Old Scars Run Deep

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  Old Scars Run Deep
    "Healing processes can take long... it all depends on the individual," Donnie explained as he tended to the wounds on my face. I flattened my ears and growled as he held an antiseptic wipe up, slowly bringing it closer to my face. "See what I mean? You keep refusing to let me help and it will only cause things to be worse for you. So just stay still!" He said, getting frustrated. April laughed a bit and patted his shoulder. "Don't be too hard on her, Don. She's never been one for staying still for very long." I flicked my eyes to her and growled impatiently, narrowing my eyes. "Don't give me that look! You know it's true!" She said, laughing. "I don't care! Last time she busted my nose with her damn horn. I don't feel like having that happen again!" Donnie exclaimed.
    I snorted and allowed him to clean my wound. It stung horribly but I tried my best not to flinch away. Once he was finished, he placed new, clean gauze over the large gash. I got up and thankfully was able to walk now. My leg had simply been sprained but now I can walk just fine. I opened my wings and began to prune them when Raph came over and crossed his arms, looking directly at me. I opened my eyes and slid my gaze over to him. "Yes, Raph?" I said as I lifted my head to him. "You vs me, sparring match... now." I perked my ears up and cocked my head. "You sure? I don't think it would be much of a 'match'." I said arrogantly. He narrowed his eyes at me and drew his Sais. "In here? I don't think-" I began to say. "I thought it wouldn't be a challenge, Caly?" He said cockily.
    "Alright then, tough guy..." I said as I transformed back. Raph was much taller than me, but I had been training with Master Splinter lately to keep my fighting instincts in tact, and little did Mr. Raph here know he was about to get his shell kicked. I took a ready stance and narrowed my eyes. Raph ran at me, yelling and I leapt out of the way. I then quickly turned around but Raph was already coming at me again. His fist slammed into my cheek and I was sent onto the ground, hard. I landed on my back and groaned. "Oh come on, Caly. Really? That's it?" He said, mocking me. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, breathing heavily. I then got up and wiped my face free of spit with the back of my hand. Raph smirked and then ran at me again. But this time, I slid one foot forward, planting it firmly in place.
    I then turned my body, tucking my arms in and launched my shin right into his face. Raph grunted and then stumbled back, placing a hand on his nose. "Good strike... Now let's see if you can do it again." He said with a snicker. I chuckled darkly and then gave him a dangerous look. He came close to me and started trying to punch my face with uppercuts and hooks. I dodged most of his strikes and then unsheathed my Tachi. I used the butt of the blade and thrusted it into his lower chest before taking the sword back and uppercutting him as he began to hunch over. When my fist made contact with his face, his head was sent up and he fell back onto the ground. I disarmed him and aimed the tip of my blade at his throat, narrowing my eyes.
    "Surrender." I said with a rough tone. Raph held his arms up and smirked a bit. "You win. Again. But I swear, it won't happen next time." I sheathed my sword and helped him up. "Alright, well I look forward to our next duel. Until then, I bid you adieu." I said as I bowed my head and then smiled like a dork as Raph rolled his eyes and smirked. I laughed and then walked over to where April was standing. She had her hands on her hips and a puzzled look on her face as she looked at one of Donnie's computers. I looked at her and cocked my head curiously. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She looked at me and then sighed. "I'm just thinking about something." I gave her a confused look and she patted my head. "Don't worry about it, I just need some time to figure things out." She said reassuringly. "Okay, well moving on from that, I wanted to know if you could help me with something."
    April raised a brow and crossed her arms. "Like-?" She began to ask with a raised brow. "I need to let go." I said, my voice a mere whisper. "Could you run that by me one more time?" I gave her a serious look.. "I need to let go of my past. It keeps holding me back." April turned her head to me and had a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Cal-" She began to say. I crossed my own arms and glanced away from her, sighing. "I know, sis, I know. But seriously, I'm sick of always being held back from my full potential because of my mother." "Caly, look... We've tried this before. I've tried to help you, but you just get stuck on the littlest things and you just clam up right in the middle of our discussion." My eyes flicked back to her face and I furrowed my brow.
