Awakening of the Beast

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Awakening of the Beast
    I layed still with my tail curled in front of me and my wings slightly folded. My head rested on the ground near my paws. I breathed in and out heavily, trying to gain some sleep. As I started to doze off, I heard a noise in front of me. My ears perked up and I opened my eyes slowly. My gaze fell upon April crouching down in front of me. I rolled my eyes and flattened my ears, turning from her and placing my tail in front of my face. "Come on Caly, get up." She said, laughing. Then, she came to where my tail was and grabbed it, straining to lift it up. I opened one eye slightly and lifted my tail. April slowly looked up as I then made it go back down on top of her. She fell to the ground with a loud "thud" and then tried to push my tail off of her.
    "Alright, alright, I'm sorry! Let me up!" I chuckled and then closed my eyes, keeping my tail on top of her. "Caly, why?" She whined. "Let me think... Maybe because you woke me up." I said with a low growl. Mikey came to where I was lying and crossed his arms, looking down at April. "Hm, looks like she had to learn the hard way, huh?" He said, glancing over at me. I growled contently and Mikey chuckled as April pleaded with him to get my tail off of her. "Alright, fine." I said and then moved it off of her. I stood up and shook, getting the dust off of me. I raised my head and spread my wings as I yawned. The yawn however came out as a loud roar that shook everything around me. I folded my wings and then turned to the water entrance. I began to walk towards it when April got in front of me. I looked down at her and started to growl deeply. "Cal, what are you doing? Come on, I want to show you what Donnie invented!" She called. I lowered my head to her, revealing my teeth. "Uhhh, Caly?" She said, sounding nervous.
    I knocked her down to the ground with my snout and she fell back, scooting away from me and whimpering in fear. I growled and took slow steps towards her, my tail waving fluidly behind me. "Caly! Stop!" Mikey called as he ran in front of me, blocking me from getting to April with his arms outstretched. I hissed and looked him dead in the eyes. I then lunged at him, pinning him to the ground. I spread my wings and raised a paw up, getting ready to strike when the wild feeling that overtook me suddenly went away. I stopped snarling and looked down to see Mikey with one arm over his face. I quickly got off of him and backed up, folding my wings and sitting down. "Are you alright? What just happened?" I asked, looking at both April and him. Mikey looked from me to April and got up, looking confused. "Yeah, I'm fine but why did you attack us?" He asked, voice uncertain.
    I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped when Donnie ran to April with a worried expression on his face. He pushed his glasses up before looking at me. "What just happened? Why did I hear Caly going insane?" He asked frantically. I flattened my ears and looked away from them as April explained what had just taken place. Donnie glanced at me after April had finished and he narrowed his eyes. "But why? Why did you attack them?" He asked in a low tone. "I don't know! It was like something had taken over me. Almost like how I used to be..." I said without making eye contact. "I'm sorry." I muttered as I then closed my eyes. I felt a light touch on my nose and my eyes slowly opened. April stood there and stroked my snout, looking back at me with a sympathetic expression.
    I let out a low growl before standing up. April took her hand off of my snout and I turned from her. I walked slowly to Leo's bedroom and he was lying on his bed, asleep. I flattened my ears and looked from his face to his name which was engraved on the wall. I lowered my head to it before flicking my eyes to the little Bonsai trees he had on a little table near his bed.
I then glanced up to the ship wheel on his wall that stored his katanas in a neat row. As I studied the beautiful blue casings of them, I almost hit the red Japanese lantern hanging on the ceiling above his bed. Leo then took in a shaky breath and I suddenly looked down at his face. Through the dim light, I could see the scar running down from the right side of his forehead to his right cheek. I pressed my ears closely to my head as I leaned in a bit closer to his face, my snout mere inches from his face.
    I slowly pulled my head back, careful not to wake him. I then turned and began to go back down the stairs, when I heard the soft sound of his voice as he said my name. I turned back to him and my ears perked up a bit at the sight of him. Even now, my heart flutters anytime I am around him. I walked back over towards him and he slowly sat up on his bed. I stood beside it and lowered my head to him, letting out a deep breath.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, my voice soft. "Better than I was last week. I was just getting some rest in. But what about you? You seem off...?" Leo said as he studied my face. My ears dropped and I glanced down at my paws. "I attacked April and Mikey. I lost control again." I said with a long sigh. He gave me a sympathetic look and sighed. I transformed back and crossed my arms over my chest, feeling ashamed. I was wearing a baby blue t-shirt with my black athletic shorts. My hair was tied back into a messy bun with a few tendrils falling over my face in the front.
