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It's been three weeks, six days, 5 hours, 24 minutes, and 17 seconds since I had been captured by the thugs. I was now able to stand and walk all on my own again with no help required. Honestly, having a limp had its advantages. Like when you're able to make Mikey feel bad for trying to hit you with a random water balloon. However, I am glad to be able to stand on my own again. My legs feel like jello for the most part, so I decide it would probably be best to stretch them. I slid off the bed, and sat on the ground. I then curled my legs to me in a pretzel shape, pushing my knees all the way down until they touched the floor.
After holding that position for around 20 seconds, I straightened out my legs and reached my arms as far forward as I could go, making sure my chest was flat against my thighs. Another 20 seconds pass by and I stand up, excited for being able to finally return to the surface. Of course I love it down here, but I need to run and stretch my legs.
I walked out of the spare bedroom and was greeted by the hilarious sight of Raph beating up Mikey with a wooden spoon, oCeceasionally making him squeal in pain. It almost made me feel guilty for trying to go back outside, but I needed to run so badly. But, what's the harm in wrestling with the guys? I chuckled darkly and made my way over to Raph and Mikey. I crouch down and crawl over to them. Little does anyone here know (except for April) that I was trained in martial arts since I was very young. But that makes me wonder why my instincts didn't kick in when I got abducted...
Anyways, I waited for the perfect moment before tackling Raph to the ground, sending him off guard. He looked at me as if I were some psychotic being from beyond the universe. I narrowed my eyes and Mikey laughed. "Dude, you better run! He's gonna get you!" He laughed and oh how terribly wrong he was. Now I could wrestle, and he was going to get payback for all the insults.
Raph lunged at me, yelling as he did so. I dodged his attack with ease. He narrowed his eyes on me. I will admit he was threatening, but I am better. I planted my foot and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of his movements.
Raph tried to throw me off guard by running behind me and trying to use this as a vulnerability for me. But as he came closer and closer, I lifted my arms, used my legs to bend down, and right as he jumped to tackle me, I sprang up and flipped him onto his back. He landed on the ground with a thump and I laughed, victorious.
He looked at me with a rather surprised look and only could say, "You are good." Master Splinter must have witnessed the entire event along with Leo because they both looked at each other and then back at me, eyes wide and jaws set. I eyed Raph as he stayed on the ground, still catching his breath. Donnie walked towards us and saw him on the ground with me standing over him. Everyone was staring at me, not saying a word.
Master Splinter shook off his stunned expression and also narrowed his eyes at me, a pondering look crossing his face. Leo ran to Raph and then let out a hearty laugh. "She got you, didn't she? Where'd you learn to spar like that?" He said, looking at me now. I took a step back, realizing what I had done. They all knew now that I could fight. But no, not could fight. I do fight, and I do it very well. Now they're going to wonder how and why. I can't tell them about my past. I looked around and sighed before going to my room, shutting the door behind me.
I didn't even realize I was showing my skills. I simply wanted to wrestle and it's like I was just overcome with pure instinct to fight. I couldn't control it. I brought my legs to my face and wrapped my arms around them. Why did everything always go wrong for me?
Splinter opened the door and quickly shut it behind him. "My child, what are you in here for? Why do you seem so distraught?" He asked. I looked up but did not dare to look him in the eyes. "Now you know I can fight." I said dryly. This only earned a sympathetic look from him. He placed a hand on my shoulder and told me to look at him, so I did.
"I only know of one other being with fighting abilities like the ones you demonstrated out there, his name has been bored into the people of this city. To many he goes by the Shredder." He said, a dark and dangerous look crossing his face. I looked down at my hands and clenched them into fists. "I was trained by a top tier sensei. I never knew his name, but he trained me and told me I was the most skilled and exceptional martial artist he had ever taught." I said, my eyes growing wide as Splinter continued to tell me what had happened to the brothers and himself because of Shredder, but also what had almost happened to the civilians of New York.
I heaved in and out by the end of the story and started to hate myself. I decided to do the one thing I swore I never would... To tell someone besides April about my painful past. "I have been training since I was two years old. My parents were firm believers in martial arts. But when I failed my final test, my mother was so disgusted with me, that she threw me out." I began to cry as I told him, and Splinter placed a hand on my shoulder.
