Truth or Lie

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Truth or Lie?
Okay, so maybe I should give an explanation as to why we call him Dead Weight... the honest truth is because we all never asked his name, so we judged him by his flaws and then boom! Nickname! So when my eyes fell on his name tag, I felt a bit bad. His real name was "John Higginbottom". Personally, I think we should just continue to call him Dead Weight, but that's just my opinion."Uh, General?" He called and I shook myself out of my thoughts. I realized I was blocking his way and moved to the side, to try and get out of his way. "Nice hair by the way." He said as he walked past me. My eyes widened and I ran to my quarters as fast as I could. I shut the door behind me and took the towel off, revealing the white hair. As I looked in the mirror at my reflection, I felt a surge of a strange, indescribable feeling rush through my body. A quiet voice whispered the name 'Caly' in the back of my mind. I looked at the room all around me as the voice continuously whispered my name. Pain surged through my mind and I fell onto my knees, clutching the sides of my head.
"Stop! Please, stop!" I yelled, feeling hot tears roll down my face. What on earth was happening to me? Why do I remember the names of those brothers?! But more importantly, why do I freeze in place every single time I meet Leonardo's gaze? I heard the door sling open. "Calypso? What is happening to you?" Karai asked frantically. The pain went away and everything returned to normal except for my hair. I looked up at her and wiped my tears away. "I- I... don't worry about it. I'm fine..." She narrowed her eyes at me and shook her head. "You keep saying nothing is wrong but here you are again, on the floor, screaming. What is wrong and what is with your hair?" I stood up and narrowed my own eyes. "I said I'm fine. Now leave me alone." I said as I turned from her and crossed my arms. "Fine, be like that. I have better things to do with my time than waste it on you." She said coldly before turning and walking out, slamming the door behind her.
    Ever since Karai saw me in my room in pain, she's been distant. But even more importantly, I haven't been able to get what the brothers have said out of my mind. I was in the dojo, practicing throwing strikes on the punching bag. I threw a few left strikes and then threw an uppercut. My white hair was braided in two long, french braided pigtails. I found that it helped to train whenever I had many things on my mind. Call me crazy but I have a reputation around here for training nonstop for 4 ½ hours straight, no breaks. That only happened because Walter, the janitor, had made me fall into a trashcan and then everyone started to make fun of me.
    I remember being so angry that I decided to train for a long period of time and well, somehow managed to do that. The night afterwards, I became so sore that I couldn't stand or even get out of bed. I backed up from the punching bag and then brought my leg up, sending a powerful roundhouse kick to where the 'head' of the punching bag was. I heard slow clapping behind me and turned my head around quickly. Master Shredder stood there and then placed his hands formally behind his back as he paced around me. I bowed to him and raised a brow when I lifted my head to him. "Sensei? With all do respect, why are you here?" I asked, confused as to why he came to watch me train.
    "To give you a lesson, of course. You already are naturally gifted with fighting. Your mother was an exceptional fighter as well. It seems only fitting that those traits carry on to you." He said, looking me right in the eyes. I lowered my brows and opened my mouth slightly. "My mother? How did you know my mother? What was she like?" He smirked a bit before taking a ready stance and I took a stance of my own, hoping he would answer my question. "I knew your mother, yes. She was trained under me and was exceptionally gifted in fighting. So when your mother grew up and had you, she believed that you should learn as well. But on your final test, you failed me and well... Your mother, was disgusted by you."
    Those words rang through me and I suddenly remembered a young me being casted out into the cold snow on a particularly cold night. It was snowing and I ran to an alleyway, hiding behind a dumpster. I spent weeks like that... I was cold, hungry, thirsty, and scared... so, so scared. Sensei suddenly lunged at me and kicked me in the gut. I fell back onto the ground and grunted. "First rule of combat, Calypso... Never let an opponent get in your head. If he or she does, you will become vulnerable. You must learn to never believe the words of the enemy... No matter how convincing it may seem." My eyes widened and I looked down at my hands.
