The forgotten

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The Forgotten   
You can try to explain the fear that is consuming me. I can't move... Everything around me is dark and I feel cold... so, so cold. There are voices but I can't make out a single word being spoken. All the sudden, a sharp pain coursed through my neck. My senses came back to me in a sudden flash, making me sit up in a split second. I instinctively tried to get away, to flee. But my desire to do so was put to an untimely demise by two metal cuffs bound around my wrists and ankles. I looked around, desperate for answers. Why was I here? Where is 'here'? I did a double take as I was yanked back onto the hard platform I was bound to. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure in white clothing and a hard plastic mask over their face come to my side. I breathed heavily, feeling my heart racing.
"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, demanding an answer as I clenched and unclenched my fists. The person in the white safety suit turned their back to me as they went over to some counter and placed things on a metal tray. My eyes widened and I tried to loosen the cuffs around my hands. "There's no use in trying to escape. Please remain still and this will be easier on both of us." The person said calmly. Two of the foot soldiers standing behind me grasped my shoulders and held me down as the man in the suit came over to my side, setting the tray down beside me. "Listen, do not move. I am simply going to inject you with this substance and you will no longer remember who you are or your past. Master Shredder requested this after he found out about your confrontation with the turtles." He said as he filled the syringe with a vile looking yellow liquid. I narrowed my eyes and tried to get loose. I closed my eyes and tried to transform but failed. What? Why can't I transform?
"Don't even try it. I've been studying your genetic makeup due to your recent mutation and it seems your form has been canceled out for whatever reason. Now, hold still or I will unfortunately have to make this more painful." As he finished that sentence, he thrusted the needle into my side and I screamed as a terrible stinging sensation filled every inch of my body. I felt myself start to slip away and tried to fight the feeling back. It took everything in me but I couldn't resist the substance now flowing through my veins. My memories, surroundings, senses, everything... all gone in only a few minutes. I collapsed backwards and breathed rapidly. I began to shake uncontrollably. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and that was it. Everything went black and in this dark, cold abyss, I had lost everything. I no longer knew of my past or family...
I can't move... I want to stand and run... I want to open my eyes but I can't. I don't understand why or how, but it's like my body just won't do what I need it to. But more importantly, who even am I? Where is this dark place full of nothing? I'm scared and cold... I can't move but I feel so empty and drained. Am I still living? Is this what it is like to be dead? No, that can't be it... I'm breathing, I can tell. I jolted awake as I heard the scraping of metal somewhere around me. My heart was racing but as I tried to stand up, I immediately collapsed onto the ground with a gasp for breath as air rushed out of my lungs.
I drew one hand to my stomach and the other underneath of me, pushing up slightly to try and sit up. My hair tumbled around me in a messy cascade, some strands sticking to my face because of the sweat that clung to my skin. I wheezed as I tried to breathe, feeling so lost. "Ah, you are awake..." said a man with dark black armor on. I lifted my head slightly and took in a shuddering breath. "W-What is this place?" I asked, my voice sounding weak and fearful. "Do not be afraid, my dear. I rescued you from a horrible accident. You are safe now, child." He said solemnly. I looked away from him and back to the ground, taking in the cracked skin on one of my hands.
"What do you mean? Where-" I was silenced as he held up a hand. "I know you must have many questions, so come with me." The strange man said as he held out a hand to me. I glanced at it hesitantly before reaching up and taking it. "Very good, Calypso." He said and I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. "That is your name. You are Calypso, the best warrior I have ever trained." He said, trailing off at the end of his sentence. I stood up cautiously and reached up to my forehead. I placed my hand over my left eye and shook my head back and forth as I searched my memory for any confirmation of what this man had just told me. "I have no memory of what you speak of. Are you saying I am a student or something?" I asked, visibly puzzled.
"Yes, you are my student. You may call me Sensei, as all of my students before you have called me." He said and I looked up at his metallic helmet, searching for his eyes. "Please tell me more.I want to know who I am and what happened to me..." "You were an orphan I had taken under my wing. I trained you to be a great warrior, but four creatures known as the 'Turtles' had captured you and gave you horrible wounds. You were fighting to protect me and Karai, your friend. Luckily, I was able to rescue you but you were unconscious. It appears that you have lost your memory of this, so I am here to tell you of your bravery." He said, sounding genuine and proud.
I looked away from him and nodded slowly. So this is who I was... My name was Calypso and I am a warrior serving under my Sensei. I don't know why but something felt off about this whole situation. I pushed those feelings away as we began walking. Sensei led me through a large building with hallways lined with dozens of soldiers that were apparently called the 'Foot Clan'. As me and my master walked past them, they saluted us and bowed before turning & walking away in formation.