    "Come here, you." He said, holding his arms out. I chuckled softly and crawled onto the bed, sitting in his lap as he wrapped his strong arms around me. I rested my head against his chest and nuzzled into the space under his chin. "You really like to be close to me, don't you?" Leo asked with a dorky grin on his face. I acted cute by nuzzling my nose underneath his neck as he said that. "Maybe, maybe not." I said in a childish voice. He chuckled and held me closer. You would think that by living in the sewers, this guy would wreak, but that just isn't the case.  Plus, the guys have a shower down here. Anyways, Leo had obviously been using Old Spice and that was awesome. I don't care who you are, that is adorable. I let myself relax in this moment, feeling safe in his arms. I could feel his heart beating against my chest,  a gentle cadence that made me feel drowsy.
    "You need to train with me, Caly. I think it'll help get your mind off of everything." He said with a serious tone. I opened my eyes slowly and pulled myself back a little to be eye level with him. "But what if I hurt you?" I asked, my eyes helplessly trailing down to the developing scar on his forearm. He gently lifted my face up, making me look him in the eyes. "You won't hurt me, Cal. You never have. Plus, I'd be too quick for you to even have the chance." Leo said playfully with a cocky glint in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and gently nudged his face with my fist. He winked at me and clicked his tongue as his lips peeled back into a dorky grin. I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips as I studied his face. "What are you doing, weirdo?" He asked as I poked his scar playfully. "How'd you get that? You've never told me." I asked as I raised a brow. He then chuckled again and poked my side, making me laugh.
    "It was from me and Raph training when we were younger. We had another pointless argument right before going at it in front of Dad. Raph had me pinned and then got me pretty good with his Sai." Leo said with a shrug. I furrowed my brow as he said this and ran my thumb along the portion of his scar on his cheek. "So you two have been like that for a while, huh?" I asked with a sigh. He heaved in a breath and glanced over at Raph as he trained on the platform. "Yeah, I guess we have... It's mainly because Master Splinter made me leader. I'd like to think it's because he sometimes forgets why I was chosen and not him." I sighed and followed his gaze to his brother.
"I know the feeling." I muttered. Leo turned his attention back to me and placed both hands on right below my shoulders. "It's alright though. We always work it out at some point. Now, let's go train! I feel a victory coming, for me of course." He said with a childish glint in his gaze. I laughed before tackling him down onto the bed. "Oh yeah? Bring it, chief." I said and then Leo pushed me off of him before quickly getting up and flipping me onto my back. He stood up off the bed and placed both of his hands on either side of my head. "I love it when you call me that." He said, a wild look in his eyes.
    We went to the training platform after Raph had left and I sat on the raised flooring, watching Leo as he wrapped his hands with bandage wrap. I raised a brow and then turned my head to the rack that held our weapons. He followed my gaze and then looked down at me. "Why aren't we getting our weapons?" I asked, clearly very confused. "Well, you're used to training with your blade. But today, we are going to practice deflecting blows and redirecting the opponent's energy." He replied. I cocked my head and gave him a doubtful look, making him smile and then look down as he shook his head, chuckling softly. "Just trust me, alright?" Leo said with a raised brow. I playfully rolled my eyes as I met his gaze. "Okay. Whatever you say, 'Sensei'." I said as I glanced away from him. He stood straight up, rising to his full height and placed his hands on his hips. He then winked at me and clicked his tongue, making me laugh.
    "So when I trained with Shredder, I specialized in using the opponent's energy against them by finding their weaknesses or flaws with their strikes. Is that what we will be doing now?" I asked as I stood up and slapped my hands together, getting the dust off. "Kind of... but you will learn to block my strike and then redirect my energy to me." Leo said simply. I raised my brow again and he sighed in fake frustration. "Just watch." He said reassuringly. I stood back as he did a front flip onto the platform and then took on a battle stance. "Okay, starting off with fancy moves, got it." I said, chuckling. Leo rolled his eyes playfully and then gestured for me to stand in front of him. "I want you to throw a hit and then watch me." He instructed. I opened my mouth to protest but he silenced me. "Just do it." I sighed as I took on a ready stance as well. "Fine." We circled each other for a second and I waited for just the right moment to then bring my leg up and try to kick him in the face.