    So then, is it possible that Leonardo had been lying to me the entire time? That he and his brothers were just trying to get me on their side? I shook my head and got up, regaining my composure and stance. "I understand, Master." I said and he nodded. I threw a kick and he blocked my strike, grabbing my leg and pushing me to the ground again. He pinned me and I thrusted my knee into his chest, getting him off. I then drew my sword quickly and pointed it at his throat. "Tōkō!" I said in Japanese. 'Tōkō' was the Japanese word for 'Surrender'. He nodded his head once before lifting his hands.
    I helped Sensei up and he placed his hand on my shoulder and I sheathed my Tachi. "Good job, my student... but-" He trailed off before reaching out to try and grab my blade. I reached out and grabbed his arm just in time before thrusting my knee into his arm and then pushing him hard onto the ground. I stood up and reached back, grabbing the handle of my sword but did not pull it out. He got up and stood in front of me, bowing. I bowed back and let go of the hilt of my sword. "You have proven your skills are well developed, young one. I am proud." I smiled softly and bowed my head to him.
    "Thank you, Master Shredder..." Suddenly, a foot soldier ran into the dojo and bowed before us but was breathing heavily. I narrowed my eyes at him before walking over to him. "Cadet, what is the problem? What's with the sudden appearance?" I asked, raising a brow and crossing my arms. "S-sorry, General. It's the monitors... we are getting signals of something trying to communicate. The thing goes by 'Commander Krang'. He requests to speak with Master Shredder." I stepped back and looked over my shoulder at Sensei.
    He walked past me but then stopped and looked at me for a second. "We will train more in the next few weeks, Calypso. For now, do us all a favor and sharpen your skills." He said before turning and leaving with the Cadet. I went back to the punching bag when I saw Karai as she entered the room. I walked over to her and poked the back of her head. She turned to me slowly and had an unamused expression on her face. "Listen, I want to spar. If I win, I get to ask you a few questions but if I fail, I will leave you alone." She rolled her eyes and held out her hand. I grabbed it and smiled before leading her to the carpeted floor.
    She stood on the opposite corner and took on a ready position. I kept a relaxed posture but slid my right leg slightly out and clenched my hands, making fists. I brought my fists near my face and narrowed my eyes at Karai. She suddenly ran at me and drew her sword. As she held it straight out at me, I moved out of the way as she went past. Her eyes widened as I grabbed her wrist and then used my knee to knock into her face. She dropped her sword and grunted as she took a step back. I grabbed her sword off the ground and used the butt of the blade to knock her in the chest. She then punched me in the face twice before kneeing me in the nose, making it bleed.
    I narrowed my eyes and then threw the sword away from us. I tackled her to the ground and put her into an armbar, choking her. Karai gripped my arm but then after a few seconds of struggling, she tapped my arm, signaling her surrender. She gasped for air and lied on the ground. I smiled and went over to her sword, picking it up. As I walked back over to her, I held my hand out and she slapped it away. "I don't need your help, Calypso. I can get up by myself." I sighed, knowing she was upset about losing to me again. She got up and took her sword, sheathing it. "Well fine, but I need you to answer something for me." She looked up at me, a skeptical look on her face.
    "What are you getting at, Calypso?" She asked as I grabbed both her hands and held them tight, looking her directly in the eyes. "Was my name ever Caly?" Her eyes widened and she took a step back. "I-it... no. Your name is Calypso... you serve the foot clan and you can never ever affiliate with the enemy. Do you understand that?" I let go of her hands and stepped away from her, narrowing my eyes. "Karai, would you lie to me?" She crossed her arms and avoided my gaze. "I don't know what would make you ask such a question, but no. I would not lie to a fellow warrior." Her eyes widened again and she gasped. "Does this have something to do with your little episode last week?" She asked, waving a finger at me.
    I hesitantly answered her question. "No... it doesn't." I said with a huff. "So then why would you ask me such a question?" She asked. "I-I just overheard one of the guards discussing someone named Caly who was an excellent fighter that once served Shredder being here." She eyed me before looking away from me and sighing. "Well the answer to your question is simple. Your name never was or will be 'Caly'. Now focus on your training and stop coming up with crazy questions." She said as she turned from me and left. I could tell something was definitely wrong when she told me this. I couldn't help but think she was lying to me about something. Even if she said she wouldn't lie to me. I needed answers. So, I knew just who to see...