I raised a brow and smirked, feeling a bit like royalty or like I was some special dictator or something. As we walked through a large set of doors, I saw an asian girl who looked like she was no older than 25 years old. Her dark black hair was tied back in a bun and she wore sleek eyeliner. She narrowed her eyes at me before placing a fist against her palm and bowing to us. "Master Shredder and Warrior Calypso... an honor it is to see you both." I bowed my head slightly to her, thinking that was the thing to do around here. "I owe you my life, and for that I thank you." She said, looking at me softly. I nodded slowly before taking a step back and being led away from Shredder with her.
She took my arm and placed it over her head, letting it rest around her neck. As she helped me to stand, we went through a separate hallway. We came into this dark room with a long dark wooden table, lined with chairs. Karai pulled one out with her foot and helped me to sit down in it. When I was safely in place, she walked around and sat in front of me on the other side of the table. She brought her hands underneath her chin and studied me for a few moments. I looked around the room in an attempt to ignore the awkward silence. "Do you know who you are?" Karai suddenly asked and I sighed, sounding defeated. "That's all I've been asking. Sensei told me that I was rescued because of the turtles trying to kill us. He said that my name is Calypso and I am a warrior." I said softly.
"He's right... you are a warrior. You are my friend though, so it is my job to protect you like you have for me." She said as she reached out and placed a hand over mine. "You are like a sister to me, Calypso... I hope it always stays that way." She said, smiling gently. I smiled a bit and looked down at the table, nodding slowly. "I do too. I can't tell you why or how, but I remember having a sister or at least something quite close... Was that you?" I asked, looking back at her with a hopeful glint in my eyes. She patted my hand and nodded. "We've been friends since we were very young... you are my sister not by blood but by choice. A fellow warrior and it is my duty to protect you." She said, looking at me seriously. I nodded in understanding and my took hand away from hers. I am glad to know I have someone here who will look after me, that alone is enough to give me strength.
After a while of further identity searching, Karai and I went to what she called the 'dojo'. I stood in front of her and watched as foot soldiers came behind her, holding a sheathed sword. The case was a dark black leather, and had a beautiful pattern of golden flowers streamed along the sides. I widened my eyes as a sudden shock of pain pounded through my head. I yelled as I fell back onto my knees and brought my hands over my eyes. Bright images of that same sword flashed through my mind with some creature holding it in front of me. But as soon as they came, the images and pain were gone. I let out a panicked gasp for air as Karai turned to me and placed a firm hand on my shoulder, with a concerned look on her face. "Calypso, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked frantically. I steadied my breathing and looked at her with a dazed expression.
"I-I don't know... I had these images. There was a sudden pain but then it-" She searched my eyes, waiting for me to finish my sentence. "It was nothing... Don't worry about it." I said finally. She gave me a disapproving look before helping me stand up and she went back to the soldiers and grabbed the blade that was still sheathed. She came to me and held it out to me at arms length. "Take this. Soon, when you are a little more adapted to your environment, we will train together. I will test your skills to see if your fighting instincts are still present despite the recent situation." She said firmly. I nodded and took the sword, bowing my head.
It's been five months since I woke up with my memory gone. Everything about me hurts this morning after the brutal training that Sensei has forced me to undergo. I can't figure out what is expected of me. Nothing feels right and I can't shake that feeling. I keep feeling like I'm stuck in some reality that doesn't exist. But if it weren't for Karai or my unnatural determination to please my master, I would try to escape. However, I have finally convinced my dear friend that I am ready to test myself. I sat up on my cot and slid off, reaching over to my uniform. It was a black full body suit that fit me tightly and then shoulder pads.
The pads were a lighter shade of black than the suit. I had light gray gloves made of weaved yarn that went from my forearm to my hands, but cut off at the middle of my palm and lower thumbs. The uniform had a gold stripe that ran from the top of my bodysuit and disappeared underneath my black boots. It ran up both my right and left sides and then both stripes met in two arches over my upper chest. After struggling to put on the uniform and armor, I pulled the hood that hung down on my back over my head and pulled the black mask up. I then turned back to the bed and grabbed the sheathed sword, slipping the strap over one shoulder. I walked out the room and headed for the dojo.
My hair was in braided pigtails but stopped near the base of my head, allowing the remaining hair to flow out the sides of the hood and onto my shoulders. When I arrived at the dojo, the foot soldiers training stopped sparring and turned to me before making a fist & pressing it against their chests, bowing to me. I held my head a little higher and made the same fist and pressed it against my own chest before continuing forward. I met Karai in the center of the training area and bowed my head to her as she did the same. "Ready for practice today?" She asked, smiling. Although she couldn't see it, I smiled behind the mask and nodded my head once. "Okay, then it is time to prove you got what it takes." She said enthusiatically.