    Leo blocked my attack with his arm and then swept his leg underneath my other foot, making me fall down onto the platform. I looked up at him, my eyes wide. He came over to me, holding out his hand for me to take. I took it and he helped me up, smiling. "See? Counter attacks are always a good option when someone is unarmed. Now, again! But this time, you will block my attack." He called. I nodded and brought my hands close to my center, drawing my focus in on Leo. We circled each other again and he lunged at me but did not carry through with any attacks, testing my reflexes. When he did that, I quickly jumped back, almost falling off the platform. "Good reaction... Now, get ready." He said, nodding in my direction. I regained my composure and circled him, narrowing my eyes.
    He then threw a side hook and I blocked it but then as he tried to sweep my foot from underneath of me, I did a backflip backwards and then ran at him, kicking him in the chest. He took a step back and grunted but I then tackled him to the ground, landing on top of him. I sat there and breathed heavily, sweat dripping down my forehead. "Good?" I asked, my voice cracking. Leo looked back at me and laughed. "Yeah! Wasn't expecting you to tackle me but being unpredictable is always a good strategy." I smiled and got up off of him, helping him up. As he got up, he clutched his side suddenly and dropped to one knee. "
"Leo? Are you alright?" I asked, my brow drawing together. He took in a few breaths and then stood up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just keep going." I raised a brow and gave him an unsure look. "You sure-" I began to say. "Yes. Just need to keep training." "No. You're hurt and-" "Caly, please... just keep going." He said firmly. I sighed and took my stance as he took his. Leo held up his hands and I went at him, trying to land a strike on his arm. He blocked my attack and then countered it with and side kick. I ducked under his leg and he caught me off guard with an uppercut. I stumbled back and shook my head, trying to regain focus.
    As he came at me, I ran at him and he tried to bring his knee into my face, but I leapt up and placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing myself up and flipped over him. I landed onto the ground and quickly turned around, ducking under his back kick. He then followed that failed strike with another side kick. As he went to bring his leg up, he yelled out in pain and I quickly dropped my fists. "Leo, we have to stop." "We push through. That's what I need to do. Push through the pain." He said with gritted teeth. "No, what you need to do is rest. You're wearing yourself out. Obviously, you are still injured from last week." Leo glanced up at me and he had a determined look in his eyes. "It's just a little cramp. I'm fine. Just keep going." He said between breaths. I narrowed my eyes at him and made my voice stern and serious. "Listen here, champ. You are injured. So take your stubborn ass to bed and rest! I won't tell you twice.. Do it or I'll drag you there myself!"
    "But-" He began to say. I put my hands on my hips and then pointed to his bed. "Now, Leonardo!" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, mom." He said and then tried to hide the smirk on his face. I walked over to him & slipped his mask off his face and then slapped his leg with it. "Ow! My lord, Caly! What was that for?" Leo called. I narrowed my eyes again at him. "You know what. Now, go rest." I said as I helped him to his bed and tucked him in as if he was a child. Which he certainly acted like sometimes despite seeming so mature most of the time. I'm surprised that he is considered the most 'mature'. I mean yeah, he is the wise leader and everything but my gosh. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before getting up and hanging his mask on the rack above his bed that held his katanas. "What do you expect me to do? Go to sleep? What if Shredder attacks?" He asked. I sighed and looked him in the eyes, a warm look in my gaze. "Don't worry about it. You've done plenty for your brothers. You deserve some rest. Now please, for my sake, go to sleep."
    He laughed and then I got up off the edge of his bed, beginning to walk away when he called my name. "Yes?" I asked as I met his loving gaze and smiled softly. "Thanks, Caly. I'm sorry for being so stubborn. I just need to train..." He said with a guilty tone. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. "I know and don't be sorry, but training can wait till you are healed. I love you." I replied. He smiled and gosh, every single time he does, I turn so red. "Love you more!" He called as I turned and walked away. I pursed my lips and then walked out of view of him before hiding behind a pole. I watched as he got up slowly out of the bed and began to try and sneak off to the training platform. I followed him and when he turned around, he nervously chuckled. My eye twitched and then I transformed. I growled at him and glared directly at him. He sighed and then went back to the bed.