    After requesting to leave the building, I let my white hair down and it formed gentle waves from my scalp to below my shoulders. I pulled only mymask up before heading out. I then ran back to the alley way from where I fell into the dumpster and chuckled a bit at the memory. It was dark outside due to it being night. I went up the fire escape on the side of the building and stood on the roof, looking out at the city around me. I stood there, hoping that the brothers would show up. "Come on, come on! I know you're out there." I muttered under my breath. A gentle, cool breeze blew and I looked up at the sky, seeing the full moon.
    Something about the big, round, silvery circle resonated to something deep within me. It was as if something was calling out to me, but I just could not reach back out to it. Right before I was about to give up and head back to Shredder's lair, I heard a loud thump behind me. I quickly turned around and my eyes trailed up to see a large mutant turtle, wearing a red bandana that covered most of his face. Raph... I took an unsteady step back but heard another thump and wheeled my head around to see Leonardo rise from a crouched position. His blue bandana blew in the wind as he stepped off of a raised part on the roof.
    "Look who finally showed her face..." Raphael said, his voice low and dangerous. I held my hands up and looked him dead in the eyes, narrowing my own eyes as I did so. "I'm not here to attack." I said seriously. "How do we know we can trust you?" asked Donnie. I slid my gaze slowly from Raph to Donnie and lowered my hands. "This is how..." I grabbed my sword and began to unsheathe it when two brothers gasped at the same time and drew their weapons. "Easy!" I unsheathed my Tachi and held it in both of my hands on its side. I then turned to Leo and approached him slowly. I kneeled down in front of him and placed my blade at his feet before rising back up and taking a step away from him.
    "See? I just want to talk." Leonardo glanced down at the sword and then back at me. He then gave me a questionable look before approaching me. He looked into my eyes and then looked at Raph. "She means it, guys. She isn't here to hurt or threaten us. I say we hear what she has to say." He said calmly. Raph crossed his arms and scoffed. "Of course you insist she is safe to be around. You've got to let go of her, Leo. Caly is gone... You see what Shredder turned her into." He fired back, with an untrusting scowl on his face. I looked from Leo to Raph and narrowed my eyes. I then turned my head to him and stared at him. "What you just said---that name, is that me? I need to know."
    Leo glared coldly at Raph and narrowed his eyes at him before turning to me. "You mean, you still don't remember us?" He asked with a hint of dissapointment in his voice. I looked down, feeling ashamed and shook my head back and forth slowly. A car passed and it lit up my face, revealing my hair. "Your hair is white? What happened to the other color?" Donnie asked, coming over and grabbing a strand of my hair, analyzing it. I brought my hand up and popped his, making him jump back with a surprised yelp.
    "I don't know... it happened after I heard what was supposedly my past. It was completely normal and then it just changed..." Donnie rubbed the back of his hand. I went over and grabbed my Tachi, sheathing it. "Listen, all of you, I may be loyal to Shredder, but I want to let you know that he is hunting you down. I've been told  over and over again that you are all enemies that should never be associated with. But I have met with each one of you, and feel like I can trust you. I don't know why or how but I feel like I have met y'all before..." I said slowly.
    "That's because you have! I don't understand why you cannot remember... Shredder must have done something to you, Cal..." Leonardo said impatiently. I looked back at him, my eyes starting to sting with tears. "I don't know who to believe... You or Shredder?" I fell onto my knees and brought my hands to my face. Leo came over to me and kneeled down. I looked into his eyes as he furrowed his brow. He took a deep breath before pulling my mask down. He noticed the scars all along my neck and over my left eye & cheek and then placed a hand on the side of my face.
    I looked into his eyes, feeling something warm and familiar course through my blood. I looked away from him as tears rolled down my face. "This is what I'm talking about." I muttered. "What do you mean?" He asked softly. "I recognize your face and voice. Its as if it were my own! But I don't remember you." Leo looked away from me and then took his hand off my face before standing up suddenly when he heard Donnie's gadgets going off in alarm. He gazed at me with a sympathetic expression before cursing to himself under his breath. "I will see you again. Be strong." Leo said before him and his brothers turned, disappearing into the night. I sat there and pulled my hood & mask up. I then stood up and wiped the tears off my face. I don't know what is true or not, but I feel that deep down inside, I should trust my 'enemies'.

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