"We must be at peace with our inner souls." He said sounding more wise than I had ever heard from someone before. "So tell me young one, what weapon do you specialize in?" He asked, and my eyes lit up. I knew that this would further make people fear me if I told the truth. But after a few seconds, I finally answered, "Swordsman." I said in a weary breath.                                           Me and Splinter walked out of the room and I wiped my cheeks. Raph was sitting on the couch, in his signature grumpy faced posture. He looked at me and then he scoffed before glancing away. Leo turned his gaze to me, a question dancing in his deep blue eyes. I simply kept my head down and sighed.
Mikey was sitting down on the floor, watching some movie with two men fighting. Donnie was in a corner, fiddling with some new invention he had come up with over the past few weeks. I followed Sensei towards a large training platform and immediately recognized all the different weapons. I turned around to see Master Splinter holding the case of a sheathed sword that I recognized as a Tachi. A Tachi was a delicately curved sword and took years to master. Thankfully, I specialized in using these swords.
The case of the sword was a dark black leather, and had a beautiful pattern of golden flowers streamed along the sides. Splinter unsheathed the sword and revealed the handle of the blade. I looked closer at the blade and noticed little carvings of flowers along the bottom of the blade. It was absolutely beautiful I felt drawn to it.
"Like it, do you? This blade, I think it clearly chooses you. Remember, the weapon chooses you as much as you do it." He said and I soaked up his wise words. I nodded as he handed me the sword. "Thank you, Sensei. This is truly an honor . . ." I said as I knelt down in front of him. He smiled and nodded solemnly at me.
"I know we cannot restrain you, but if you wish, you may train with Leonardo." He offered. I nodded and accept his invitation for me to train. I placed the sword strap over my shoulder and the sword rested on my back. Oh yeah, this definitely feels right. "Thank you Sensei, I promise to use this sword only when necessary." I said, my head still bowed. "I know you will... you have a good heart." He said and then disappeared into his room.                                             
I stood up, rising from my crouched position. I didn't know what I was ever going to use this sword for. I mean, I haven't needed to fight anyone. As I looked around the dojo, I saw Leo leaning against the wall with his arms over his chest. He looked at me through narrowed eyes. I raised my eyebrow and took an uncomfortable step back.
"So you are some secret martial arts master? I'm guessing by the sword that Sensei gave you, you are exceptional when it comes to wielding them." He said, smirking. I glared at him, trying to look serious. "My skills are dangerous and I only use them for self defense." I said firmly. "Well, that explains you fighting Raph and throwing him flat onto his back." He said, a sarcastic tone in his voice.
Who does this guy think he is? I thought he could tell I didn't mean to hurt Raph? I sighed and held my hands up in surrender. "I didn't mean to hurt him. My instincts kicked in and I couldn't stop them. I'm sorry . . ." I turned away from him and walked over to the training platform, sitting on the side of it, looking down at my clenched fists. "I just need to regain control over it, but I haven't trained in years." I said as I took in a long breath. Leo walked in front of me, held out a hand and with the other he unsheathed a Katana.
I took his hand and stood up, stepping back a good distance away. I unsheathed my own sword and naturally took my stance. "You really think this is a good idea?" I asked, worry filling my body. "Yes. You need to get a feel for battle and your instincts. But, I have a deal to make. That is, if you're up for it?" He asked, and that charming smirk from before spread across his face. I flicked my eyes from him and then took a deep breath. "It depends on what it is." I responded. "We will spar and if you beat me, I'll answer any question you want to ask. But if I win, you tell me about how you became a martial arts master. Deal?" He offered. I lowered my stance and shook my head back and forth. "I can't, Leo. It's not that I don't trust you or anything, but it hurts me a lot to think about that." I said as I glanced away from him.
    He lowered his gaze and I could tell he was sorry for asking, but I regained my composure and looked at him again. "Don't feel bad, you didn't know. But I'll tell you what. If you beat me, I'll tell you who my sensei was. Okay?" He looked back at me and nodded, regaining his smile. He took his stance again and then drew his other Katana aswell.
I was the first to lunge but Leo avoided the attack, sliding behind me and crouching slightly down. I glared at him and then it happened... I didn't even have to tell my body what to do, it's like my arms had a mind of their own. My Tachi slashed forward, trying to unarm Leo. He brought his swords back and swept one underneath my feet, making me fall to the ground. He lunged at me again while I was still down, but as he came towards me, I used the butt of my sword and thrusted it up into his stomach.
