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It had been two weeks since the face off with Shredder.. Master Splinter had stayed in the lair, insisting he should fix everything and the brothers stay with me and April. But today was when we would go and take down the mutagen experiments at TCRI. I braided my hair into two braided pigtails that ran from the front of my scalp, all the way down to my mid back, and pulled out a few hairs that hung down from the sides of my face. If I do say so myself, I look good. I wore my light gray Nike sports bra and black, high waisted running leggings. I slipped on my white sneakers and tied a white hoodie around my waist, slinging my Tachi over my head, making it rest on my back. I went to the kitchen where the brothers and April were discussing the best course of action. When I opened the fridge and got the apple juice, I turned to go and get a cup when I noticed Leo staring at me, looking flustered and Mikey made a cat call. I grinned and started laughing when April looked up and mouthed, "A+ on the outfit, or at least he thinks so," gesturing to Leo.
I winked at Leo, making him grunt and then cleared his throat, realizing he was staring. He turned his attention back to Donnie as he explained the blueprints of the building. I opened the cabinet and got myself a cup and poured apple juice into it and then placed the carton back into the fridge. After grabbing my cup, I walked past Leo and elbowed him playfully, looking over my shoulder and giving him a sly grin. I made my way beside April and handed the glass to her. She gave me a side hug before looking back at Donnie as he spoke. "So, we go in the back hallway and hope to gain the upperhand in this situation?" I asked skeptically. Donnie nodded. "For the most part, yes. There is a pretty high chance that we'll be successful in this mission, but we just need to make sure we shut the place down before it all blows up. We are going to have to shut down the machine in the center of the room." I nodded and then stood back up. "So when do we leave?" I asked. Donnie looked directly at me, narrowing his eyes. "Now."
We were on the move... approaching the building. Now, me and April were not as strong as the turtles, so we couldn't climb up the large skyscraper. Instead, Leo held me and Donnie had April. Should've figured. Once we got to the top, Leo gently set me down and I patted his arm. "Thanks for the lift!" I said, making him smile. Donnie set April down and she smiled at him before coming over to me and bumping her hip against mine. I quietly laughed and then turned my attention back to the task at hand. We all crouched down and carefully made our way to the elevator door at the top of the building. Leo and Donnie stood in front of me and April while Raph and Mikey were beside us. I glanced over at my sister with a worried expression on my face and she gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. When we got to the elevator, Donnie had to pull out some fancy gadget to rewire the controls, opening the doors. We all huddled together in the tiny, cramped space. Leo glanced over his shoulder at me & April and then something unreadable crossed his eyes.
When we finally reached the lab floor, the doors opened and we all got low. "Stay close and stay behind us." Leo said sternly. "Are you sure?" I knew better than to ask him this but I didn't feel too confident about our plan. Leo looked back at me, a serious glint in his eyes. He nodded and then turned his attention back to the opening doors, drawing his Katanas. The room was completely silent and there were no signs of people anywhere. Donnie and Leo were the first to step out of the elevator, followed by Raph and Mikey, then me and April. All of us looked around, scanning our surroundings for any signs of people. "Is it just me or is it too quiet in here?" Mikey whispered. "You know, I think for the first time, Mikey might be right." Raph responded in a hushed tone. Out of nowhere, I heard a deep bellowing noise from behind us and I turned around slowly, my gaze falling upon a large rhino human thing that wore a teal vest, cargo pants and motorcycle boots. He was a bit taller than Raph and definitely looked mean. "Well, well, well... You brought her right to us. maybe Master Shredder wasn't as stupid as I thought." The rhino guy said, spitting on the ground. I took an unsteady step back and Leo turned his gaze to me, his eyes turned dark.
"What are you talking about, Rocksteady?" asked Raph, a roughness taking over his voice. "Oh nothing other than the fact that Shredder knew you'd all show up uninvited with Ms. Calypso here. Because she decided to not join him when offered the chance, we are not giving her a choice." Leo and Donnie backed up a bit towards me and April. I heard Leo's voice turn into something cold and furious. "You won't lay a single finger on her!" He said fiercely and ran at Rocksteady, slashing his blades directly towards his face. The rhino laughed, mocking him and then uppercutted Leo in the face when he least expected it. Even as foot soldiers ran into the room and Raph & Mikey fended them off to protect me and April. She grabbed my arm and pulled me as hard as she could. Donnie ran to help Leo fight Rocksteady. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.