    "I know why you are saying that. It's because you think I'll get upset again by everything, but I'm better now, April. I can handle myself enough to where I won't just stay silent." April sighed and put a hand over her nose. I then felt arms slide down my shoulders and cross over my upper chest. Leo placed his head on mine and raised a brow. "What's going on?" He asked. "Caly is being Caly." April said, sounding exhausted. "What? No. I am trying to learn how to move on. I said, looking at April as she slowly took her hand off her nose. "That literally was what I just said." She said, giving me an unimpressed look. "Correction, that's what you were saying by assuming that I was being stubborn." I said as I rolled my eyes and stared at the ground, zoning out as Leo spoke. "Didn't your mother abandon you?" After a moment I came back to reality and shook my head. "Y-yeah. Wait... No, she didn't abandon me. She threw me out and forced me to live out in the streets."
    He held me close and sighed. "Caly, I don't think that would be beneficial to you. Those memories have caused you so much pain. There's no definite way to get rid of them." He said softly. "Well for good, at least." He added. I breathed in deeply and looked up at him. "I know, I know. I just want to let go." I walked out of Leo's grip and transformed, no longer being able to hold my human form. I took a few steps forward and then sat down, arching my neck over and looking at the ground. I curled my tail around me and felt tears fall slowly down my face. Leo and April came in front of me and wrapped their arms around my neck. I opened my eyes slowly before lowering my head against their arms. I spread my wings and brought them around them, holding my sister and the love of my life close to me.
    I flattened my ears and sighed. I brought my tail up and around them, letting out a low growl and closing my eyes. "If you ever go to find your mother, then I'm coming with you." Leo said, voice deep and full of promise. I opened my eyes and pulled back my wings a bit as he and April stepped back. "I'll try and help too... I'm not going to let my favorite sister go memory busting without me." I chuckled softly and looked at her. "I'm your only sister." "I know. That's what makes you my favorite!" She called. I smirked and then lunged at her, pinning her to the ground. I let out a playful growl as she gently swatted at my face. I nipped softly at her hand before letting her up. She sat there laughing and then as Leo turned his attention away from me, I got down low.
    My ears perked up and I wiggled my butt before pouncing and knocking him to the ground, pinning him. "AH! Caly, really?" He said, sounding playfully irritated. I let out another growl before licking his face. He cringed and wiped the slobber off his face. "Ewww, that was disgusting!" April said, laughing. She then came over and hugged me again, nuzzling her face into the fur on the back of my neck. "You are so fluffy!" She said, making me snort. I looked into Leo's eyes and my gaze filled with a radiating warmth. I let him up and he got to his feet before coming close to my face. He placed his hands on either side of my snout and rested his forehead against mine. My ears flipped back and I closed my eyes.
    Sensei then walked in and cleared his throat. My eyes opened when Leo backed up to face his father. "Master Splinter." He said, bowing his head. "Hello, my son, and greetings to you Caly and April." I lowered my head in respect and then gently hit April with my tail, signaling for her to do the same. "I want you to train with me today. Caly, will you be joining us?" My ears perked up and I looked at Splinter. "I will join, but I won't be training. May I just observe?" I asked patiently. "Of course." He responded softly. I said my thanks and then followed them to the training area where the large platform was. My mutant lover took on a ready stance as Sensei circled him, testing his reflexes. When Leo passed the first visual assessment, he looked at me through a side gaze and smirked. I glanced at him curiously before perking up my ears. My eyes widened as he and his father began to duel. Most of the moves Splinter was attempting to use were dodged by Leo as he did cool flips and stuff to avoid being hit. My ears swiveled back as Splinter got an opening and struck Leo's leg. I instinctively flattened my ears and growled. I couldn't help it when I ran over to the platform and protected Leo from the old rat. My pupils were slits and I snarled everytime he moved.