Leo let out a grunt, but I wasn't finished. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder, sending him flat onto his back. He heaved in a few breaths and I shook my head, realizing I had hurt him. I got up, sheathed my sword, and rushed over to him. Before I could make sure he was alright, he got up and then tackled me to the ground. He pinned me with both of his arms holding mind down as his knees were beside me. "Is that all you got?" Leo asked, making my heart skip a beat and I swear I had been blushing because my face felt hot.                                       
    "You'd like that wouldn't you?" I asked, with a playful smirk on my face. He raised his brow, a wild look in his eyes. Catching him off guard, I brought my legs up underneath him and pushed upwards, standing back up as I knocked him off me. Right before I could pin him, I heard someone whistle, making me turn around and finding Mikey in the doorway with a devilish grin on his face.
    "What up lovebirds?" He asked, and I stood there with wide eyes, my face feeling hot still. Leo wasn't any better as he struggled to say a sentence correctly. "What-I-She... No-?" He stuttered, pointing from himself to me in the process. Mikey began to laugh hysterically and he clutched his stomach, collapsing over in laughter. I started to laugh as well, and remembered that April wanted to spend the day with Donnie.
    I walked over to Mikey and whispered something in his ear, making him get a big goofy grin on his face, and watched as he ran off to go make fun of Donnie. I laughed as Mikey tripped over something on the ground, cursing as he did so. Leo walked up behind me and held out my Tachi. I turned around and glanced down at it. "You fight well, I'm just sorry you couldn't beat me." He said, joking away the awkwardness. I snorted AGAIN in front of him. He laughed as I placed a hand over my chest and scoffed. "If Mikey wouldn't have distracted me, you would've been toast!" I said as I shoved his arm playfully.
    "Right, that's what they all say," He said, placing my blade in my hands. I sheathed the sword and walked over to Leo's Katana. I noticed the engraving of a Japanese symbol on the base of the blade. I inspected it, trying to recognize it. "What does this symbol mean?" I asked, now facing him. "It means 'Leader'. These were the blades that Master Splinter gave me when he made me the leader of my brothers." I nodded and handed it over to him.
    "So, since I clearly won, mind sharing who your sensei was?" He asked and I looked at him, a serious expression on my face. "Fine, but know that I want nothing to do with him ever again." I said with my voice low. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and nodded shallowly. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. "My Sensei was the Shredder... I had no clue before now or what he had done to all of you, so when I learned what had happened, it only made me think of myself more as a monster." I said, fighting the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes.
    Leo looked at me with a face of disbelief. He narrowed his eyes at me, almost as if he were studying me. A few moments of silence passed before he spoke. "I knew someone like you once who also trained under the Shredder. She was skilled in sword fighting but she betrayed me-I mean us. We trusted her... I trusted her and she chose the Shredder over us. Her name is Karai." He said angrily. Over the short time I'd been here, I never saw Leo when he was angry. He was always in control of his emotions...
    "I'm sorry Karai had done that, but I'm not her. Everything that I have gone through, has proved that. So don't assume that I would ever betray you or your family." I said seriously, a small tinge of anger seeping into my voice. He searched my face one more time but then sighed and glanced away. But when I remembered what Leo said about if I were to beat him, my serious expression evaporated. "Can I ask you something?" He looked back up at me suddenly, seeming to surface from his thoughts. "That depends . . ." He responded. "On what? I beat you, didn't I?" I said playfully and he chuckled softly. Good, he's no longer upset. "If that's what you want to call it then fine. What is your question?" He asked, as his blue eyes filled with amusement.
    I thought for a second but then got the question. "If you could pick one person in the world to watch 'Star Wars' with you, who would it be?" I asked, smiling gleefully. He placed his hand on his chin, pretending to think hard. "Is that even a question?" Leo responded as his gaze trailed over to me. I laughed at his expression, shoving him playfully. He laughed and then poked my head.
    "I think I would choose Luke Skywalker." I placed my hands on my hips and cocked my head. "What? That's not allowed! It has to be a real person!" I said as I laughed again. Leo started laughing and then smiled slyly. "You never specified any rules! So, I can say whoever I want... real or fake!" He said as he crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him, making him laugh again. "Whatever. I would choose my friend who is absolutely delusional." I said with a smirk. "You mean April?" Leo asked as he raised a brow. "No, she's my sister. I mean my friend who is delusional." I said, shooting him a look. Does he honestly think I would only refer to April? "I mean you, Leo." I said with a playful roll of my eyes. "Wait, so I'm the delusional one? How's that fair?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. I stuck my tongue out, making him chuckle. "Fine then, if I am delusional then you are psychotic." He said as he swatted at my head. "Okay, if that is what you think." I playfully scoffed.