I nodded and we took our ready stances. Something felt vaguely familiar about this... Don't ask me how, but I somehow remember this. Karai drew her sword and I hesitated before doing the same. My blade exited the casing with a crisp, "schwing". I slowly pulled the sword up over my shoulder and then over me before lowering it. The golden floral design on the base of the blade matched the gold stripes on my own uniform. "Swords ready!" Karai called and without even thinking, my body made me take on a low position, holding the blade slightly angled and close to my body, more on the right side then the left. She came at me quickly, swishing her sword above my head and I ducked underneath it just in time. "Good reflexes! Now, deflect!" She called as she slashed her blade horizontally towards me.
I met her blade with my own, blocking her attack. With a grunt, I pushed my sword forward, knocking her off balance. I then brought my leg up and kicked her in the stomach, making her stumble back. She quickly recovered and came at me faster than I had anticipated. She threw her elbow into my side and before I could react, she back kicked me, making me fall down. Karai was coming at me again and I quickly reached for my sword and held it on its side, blocking her from slashing down on my face. I brought my leg back and then kicked her shin. From then on, I had the upperhand in the sparring match. I was able to successfully disarm her and make her submit to me.
I sheathed my sword before leaning down and holding my hand out to her. She took it and I pulled her up back to her feet. "Well done, today. Your skills are definitely still intact, but you are a little under practiced. Just a bit more time and I'll have you back to your regular war-fighting self." Karai said jokingly as she gently punched my shoulder. I laughed and grabbed her blade off the ground, handing it to her. "Yeah, well, it definitely won't be too hard. Seeing as I have bested even you." I said, sounding cocky. She raised her eyebrows at me and sheathed her sword. "Lucky shot. I'll beat you next time. Just you wait!" She fired back. I rolled my eyes before turning from her and began to walk away but I then remembered something.
"So when can we go and fight real opponents? I mean, you did say that if I beat you, we could go and fight for real." Karai crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me. "You really want to go out, don't you?" She asked with a scowl. I shrugged and then looked at the soldiers training around us. "I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Aren't we saving this city from the 'turtles'? Also, who even are those guys? Sensei never mentioned," I began to say until Karai interrupted me. "I got it and yes, we are saving the city. The turtles are four mutant brothers who are trying to stop Master Shredder from saving this place. As a warrior serving in the foot clan, it is your duty to defend every soldier and member." She said seriously. I nodded as she said this. At sunrise, we would take a delta team and patrol the city. With any luck, we would run into these elusive brothers and we would crush them.
It was 4:30 AM and we were on the move. Thankfully, we had darkness to disguise us against the bright lights of the buzzing traffic. As we ran through the alleyways, one of our squadrons signaled for us to stop. Me and Karai turned at the same time when the soldier we lovingly called 'Dead Weight' pointed at a dumpster. "Uh, General...?" He said, voice low and shaky. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What? Is there an enemy?" I whispered harshly. He turned from me to the dumpster and nodded. I signaled for Command Leader A to turn on her flashlight. When it clicked on at the dumpster, the light revealed a stray cat foraging for food. C.L.-A turned her light off and shook her head back and forth before smirking, knowing that Dead Weight had just stopped us for nothing.
I walked over to him and slapped the back of his head. "Pay attention, soldier. Keep your mind focused on the task we have been assigned with. I need you to be on the lookout for real enemies. Not cats going through a disposal unit... got it?" I said seriously. He nodded before muttering a quiet and frankly, quite embarrassed apology. I silenced the soldiers who were snickering and signaled for us to continue moving. Karai looked over at me with a slight smirk and I rolled my eyes. Thank goodness for the dark and this mask or she would see that I was smiling in amusement as well. We continued moving through the dark alleyways, occasionally stopping right before the lights from the front of passing cars could illuminate us for possible enemies to see. We climbed up the fire escape on a nearby building and once we got to the roof, I slowly walked over to the edge and placed one foot on the slightly raised part of it. As I surveyed our surroundings, a gentle cool breeze blew past me and that's when I slid my gaze over to four figures moving quickly over the buildings in front of us.
One of the figures stopped and stood still before signaling to the others to stop. I brought my hand up and brought two fingers up before moving it back and forth twice. This was our own sign for enemies spotted. "Weapons at the ready." Karai whispered to our squadron. I kept my sword sheathed and signaled for everyone to follow me. I climbed down the side of the building and dropped to the ground, crouching down slightly. The squadron stood flat against the sides of the alleyway, being concealed by the darkness. Suddenly, a large thump came from behind me and I turned my head slowly without making any noise. Dead Weight somehow managed to fire his gun and he slowly looked at me with a panicked expression. I widened my eyes as some large silhouette grabbed him and threw him back into the wall behind us.