    The rest of the day went by quickly as not much went on. I meditated for a while until I became so tired that I flopped over and went to sleep. I rested for a bit of time before I awoke, feeling very hungry. I got up and stretched my legs out, also spreading my wings. I ran my tongue over my sharp teeth in my mouth, feeling each of their pointy edges. I then swiveled my ears around, listening for the sound of prey. I lowered my head to the ground and took a big whiff, tracking the scent of something nearby. I slowly walked through a large opening and followed the scent to a creature smaller than me lying on the ground in front of me. By the looks of it, the prey was sleeping and would have no knowledge of the predator stalking it from behind.
    I slowly crept forward, a low growl coming from deep within my throat. I flattened my ears and took on a low stance, my head and body close to the ground. Each small step brought me closer to the resting animal. But then, it began to stir and I froze up, not daring to move. Once I was sure the creature would not wake up, I lowered my head down and let out another low rumble. I slightly opened my mouth, preparing to grab the neck of this thing. I reered my head back and right before I could do anything, I snapped out of it. My eyes refocused and I breathed heavily. I took an unsteady step backwards and sat down before bringing my front legs up to my face.
I stared at my claws in shock, trying to figure everything out. I turned back to my still sleeping sister and folded my ears. I got up and ran out of the room, jumping into the water entrance and swimming as fast as I could out of there. I couldn't stop thinking about what would've happened if I wouldn't have snapped out of that predatory haze. I swam all the way to the dock from such a long time ago. I kept my ears back and noticed the crate that I had thrown into the water was still there, the gaping tooth marks in it were the dead giveaway. I sighed and then turned my gaze to the stars above. I opened my wings and then took off, propelling myself into the blanket of stars.
    I leveled myself out above the clouds, breathing in deeply. I felt myself begin to calm down and began to forget about the problems left down on the ground that would be waiting for me when I got back. I kept flying, the endless stretch of clouds before me blocked me from seeing the city below. I felt the cool wind blow over me as I started to fly a little bit lower, getting under the clouds. My eyes widened when I saw the glistening snow on the mountains all around me. I flattened my ears and growled in frustration. As I frantically looked around, flicking my eyes from mountain to mountain, there was no sign of the city. I put my head close to my chest and closed my eyes, trying to control my rapid breathing. I hyperventilated so much to the point where I blacked out... The last thing I remember was me crashing into the snow below.
    I felt something cold surrounding my body. I flattened my ears and slowly opened my eyes, my wings and legs throbbing in pain. As I raised my head a little bit, I gritted my teeth in pain and then examined my body for any cuts or bruises. I lifted my wing to see a deep gash on my side and a few cuts on my front leg. I started to get up when that same leg with the cuts shot a surge of pain up my shoulder and throughout my body. I shrieked in pain and fell back down. Blood was dripping from the gash and caused red spots on the snow beside me. I tried to get up again but lifted my paw to my chest and breathed out slowly. The wind was blowing around me, making me shiver. I looked around me, looking for a place to rest. I limped to a small, hollowed out cave that was covered by two large trees. I hobbled to the back corner and layed down, resting my head on the cold, hard, stone floor. I curled my tail around me to help keep myself warm. I closed my eyes and I must've been very tired because I actually managed to go to sleep.
    I woke up as the gentle beams of light from the sun hit my face. I yawned and winced as I moved my leg the wrong way. I slowly got up, careful to not put weight on my injured leg. I hobbled to the mouth of the cave and peered out at the area around me. Last night, it was dark so I didn't get a good glimpse of what was around me. There was a small stream that cut through the snowy landscape with fish swimming in it. I looked around and let out a low rumble, the air around me was crisp and cool. I lifted my snout upwards and caught the scent of something nearby. I looked around one more time and then followed the scent. It took a few minutes, but I eventually came across a dead deer. I don't know how I could tell, but by the smell, this deer had died just a few moments ago.
    I suddenly heard rustling behind me, followed by a low growl. I wheeled my head around and slowly flattened my ears as my eyes widened at the sight of six large wolves. Each one its teeth bared, their ears pressed back firmly against their heads. I took a step back and covered the deer. The wolves circled me, watching me closely. I let out a low growl and took on a defensive stance, my head low to the ground and I spread my wings out to make myself more intimidating. One canine lashed out at me, leaping up and snapping at my injured leg. I roared and grabbed the wolf by the neck, slamming it onto the ground. It lay there motionless as I felt teeth sink into my tail. I growled loudly and then grabbed that wolf in my teeth before tossing it into a nearby tree.