    "One more question, Leo." I said, tugging on my hair. He gave me a fake irritated sigh and looked at me. "What is it?" He asked as he cocked his head to the side, smiling softly. "Can I see you without your mask?" I asked shyly. "What? Why would you want that? I'm much better looking with it!" He said, giving me a charming smile and making me laugh..
    "If you don't want to, it won't bother me. I was honestly joking-" He cut me short by saying, "No you weren't. I can tell you were genuinely curious. It's okay, It just caught me off guard." He said reassuringly. I don't want to admit anything but I can't help it. If April were with me at this exact moment in time, I would run to her and ask what I should do. However, she was busy with Donnie, so I couldn't do that. Guess I have to figure this one out by myself!                                                               
    I shrugged and had a crooked smile on my face and he smirked, looking down at the ground. Leo moved his hands up to the knot, beginning to untie it, when Raph ran into the dojo, tackling me to the ground and throwing me off guard. Way to ruin the moment. I caught my breath, shoving him in the face.
    "HA! I got you! Now that's what I call winning!" He said, laughing hysterically. "Yeah, yeah. If you only win by tackling some unfortunate person when they are not even messing with you, then I am worried." I responded, crossing my arms and laughing. I looked over my shoulder to see Leo with his own arms crossed and he was looking at the wall, mumbling something to himself. I arched my eyebrow before turning my attention back to Raph. I helped him up and began to walk away with him. But then I stopped and turned back to Leo.
    A worried expression crossed my face but I quickly changed my demeanor when he looked at me. However, I think he saw it because he gave me a reassuring look. "Do you want to come?" I asked. He met my gaze and gently smiled. "No thanks, I need to meditate for a bit but I'll see you later, okay?" He said with a wink. I couldn't hide the worried emotion painted all over my face but I nodded anyway. "Okay... Let me know if you need anything, alright?" I said softly. "I will, thank you." He said back. I turned around and began walking again when Leo called out for me, and had his hand held out towards me. I faced him again and then he brought it back to him and shook his head. "Nevermind, sorry . . ." He said as he brought his arm to his neck, rubbing it. "Alrighty then," I responded. I walked away from the training area, feeling a bit concerned for Leo.
    I didn't know what to do in order to help him, but I respect the fact that he wants time to himself. I just hope he's alright and nothing is wrong. Alright, I'll admit it. I like the guy, really like him. But no one needs to know that except for me. I approached the kitchen where Raph and Donnie were sitting, talking about the latest crime activity throughout the city. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to fight alongside the guys. As I went into the kitchen to raid the fridge for a quick bite, Donnie looked up from his computer and laughed. I looked at him with a confused face and he glanced at me.
    "Hey Cece, April texted me and told me that she had been harassed by Mikey earlier about me... I wouldn't suppose you had any part in that, would you?" He asked as his brow arched up higher and higher. I bit my lip and looked away, trying to hide my smirk. "No, of course not! Why would I ever?" I started chuckling silently as Donnie stood up, still having his brow arched. I tried to ignore him as he walked over to me. As I tried to open the fridge, he put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot. I started chuckling out loud and grabbed an apple out from the shelf.
    As I brought it close to my face in order to inspect it, Donnie slapped it out of my hands, sending it straight to the floor. "Hey! I was going to eat that!" I whined. "Not my problem." He said as he straightened his glasses. "Dude, you just slapped that thing outta my hand! Not cool Donnie, not cool." I said, narrowing my eyes at him, making him laugh. "You better stop, Don, or she'll make you drop on your shell, begging for mercy!" said Mikey as the corner of his mouth inched upwards with amusement. I looked from Mikey back to Donnie and gave him a daring look.
