022 Leap Of Faith

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The look on Steve's face'll be engraved in her mind till the day she dies, she's sure of it. This is worse than when she broke her leg at soccer practice, worse than when she almost peed herself from watching The Thing with Robin, worse than when she got her period during a championship game and one of the basketball players had to tell her she had a stain on her skirt after she had performed in front of the entire school.

"I'm sorry," Laurie mumbles, eyes watering with such haste that her vision goes blurry in a matter of seconds. She doesn't want to cry, she's humiliated enough, but she can't think straight anymore so any ounce of self-respect she once had has now been thrown out the window.

"No, it's.." The sentence dies on Steve's tongue when his face turns a little green. "It's fine,"

It's the furthest from fine and Laurie knows that. There is no room to sugar coat it, they just had their first kiss and she threw up on him. How humiliating is that? To throw up on the boy you have a crush on? This is horrifying.

It doesn't help that the feelings of shame are coming in hot after she finally realises how quickly they skipped to second base - and how she would've let him go to third if things hadn't gone sour - and it makes her feel sick all over again. She's in dire need of a reality check because who the hell is she?

Laurie isn't given much time to wallow in her humiliation any longer because another wave of nausea washes over her, much quicker than the first. Hand flying to her mouth, Laurie shoves past Steve and rushes to the nearest bathroom stall and falls to her knees in a hurry, an action that'll most definitely leave bruises to tell the story tomorrow.

Her throat burns as she empties her stomach into the toilet bowl and her hands rapidly pull back her frizzy brunette mess of hair into a makeshift ponytail. She can feel the tightness in her chest constricting with every heave and the faint taste of salt seeps into her mouth from the tears that had fallen from the corners of her eyes.

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now