumbled a you're welcome before they kept going.

'This seems like a good place to spend the night' Thoros saw an old cabin ahead of them.

'Those people don't want us here' sandor said as he noticed the house. 'we should keep going...'

'No livestock no smoke coming from the chimney it seems to be abandoned to me.' beric told him.

'I don't like the look of it' sandor said keeping steady on top of the hill.

'For a big hard man you sure scare easy' Thoros laughed.

'I'm going in.' chama said riding ahead of them.

'I'll tell you what scares me all cocksuckers like you! you think you're going in with that top knot, total cunt.' Sandor spat and thoros touched the man bun on top of his head, chama smirked back hearing sandors comment, her cheeks freezing.

'he has a po-point about the hair do, Thoros!' chama called up to them.

'Come on maybe the ghost have some ale hidden away' beric offered.

They dismounted finding a dead family in the house a father and daughter.

'He probably didnt want his girl to suffer so he ended it for both of them' beric suggested.

'Doesnt matter now' sandor informed them.

'Doesnt matter now' beric confirmed. Quickly Thoros lite a fire and chama practically jumped in it. Her hands grazing the flames. Sandor watched in horror as the fire kissed her skin. 

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