    "Oh you wouldn't dare..." He said as I inched closer. "Oh I would dare, and I most definitely do." I said as I slowly reached behind my back to snag a wooden spoon from the counter. I brought it up and hid it behind me, watching as Donnie's face turned into a intimidated look. I winked at Raph and gestured for him to follow. Without hesitation, he leaped up and followed behind me, as I chased Donnie through the lair. We cornered Donnie in a corner, near the entrance. I raised the spoon and laughed evilly as he gulped. Raph laughed menacingly and I began hitting Donnie's head with the spoon. OCeceasionally bursting out in laughter as he said "OOF" or "OUCH OW OW". Mikey creeped up from behind me, and Raph looked out of the corner of his eye, directly at him.
    Raph ran over, tackling Mikey and began 'abusing' him. I let Donnie up and laughed as he snatched the spoon out of my hand and began hitting me on the head with it. Being an only child was awful, but here with the brothers, I felt accepted and honestly, loved. It felt like I had finally found my family---and that alone was enough to make me cry. Which in fact ended up happening as I felt tears forming in my eyes. Before anyone could notice, I quickly blinked them away and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.
    April walked into the room with Master Splinter and Donnie threw the spoon at me, while also taking a few steps back. I struggled to catch it and hide it behind my back, as I plastered an awkward grin on my face. Mikey and Raph looked up at Sensei and immediately stood up. He pulled on the long goatee underneath his chin while raising his brow skeptically. I eyed Donnie and he simply winked in my direction. I quickly narrowed my eyes again, but looked away from him and back at Sensei. He muttered something to April before walking off into the kitchen. Raph, Mikey, me, and Donnie all let out a breath of relief when he walked off and April walked over to me, while chuckling at Donnie's expression.
    She held out her hand expectantly and I looked anywhere else but her. "Give it to me you dork." She said with a raised brow. "Give you what? I don't have any-" I began to say when she took the spoon from behind me and wacked my head, breaking the spoon from the intensity of the impact. I howled loudly in pain, and then started laughing really hard. Donnie and Mikey started laughing as well, while Raph simply chuckled. "What was THAT for?" I yelled at April. "I don't know, hmm... Maybe for attacking an unarmed person?" She said as a playful glint lit up her eyes. I laughed again while rubbing my head.
    "Well maybe next time, don't wack me so hard on the head!" I called. "What are you talking about? That wasn't hard! I merely tapped you!" She said, still laughing as I raised my eyebrow and stared at the broken utensil. "Yeah, that explains why the spoon is broken." I fired back. April held up the spoon and looked at it for a second before bursting out in laughter again. I rolled my eyes playfully and caught sight of Leo as he walked past us, going to the rack that stored all of the guy's weapons. I pulled out my phone and found his contact. I had a joke that I knew would cheer him up...
                                      Hey, got a joke for you.... That is, if you're up for it?
    Sure, what is it?

                                                 Why don't Ninjas watch sad movies?

   Because they are too brave.

                                                No... It's because they are too SENSEI-tive!

   Wow Cece, just wow. haha

I looked up from my phone and placed it back in my pocket. I glanced back up at April who gave me a slick wink and I rolled my eyes again. "So Cece, you sent little Mikey over there to come bother me, huh?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes at me. "Well duh. That's what started this whole shaboodle anyways." I said with my arms crossed. "I'm sorry, did you just say, 'shaboodle'"? She shot back. "Um, yes, I did say shaboodle and I will say shaboodle until the end of time. Got a problem with it?" I put my hands on my hips and did a diva snap. Donnie slowly raised his hand. "I got a problem with it!" He called and I turned around, giving him the death stare. "Shut up and put your hand down, einstein." Donnie narrowed his eyes and laughed at the nickname I had just given him.
I picked up the apple on the ground and threw it into the trash. My stomach growled again, so I went back to the fridge and suCeceessfully retrieved an orange without anyone slapping it out of my hands. But, I am not denying the fact that anyone tried. April and Raph most certainly did try their luck but failed, thanks to my suspicions. I flicked a piece of lint off of the orange and went to the spare room. Sitting on the bed, I stared at the wall and then closed my eyes, letting my thoughts flow through my mind.
It would be foolish of me to deny this, but I have definitely wondered about sharing my past with Leo. Especially since he had shared something with me that seemed very personal to him. I mean, it only seemed right... I also felt bad for blowing him off when he asked earlier while we were training. I definitely trusted him enough to tell him, but I just needed to be ready emotionally. There was no way that I'd have a mental breakdown in front of him. I'd be so embarrassed if that happened. But I still wondered if he was okay...?

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