unfinished business

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'What the hell are you doing looking?' thoros asked as he came outside, sandor was digging in the freezing cold.

'Burying the dead,' the family that had died he was bearing them a grave out in the snow

'You knew these people?' thoros asked

'Not really...' It was the girl and the father who took them in for the night she had made rabbit stew... he offered him work... who he had stolen his silver from and said they wouldn't survive the winter and they left. They didn't survive. Sandor knew they wouldnt but it hurt all the same. Thoros started to help him dig.

'We asked the father to judge us with mercy we ask the mother to... fuck if I remember the rest...' Sandor said looking down at the grave. 'I'm sorry you're dead you deserve better... the both of you' sandor said over the freshly dug graves before heading back inside.

When sandor came in he sat down next to a still sleeping chama, he ran a cold hand against her leg. She shivered at touch, curling into a ball, waking up.

'Oh my goodness you're so cold.' she exclaimed laughing. Sandor just smiled down at her.

'pack up. Time to go.' Beric declared. Chama moaned out a no. 'yes, firefly, come now.' beric told her.

'my light has been extinguished! The snow does it. I'm not a snow fly.' She told him.

'move that sexy ass,' thoros called over to her.

So they headed off again and chama was chattering soon enough.

'hell, Cha Cha, youre making me cold just listening to you.' Thoros told her.

'n-not my fault!' she shouted back.

'lead Cabello.' Beric told Daryl, jumping from his horse. Chama stopped when beric got to her. he jumped up behind her, wrapping her up in his arms. She curled back into him. The body heat, however little it was helped. Sandor tried not to look at them as they rode but it was hard not to, chama flaming red hair kept catching his eye. She had told sandor her and beric were in the past but from the way he was holding onto her, it didn't seem like it. Beric nuzzled his face into her neck, she shivered his close cheek hitting her skin.

They kept getting deeper and deeper into the north, colder and colder and chama didn't think she was going to make it. She whole body felt numb she was sure she was going to lose a finger or two from frost bite. Definitely a few toes considering she couldn't even feel her legs, but beric kept riding with her, arms wrapped around her trying to keep her warm but she needed a real bed and a real fire, not a cave but she didn't see that happening. So night after night she curled up as close as she could, smashed between beric and thoros, not able to sleep her whole body shaking.

Sandor noticed her playing with the fire one night, a small cave, a crumbling roof, wish and snow rushing in on them but better then no protection at all. Chama seemed to catch the fire in her hands, bouncing it off her skin. Sandor watched her, he lay on his side but suddenly he was wide awake. Perhaps she was a fire priestess. He had heard of them before, people that could summon fire. She trapped the flame in her hand closing her fist around it. He watched her face and she smiled a sensation of warmth filling her arm. She did the same with the other hand.

'chama.' Sandor called over to her. 'what the fuck are you doing?' she picked at the fire, catching it in her hand again holding it out to him. 'that would be have nice when I got this.' He remarked. 'how you doing that?'

'don't know.' She admitted.

'you cant get burned?'

'I can. It just... takes more than this. This is controllable. This is... I feel like I have a purpose. That the lord of light has plans for me-' sandor rolled his eyes. '- I saw that.' chama said walking over to him. She squashed the flame in her hand again.

'good.' Sandor remarked he laid on his back he opened an arm for her and she lay next to him. He was pleasantly surprised.

'I know you don't believe but...'

'I don't not believe... not after what I saw in the flames.' Sandor admitted, wrapping a hand tighter around her.

'I feel like I have a purpose and once that purpose is fulfilled.... this, fire wielding... it will stop and the flames will eat me up.' Chama told him.

'that's dark.' Sandor remarked.

'I knew we would meet again.' Chama told him.

'you did say you would see me again.' Sandor recalled.

'I knew I would.' She confirmed.

'how?' he questioned softly into the night.

'a feeling... unfinished business.' Chama told him. 'do you have unfinished business sandor?'

Flame // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now