    Four wolves were left and they began to try and analyze the situation. They strategically worked as a team to overwhelm me, attacking from all angles. I managed to kill one more before a wolf got a good strike on my upper neck. I felt myself start to go wild again, and I let myself go. I started snarling and shook my head, snorting twice. I lunged at the wolf in front of me, pinning it to the ground and then clamped my jaws around its throat, a silent crunch coming from it as I bit down. Blood coated my teeth and jaws. I slowly raised my head as the two other wolves stood in front of me. I flattened my ears and peered into their eyes, snarling fiercely. They began to whine and slowly backed up. I snapped at the one on the left and then they turned, bolting away from me.
    I slowly got up and turned to the deer. I laid down and began to eat it, the taste of the meat making my mouth water. I growled contently as I ate the deer, stripping the flesh from the bones. After eating until I was completely full, I got up and licked the outside of my mouth, cleaning the blood and grime away. I then lowered my head and grabbed the remaining bit of the carcass since there was still some meat left. I went back to the cave and dropped the deer in the back of the cave in the place that will now be known as the "Deathly Hallows", named in tribute to my favorite book series. I returned back to normal, the predatory instincts within me turning off for now.
    I went back out of the cave and hobbled over to the stream. I leaned down and drank some of the water, noticing how natural and cold it felt. I slowly lifted my head above the water and looked at my reflection. I had a gash over my eye that I knew would leave a scar. It was just like Leo's but on the left side of my face. I flattened my ears at the thought of him and felt a tear slip down my face. I then thought about April and how she must feel... or even what she was thinking right now. I heard the words that Leo had told me a while ago, resonating through me. "There's no way I could've given up on you... I didn't want to let you go..." and "I thought that was it. I thought that you had . . ." I slashed at my reflection in the water and collapsed onto the snow.
    I started to cry as it all hurt so much... I promised him that I would never leave him again... Yet here I am in the middle of the damn mountains! I steadied my breathing, knowing I had to get up and get it together. I pushed myself off the ground and looked around again, trying to figure out how to get back. I understand now. I can't keep them safe from me forever. I know Leo and the guys. They'll help me get through this. April will help me get through this. There isn't anything that could stop me from being with Leo. Not even myself. I pushed my ears forward, narrowing my eyes in determination. I spread my wings and prepared to take off, but hesitated. What if I get even more lost than I already am?
    I looked up at the clouds above, the sun beaming down on me. I snorted in frustration, my breath coming out of my nostrils like steam. I actually looked like a dragon for a second there... I shook my head back and forth, telling myself to focus. I took a deep breath and pushed myself off the ground. I flew rather low, following the landscape beyond. I looked down, searching for a road. When I didn't see one there, I looked up and climbed higher, then surveyed for one. When I finally spotted the highway, I turned slightly, following it.
    It felt like I had been flying for hours when finally, I saw the buildings begin to take shape in front of me. My ears perked up and I breathed heavily, my wings starting to give out. I flew to the river where the large sewer entrance was. I dove down into the water and swam as fast as I could to the lair. I ducked underneath the water and then surfaced, gasping for air. I saw Leo speaking with Splinter and then Donnie comforting April. Raph rubbed his forehead while Mikey went on and on about how I could've been kidnapped by Rocksteady. "No, Mikey. Caly is like two times bigger than him when she's in her mutant form." He had said. "Oh, well still!" Mikey shot back. I climbed out of the water, then collapsed onto the ground, exhausted from everything.
    April called out my name suddenly and ran to me, falling on her knees by my snout. She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her head on me, crying. "Caly! My god, you scared the hell out of me! Where were you?" She exclaimed. Leo then ran over and fell onto his knees as well, frantically putting his hands on my side as he said my name over and over in relief. I then felt him near my stomach as he inspected the wounds I had. April looked at me and gasped when she saw the wound over my eye. Donnie quickly came over and scanned me with one of his tools before pulling his goggles down. He then slowly pushed them up. "Caly, what in the world happened to you? Where were you?" He asked as he came beside April and inspected my gash over my eye.