    "What is the meaning of this?" He asked, confused. With a low groan and a pained voice, Leo got up and limped in front of me, holding an arm out. "Caly, relax. Calm down. I'm okay, everything is fine." He tried to touch my snout but I growled and snapped at him. My gaze flicked from his face to Splinter's. "What is wrong with her, Leonardo?" Sensei asked. "She's been getting like this lately. We don't know for sure, but it happens anytime one of us gets hurt." "I see... Move, my son." Leo turned his head quickly to Splinter. "Dad, did you not hear what I-" "Move." Leo sighed and hobbled out the way. I carefully watched as he moved away slowly. He kept a wary eye on me as the mutant rat came close to me.
    Sensei came to me and looked me in the eyes. "My child, please return to us... you must learn to control this." I hissed and began to take a step towards him, revealing my sharp canines. I then turned from him sharply and accidentally sent my tail into him. He leapt out of the way before any major damage could be done, but the tip of my tail grazed his face, making him fall back. Leo gasped and then I slowly turned my head to him. The haze in my eyes faded and I shook my head back and forth, snorting. "L-Leo? What happened? Did I just-?" He went over to his father and helped him up before looking at me with a slightly upset expression. I flattened my ears as my eyes trailed to the forming gash on Sensei's head. I took a small step forward but Leo held an arm out.
    "Don't. You've done enough." My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to protest but then stopped. Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes and I turned from him, running away from the training platform. I skidded to a halt in front of the water before looking back behind me. I pressed my ears firmly against my head and then turned back to the water. I dove in and swam quickly, then surfacing at the mouth of the large tunnel. I climbed out of the water, onto the river bank and shook my entire body. I then spread my wings and took off into the lightening sky. The sun had just begun to peak over the horizon, so the stars were still relatively visible. I wiped the tears from my face and flew to the roof of the apartment.
    I landed on it and transformed, climbing onto the balcony. I sat with my back against the railing and drew my legs to my chest, then wrapped my arms around them. I slowly placed my head on my knees and began to cry. Why is this happening to me? Why can't I just control myself? The cold air pinched at my cheeks and bare shoulders. I got up and sighed, knowing I should return to the sewers. I transformed back and went back.
    I entered the lair and my eyes widened as my ears flattened. I called out for the guys, no response. I called out for April, no response. Splinter called my name and I flicked my gaze around frantically, searching for him amongst the rubble. "They were taken, Caly... When you left, Shredder attacked and blasted everything to pieces again." He said weakly. I finally found him and trotted over, lowering my head to him. I narrowed my eyes and let out a deep growl. "Where did he take them?" I asked seriously, voice low and full of anger. "To some building. I don't know-" Suddenly, one of Donnie's monitors began beeping. I swiveled my ear to the sound and then turned my full attention to it.
    I ran over and stood on my hind legs as I cleared some rubble and debris off of the computers. I got back down on all fours and then studied the screen. "It's a homing beacon! Donnie is sending a distress signal!" I called out. "You must find them. You're their only hope now." "Wait, before I go, you should know that I'm sorry for-" I began to say. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Calypso. Now, go! Save our family." He said seriously. I bowed my head and then quickly turned, running through the tunnels. I transformed into my human form and climbed out the manhole cover. I then changed back and ran a few paces before spreading my wings, crouching down, and then taking off. I held one of Donnie's GPS things and followed it to the building. I flapped my wings hard, willing myself to fly quickly through the air.
    I then arrived at the large structure which appeared to be abandoned. I dove down and bursted through the window. Glass was sent flying everywhere as I crashed onto the floor. I shook my head and then got up quickly, looking around for the guys. I took on a low, crouched stance and slowly crept through the dimly lit building. I lowered my head to the ground and sniffed, trying to pick up a scent. To my surprise, I caught the familiar scent of April's vanilla cupcake scented perfume. I followed it up the stairs and carefully tracked it all the way to a locked room. I growled and brought my tail back, then smashed it into the door, sending splinters everywhere.
    I bursted into the room and found the still bodies of the brothers and my sister. I gasped and my ears swiveled out to the sides. I then rushed over to each one of them and nudged them, trying to wake them up. After a few seemingly never ending moments, I saw them breathe. I let out a sigh of relief and went over to Mikey, licking his face and nudging him with my nose. I did the same thing to everyone else until they began to stir. I stood there, watching expectantly, and hoping they were alright. Suddenly, Donnie began to cough as he groaned, waking up and looking around.