A pair of ice blue eyes met mine and I felt something surge through me. A strange feeling that I couldn't describe... I knew that cold gaze but I didn't know how. Before I could react, they turned away from me and I felt something grab me by my waist. I quickly recovered and managed to squirm out of their grip. But then two arms grabbed me around my arms and held on tightly. Karai called out my name as I was taken up onto the roof where I had been standing not too long ago. The strength of these things was more than I was capable of escaping. I tried as hard as I could to escape their grip but failed. Once on the roof, I was slung onto the ground. I landed with a 'thud' and made contact with the hard cement on my side. I drew my arms underneath me and slowly pushed up, trying to get up. Two muscular legs landed right beside me out of nowhere and I gasped.
I looked up slowly and as my eyes traveled up the body of this person, I noticed they were armed with two Katanas and a blue handle on each. My gaze met the face of him and I sat there, frozen. He narrowed his cold blue eyes at me and gritted his teeth. "Karai..." He said with hatred filling his voice, freezing me in place. I shook my head, getting out of my daze and breathed heavily. I then drew my hand to my stomach and coughed, choking on my own breath. "My name isn't-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was kneed on my side and I collapsed over, grunting in mass amounts of pain. "Where is Calypso, Karai?" The person with the wintery gaze said again. My vision was hazy but I managed to choke out a sentence. "I am not Karai . . ." I said, as I dragged one hand along the concrete, trying to get up. I then noticed three other figures and remembered what Sensei had told me about the four brothers who had tried to kill them and me.
"You... You're the brothers who tried to stop Sensei... You tried to kill him, me, and my friend! The 'turtles' are you four." I said, gasping for air. One of the figures came to me and turned on a bright light before gasping. "Guys... look! It's her! It's Caly!" He said frantically. The dude with the steel blue eyes came over to me and crouched down. In the light, I saw he was no human. He wore a deep blue bandana around his eyes and had green skin. He looked directly into my eyes and a question danced in his gaze. "Caly? What are you talking about? That never happened. Who told you that?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him and got up slowly, clutching my side. "My name is not 'Caly'. I am Calypso... I serve under my Sensei and alongside my friend, Karai. You are traitors and because you put the ones I am loyal to in danger, I will take pleasure in ending you." I said darkly. He stood up, and narrowed his own eyes at me. "This isn't you, Caly... You know that isn't true. What happened to you after all this time?" He said reaching an arm out to try and touch me. "Leonardo, don't!" Someone called out suddenly. I quickly drew my sword and slashed it down, cutting his arm slightly. He jumped back with a yell and I brought my blade down, tapping it twice on the ground near my feet.
My squadron suddenly appeared around the brothers, holding chains. Karai came to my side and crossed her arms, smirking slightly. 'Leo' looked from me to her, a confused but furious look in his eyes. "Karai! What did you do to her?" He asked angrily. She laughed and signaled for the soldiers to move in with the chains. In almost a flash, our entire squadron was beaten by the turtles and it was just me and Karai left. We sprinted to the edge of the building and did a front flip over the large gap that separated this roof from the other. I skidded to a stop and turned my head to face our enemies. My gaze met Leo's and I sheathed my sword before narrowing my eyes at him as he still clutched his arm. Fresh blood ran from the wound and dripped onto the roof where he stood. I don't know why but I recognized him and his brothers...
We ran back to Shredder's lair, making our way to our rooms. I entered mine and sat on my bed, beginning to take off my gear. All of a sudden, I had another rush of pain shoot through my skull and I clutched the sides of my head, yelling in agony. I saw Leo looking up at me with a warm smile on his face. Then, I saw a reflection of an ocean blue dragon-like creature with a turquoise gaze. The visions disappeared and I collapsed onto the ground, breathing rapidly. What the heck is going on? Why did I see that turtle from before? What is happening to me? I drew my hands to my chest and closed my eyes, trying to tame my wild breaths. My heartbeat was pulsating through my head, making me feel like it was about to explode. I don't understand why this is happening to me. Shredder said I was a warrior of the foot clan... the turtles are my sworn enemies and therefore, it is my duty to strike them down.
I woke up the next morning and rubbed my tired eyes. Yesterday was horrible and I don't want to ever feel like that again. But as I was sleeping, I felt something inside of me change. I heard a voice in my mind, small whispers of a name I did not remember. "Caly... Never forget..." It would say while I dozed off. Each time I would hear this serpent sounding voice, I would jolt awake and look around my dark room. Was I possessed? Do I need to seek a mental hospital? The rest of today was just a pretty basic day. I got up out of bed and went to the dojo for more intense training, making me sweat. Karai kept looking at me with a concerned look on her face. I simply told her I needed some time to myself and I would be back to my butt kicking self in no time.

This one is shorter -the author (not me it is my friend Cadie

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