    Leo went beside Donnie with a worried look on his face. I took in a breath and looked up at all three of them. "I almost killed April! I just went on a fight to help myself clear my mind. I guess I just was so lost in my head that I just lost sense of where I was. But when I realized I was lost, I began to flip out, even blacking out..." That was all I managed to get out before Donnie pulled out a pair of tweezers and reached down, into the gash on my face. As he pulled something out, I growled loudly in pain, then thrusted my head up. I hit him in the face with the base of my horns and he collapsed backwards. I looked at him fiercely, snarling. He sat there and reached up to his busted nose.
    April took her hands off of me and looked at Donnie, placing a hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. "It's not funny! That hurt! God, Caly! I was just removing this!" He held up a fragment of something in the tweezers. "It's a wolf tooth, according to my scanner." He muttered as he looked down at his hand that had a bit of blood on it. Leo placed a gentle hand on my snout, and I stopped growling. I moved my gaze to him and flattened my ears. He studied my face before grabbing a towel and gently cleaned the wound. I breathed heavily as he did this. "Where did you end up?" He asked suddenly and I closed my eyes with a gentle exhale. "I ended up in the mountains. I woke up in the snow and my leg was injured. I had to hunt for myself and I ended up killing a deer or something." I said with disgust in my voice.
    I transformed back as his face turned to one of concern. He adjusted to me and applied pressure to my gash, trying to make it stop bleeding. "So, I'm guessing you got into it with a pack of wolves, huh?" Leo asked. I sighed and told him about the deer and then how the wolves attacked me, but also how I became a savage predator. "I realized that there hasn't been any problem that I hadn't overcome by being with you and the others. So, I chose to come back home." He stopped cleaning my wound and then looked into my eyes, a warm look overtaking him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me to him. I placed my forehead against his chest and felt myself melt into his embrace. Leo smiled at me with that signature dorky grin and then slid his gaze to his brothers behind us.
    Mikey had his back turned to us and he was making fun of us by rubbing his hands along his sides and moving his body back and forth. I blushed and looked down with a smile on my face. April started dying laughing as Master Splinter placed a hand on his forehead and closed his eyes, sighing & shaking his head slowly. Leo turned his attention back to me and made me look at him. He looked at me seriously with his steel blue gaze. "Please, please just talk to me from now on. You keep thinking you are alone, but you're not. I'm here for you, Cal. All of us are." I sighed and closed my eyes. Leo placed his hand on my cheek, waiting for me to say something back. Instead, I got up and transformed back.
    "Did you not just hear what I said? You need to-" "Leo, I know what you said. Just get on... please?" He looked from me to Raph, a question in his eyes. Raph just shrugged. Leo turned his gaze back to me. "You're hurt, Caly. You're in no shape to go out. What if Karai or Shredder comes?" I flattened my ears as I looked at him. "Then I'll have you there." I said softly. He sighed and then got onto my back. I winced as I began to walk but then leapt into the water. I swam to the surface and then spread my wings, taking off into the cool evening air. The wind flowed around us as I flew all the way to the top of a random building. I landed onto the roof, then changed back to my human form, my hair falling over my shoulders. Leo stood in front of me, a confused look on his face.
    "Okay, Why are we here? Why did you bring us all the way up here?" He asked, raising a brow and crossing his arms. "Do you trust me?" I asked. "What kind of question is that?" "Just answer it, Leo. Do you trust me?" He sighed and smirked a bit. "Of course I trust you. I trust you more than anyone... You know that." "Okay, good." I replied. He stared at me for a second, trying to figure out what we were doing up here. I started to back up towards the edge of the building. Leo looked back at me and he widened his eyes. "What are you-?" He asked suddenly. I shrugged and then jumped off. Leo yelled my name and then jumped off after me. We fell further and further towards the ground.
    He dove after me, reaching out and pulling me to him. He then quickly unsheathed his Katana and stuck it into the wall of the building. In a matter of milliseconds, we skidded to a halt. Leo gripped the handle of his sword firmly and held me to him. He then swung forward, kicking the glass of a window right beside us, shattering it. He leapt into it and we collapsed onto the ground. Leo landed on top of me and breathed heavily. He pushed himself up, placing his arms on either side of my head. His eyes were wide and you could tell his adrenaline was rushing throughout him.
"Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?" He asked frantically, voice demanding. I took in a breath and looked him in the eyes. "There's nothing wrong with me. I was just trying to prove something to you." Leo raised a brow and gave me a crazed look. "Which is?!" He demanded. "That I trust you." I replied calmly. He got up and stood with his hands on his hips, looking at me with a dangerous look in his eyes. "Please Caly... tell me how whatever the frickin' hell you just did was proving to me that you trust me?" He asked angrily. I got up and crossed my arms. "I jumped off, knowing you would come after me. I wanted to show you that I believe in you." I shot back. "What?! How does that even make sense?" Leo asked as he raised his brows. "Do you even hear yourself?!" He added. I scoffed, placing my hands on my hips. "Yeah, I do." I said with a low voice. Leo gave me an unbelieving look before placing his hand over his forehead. "So let me get this straight. You wanted to prove that you trusted me by jumping off a building?" He said, lowering his hand.
I sighed and shook my head. I then walked over to him and looked him in the eyes. "No. I wanted to show you by jumping off the building-" I began to say. "That's what I just said." He interrupted. I sighed and finished my sentence. "I knew you would save me. You knew that I could save myself if I wanted to, but despite that, you still tried to come after me. I feel safe with you, Leo. It doesn't matter what happens, I know you'll always be there for me. Even if it means saving me from falling off a 100 foot building." I said seriously. He still had a wild look in his eyes, but the fire in his gaze began to settle, turning into something of understanding and warmth. "Oh..." He managed to say, making me chuckle.
Leo smiled softly and crossed his arms. "I'll tell you this... I love you but you are quite literally insane." He said with an exasperated tone. I scoffed and smacked his arm. "Hey, all I'm saying is you have a crazy way of trying to prove a point." He added. I rolled my eyes and gripped the brown leather strap going across his chest that held his Katana covers against his shell. I gently pulled him towards me and looked up at him. "You're so short, you know that right?" He said, smiling. "Uh huh, sure." I said as I glanced away from him and shook my head, smiling & blushing a bit at the same time. Leo brought both of his hands to my face, placing them right beside my ears. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek and smiled again as he looked into my eyes.
"You're insane." Leo said as he shook his head slowly again with a soft smile. I smirked and raised a brow as I looked back at him. "Yeah, I know. But you are a training freak sometimes." I shot back. "Whatever. I just like to stay ready." "For what, some gang of criminals?" "Psh. No, for something bigger... like Shredder." "Alright cap'n, whatever you say." I said with a playful scoff. Leo laughed and then brought his face down to mine. He looked into my eyes for a second before glancing down at my lips. I then brought his mouth to mine and he kissed me slowly. He kept both hands on either side of my face and I placed my arms around his neck. In between gentle kisses, we whispered how much we loved each other, making my heart beat faster.
I deepened the kiss by pulling him to me and kissing him longer each time. I felt his warm breath on my skin, sending shivers down my spine. Leo's own heart was racing against my chest. I could feel the rapid beats as he was close to me. My lungs were screaming for air, but I didn't want to let him go. I wanted to stay with him like this forever. I pulled back a bit and then kissed his face, trailing up from the corner of his mouth to where his mask was. Leo had his eyes closed as he leaned into me. I smiled when an idea came to mind. I slowly lifted his bandana and kissed him there.
He smirked and let me continue, eventually I completely removed it from his face and trailed kisses up his scar. This was my way of showing him how much I truly loved him. That it didn't matter if he was a mutant turtle. I loved everything about him. In return, Leo kissed my forehead and then trailed down my face to the corner of my mouth. He then pulled back and gave me an eskimo kiss (when you gently rub your nose against someone else's). I laughed and he looked into my eyes lovingly. But in his gaze, something was changing... He loved me but there was something more. I didn't know what but I could sense it all around me.
I heard rushing footsteps coming from behind me. Leo looked up and pushed me behind him, drawing a Katana. I looked at the door in worry and then turned to the shattered window behind us. "Come on, we need to get back. We can go through the window." I said frantically. He narrowed his eyes and then turned to me. He scooped me up and then lept out the window. I transformed and then as he fell, I dove underneath him, and waited until he got onto my back securely to climb higher into the air. Once he was good, I shot back up right before we could hit the ground and flew to the alleyway where the manhole cover was. I landed beside it and then transformed back. Leo picked me up again and jumped down into the sewer. I closed my eyes and rested my head against him, remembering back to the first time we met. The gentle swaying of his arms as he walked started to make me drowsy. I fell asleep and he held me a bit closer, kissing my forehead.

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