    "W-where are we? Wait... the lair! Splinter! Caly?!" He said frantically. I rushed over and lowered my head to him. "Easy, Donnie! Relax... Try to quiet down. I don't know if there are still people here." I said through a harsh whisper. He met my gaze hesitantly and then I heard Mikey and Raph begin to wake up. As they got up, I made sure they were okay before going over to Leo and April. Donnie crawled over to April and somehow got her to wake up. Since she was okay, I turned my attention back to Leonardo. I lowered my head to him and let out a worried growl. He took in a sharp breath before slowly opening his eyes.
    When he woke up, I let out a relieved sigh and then nudged him, trying to get him up. "Are you alright?" I asked frantically, my ears out to the sides in concern. Leo's beautiful blue gaze fell upon me and he smirked. "I am now..." I scoffed and then rubbed my head against him, letting out a low rumble. He grunted and I stopped, scared that I hurt him. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked, surveying him for any wounds. "Just a bit sore is all. I just need a second and I'll be kicking butt again." He said with a hoarse laugh. I gazed at him sympathetically before gently nudging his face. "You need to get up if possible. All of you do." I said, glancing from Leo to everyone else.
    I helped him up when I heard something outside the door. He heard it too and turned to the doorway. Raph came over and helped Leo to stand as I went to inspect what had caused the sound and saw a bomb starting to beep. My eyes widened and I quickly turned back to everyone and ran over to them. I then spread my wings out around them and surrounded them with all of my body, protecting them from the coming blast. When the automated voice reached the last three seconds, time seemed to slow. I opened my eyes one more time before looking into Leonardo's frantic blue gaze. Tears came to my eyes and I flattened my ears. "I love-" Just before I could finish, the blast was earsplitting. In a split second, everything around us heated up and the light was so, so bright... but then my head fell to the ground and everything went dark.
    I heard voices... But my ears were ringing horribly. My mouth tasted like metal and I couldn't see. All I could smell was smoke. But then, my eyes slowly opened and I couldn't move. Leo held me in his lap as he kept me close and he was crying into my neck. Raph, Mikey, and Donnie were behind him, standing over us while April was crouched down by his side, sobbing. I took in a shaky breath and weakly moved my head. Leo gasped and so did April as they heard me take in a harsh breath. Leo lifted his head up and met my gaze. "Hey..." I said with a hoarse voice. "Shh, save your breath." April said softly as she smiled warmly at me. I coughed and then took in another shaky breath. My legs were all cut up along with my arms. I felt blood trickling down my forehead and my lip was busted. But worse than that, I could hardly breathe.
    I looked into Leo's eyes and felt tears come down my cheeks as I then glanced over at each of his brothers & April. "Thank y'all for everything... I'm so grateful for everything y'all have given me. Thank you for all the patience and forgiveness, but also for giving me the family I never had . . ." I said weakly, my voice a mere whisper. "Don't talk like that, Cal. You're going to be alright... You always get back up..." Leo said as tears streamed down his face. "Not this time, chief. We had a good run though, didn't we?" I said, chuckling hoarsely. "You have to stay strong, Calypso. For all of us... For me..." He said, voice pleading. April held one of my hands as tears streamed down her face. "Stay with us, sis. Please..." She said with a sob. "You gotta help us with our Christmas Album!" Mikey croaked as tears rolled down his face. Even Raph and Donnie were crying. I offered them a soft but weak smile. I glanced back at Leo and rested my head against his chest.
    He lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me. He was gentle enough that he wouldn't hurt me, but he pulled back and kissed the side of my face. From there, he kissed my nose before placing his forehead against mine. "I love you... So much, Cal." He said as one of his tears fell onto my cheek. "I love you more..." I said softly. I then turned to April and told her how grateful I was for everything she had done for me, but also how much I loved her. I then closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, darkness enclosing around me.

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