She wept

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Dani pressed a kiss to mormonts head as he lay dead. While sansa cried over theons dead body. The number of dead were endless it seemed but they were still alive. They still lived to fight another day. Chama stepped forward standing over Beric, she pressed a kiss to his cold head.

'We are here to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters our fathers and mothers to our friends.' Jon declared 'our fellow men and women who set aside their differences together... together everyone in this world owes them a debt that will never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath they were the shield they guided the realms of men... And we shall never see their light again.' Everyone else stood silent paying respect to their fallen friends and family. A few men and women with torches stepped forward ready to set their friends a flame. Chama lit berics body aflame, letting the flame touch her skin, she captured the flame in her hand. She still had a purpose. The lord of light still wanted her to do something. She closed her fist around the flame. What a way to go. After all his preaching, him and thoros burned in the end. Chama thought she wanted to go out in a blaze of fire as well one day.

It was a rather silent feast they had won but they had also lost so many.

'Have you seen arya?' Gendry asked

'You can still smell the burning bodies and that is where your head is at?' sandor questioned him.

'I just want to thank her-'

'oh im sure you do.' Sandor grumbled, but his eyes went to chama.

'it's not about that-' gendry said

'Of course it's about that the dead or dead you're not.' Sandor reminded him. He got up to find arya but was stopped by the queen.

'Gendry... thats right isnt it?' dany asked

'Yes your grace' gendry said turning to her.

'Your Robert Baratheons son...' he nodded 'you realize he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered right?'

'I did not know he was my father until after he was dead' gendry told her.

'Yes. He is dead. His brothers are too, so who is Lord of storms end now?' she questioned.

'I don't know your grace' gendry admitted he hadn't thought about it.

'Does anyone? I think you should be the lord of storms end.' Dany told him

'I can't be. Im a bastard' he told her

'No you are lord gendry baretheon the lawful son of Robert Baratheon because that is what I have made you,' she told him and he stood speechless

'To the Lord Gendry Baratheon of storms End' Davos said and everyone stood up raising a glass to him

'Fitting reward for a hero' Tyrion told her 'clever giving him that position.'

'See you're not the only one that's clever' Daenerys told him

'I'm not really in the party mood.' Chama told sandor quietly standing from the table.

'do you want company-'

'ill see you tomorrow.' She told him walking out into the snow. She wept for her friends. 

Flame // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now