I focused on the situation at hand and drew my Tachi. I looked at April and nodded my head in her direction, letting her know I was okay. Raph had been pinned down by three foot soldiers but was able to knock them off and elbowed one in the face. I felt someone grab me around my arms and struggled to get free. I planted my feet on the ground and then grabbed their elbows, flipping them over my head and stabbing them in the leg. I heard the guy scream in agony and knew he wouldn't be able to grab me. More men rushed over to me, surrounding me. I stood in a defensive position and eyed each one of them. Three of them lunged at me and I ducked under two of their arms, successfully elbowing the other guy in the stomach and then pulling his head down onto my knee as I launched it into his face.
One person still circled me... This was a female foot soldier and everything about her said she was a Kunoichi (female ninja). I did some cool twirly trick thing with my Tachi and watched her carefully. She narrowed her eyes at me as she circled me. She was an asian lady with a bun and a red streak going through her hair who was no older than April was. Leo turned to me right at that moment and yelled her name... Karai. I moved my gaze from Leo back to her and narrowed my eyes. Leo tried to get over to me but was stopped when Rocksteady grabbed his arm and tried to nail him again. Mikey and Raph were trying to hold off the increasing number of soldiers. April tried to get to me but was knocked in the face by some random soldier. Karai drew her sword and laughed darkly. "Listen... we can do this two ways... You surrender now and your buddies don't get hurt, or we forcefully take you down and make sure people do get hurt." She said slowly. I rolled my eyes. "Don't make me hurt you, Karai. I already know how you betrayed Leo and the guy's trust... that alone gives me reason to stick my sword up your sorry-" I was stopped short when she suddenly jumped at me, yelling. I tried to punch her in the stomach but she blocked my strike and kicked me in the face.
I used the rear of my sword and thrusted it into Karai's stomach and then threw a solid right hook, knocking her square in the temple of her head. She shook off my blow and then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Nice strike... maybe you could be of some use to us after all." She said, smiling. I gritted my teeth. "Never." She ran at me again and slashed her sword at me but I dodged it and grabbed her shoulders, kneeing her in the chest. She gasped and then used her elbow to knock me in the head. I stumbled backwards and then tried to regain my focus when next thing I know, I feel a searing pain in my leg. I looked down and saw Karai's blade in my leg. I yelled loudly and she pulled out the blade, tackling me to the ground.
I heard April yell to Donnie and Leo that I had been pinned down. As Karai got a firm hold on me, she held me down with her arms and placed a knee on my stomach, locking me in place. "Now, I'll ask you one more time. Surrender and no one gets hurt anymore so then they already are, or I beat you until you can't resist and your pathetic excuse of backup meets their untimely demise." She said with narrowed eyes. I flicked my eyes over to each of the brothers, watching helplessly as they got knocked down and hit constantly. I couldn't do it... I didn't want them to suffer because of me. But then I remembered the move I had done back when I sparred with Leo and I had gotten him off of me. "You know what I think? Maybe you should just go back to the hell hole you came from." I said right before I brought my legs up under Karai and bucked her off of me. I quickly sat up and crawled over to her and gave her a big ol' sock to the head, sending her 'unconscious'.
I managed to stand up as I limped back to the fight. I tried to reach April when I felt something go through my abdomen. To my horror, I looked down and saw Karai's blade sticking out. "You should've taken the chance when you still had it." She pulled it out of me and I collapsed. I heard April scream and my vision went hazy. Leo gave Rocksteady a good blow to the head, giving him enough time to try and run to me. I fell down to the ground on my knees and placed my hand over the stab wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Before Leo could get to me, he was restrained by at least five men. He kept on yelling and struggling, trying to get free.
I raised my head weakly and watched as April, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph all got restrained as well. Karai put her arms around me and hauled me up, dragging me up some stairs and dropped me. I watched as Shredder made a sudden appearance in front of me and spoke roughly. "Don't worry, Calypso... once you are mutated, you'll be completely healed." Shredder gave Karai a signal and I gasped as I saw that the brothers & April were being held here, about to be forced to watch me transform into something I didn't know.
I looked at Karai weakly. "Please... don't do this... please..." I said as her face started to turn to one of sympathy. Her grip on me loosened and I tried to get away, but she then grabbed my arm and thrusted a syringe filled with a purple substance into my forearm. I heard Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, and April yell my name in horror and anger. My eyes widened as they focused on the liquid entering my body. I started to feel a tingling sensation in my arms and legs. But that was rapidly taken over by an intense pain coursing through my entire body. I wailed out in agony as I felt my entire self change. A bright light clouded my vision and soon everything washed away... I felt like a hungry predator, ready to hunt down her prey and devour it. There was one human girl who had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes.
She was crying profusely and the humanoid reptile thing beside her with the blue wrapped around his face called out the name, 'Calypso', his voice was full of anger and panic. For some reason, that word made me feel something on the inside. I had surges of memories rushing through my mind. When I wheeled my head around and looked into the glass of a large pool full of green blue liquid, I saw the reflection of a beautiful, huge creature that resembled a dragon.
The eyes were a beautiful turquoise blue, as blue as the ocean itself. The scales on the body of the creature was a darker shade of blue closer to the neck and back, but then got lighter in coloration as they moved to the belly. From the base of the head behind the four horns (two on either side of the head) was fur that ran down to the base of the beast's neck. It had a long, dragon like face with a sharp snout and had two large ears behind its four horns which were two on both sides of the head and pale white in coloration. I saw the large, feathered wings of the creature that were folded up against its sides while strong legs supported it. The face of the creature was stricken with rage and confusion. The dragon also had a long, elegant tail that ended in feathers. This beast was graceful yet deadly...
I studied the reflection a bit longer and realized that I was the creature I saw. Suddenly, another human with black armor walked in front of me and marveled at my size. Compared to him, I was about two times larger than he was. I lowered my head to him and growled deeply. He stepped back and slashed his arm down, revealing many sharp shiny things. "You will listen to my commands, Calypso... Or I won't be so forgiving. End these turtles before you..." He said, and I narrowed my eyes on him. My tail waved fluidly like water behind me. I turned my attention back to the ones called the 'turtles'. I revealed my teeth and inched closer to the one with orange, making him yelp. "Please, Cal... you gotta remember us!" He said suddenly and I hissed impatiently.
I wrapped my tail around the two humans that held the turtle still. I had whipped them backwards, making them scream, and launched them at the wall. I then let out a loud shriek... I couldn't control myself.. Why did I know the names 'Calypso' and 'Caly'? I slammed my head into the turtle in front of me, pinning him to the ground easily with one paw. I opened my mouth and hissed. Before my teeth and fangs could sink into him, I heard an oddly familiar voice call out to me. I snapped my head up and growled menacingly, flicking my eyes to the one in the blue mask. I leveled my gaze with his. "Please, Cal... it's me, Leonardo... You have to remember who you are. You can do this, I know you can." He said as I narrowed my eyes, breathing heavily. He searched my gaze desperately. I shook my head from side to side when everything came back to me in a jolt.
I let out a low rumble from deep in my throat. I remembered who I was and what was happening... I had been injected with mutagen by Karai... the turtles were Leonardo, Mikey, Raphael, and Donnie. The human girl beside Leo was my best friend/adoptive older sister, April. I tried to talk. But a growl or hiss came out with every word I tried to say. I realized I couldn't speak or at least couldn't right now. Shredder yelled loudly and I turned my attention back to him. "No! Don't listen to them! Get rid of them, now!" I growled loudly and I tried to make my way to him, but was stopped by a sudden electric shock that zapped me near my flank. I collapsed, roaring in agony. I recovered quickly as I got back up, then pinned the soldiers that surrounded me. I grabbed the hoods behind their neck, and slung them into some nearby desks.
I tried to catch Shredder but he got away, along with Karai and the rest of the soldiers. I growled angrily, turning back to the turtles and April. The men that held them were gone and so was Rocksteady. Leo stood still with wide eyes as he took in my new form. Raph and Mikey stood there in complete awe as they saw my mutation. I lowered my head to meet April's gaze. She stuck out her hand and gently ran her hand over my snout. I exhaled and closed my eyes as she stroked me.
Donnie walked up beside April, took out a needle and took my blood, all before he ran it through some machine of his. While he stood there calculating something, Leo said my name gently and I opened my eyes, swerving my head in his direction. He reached up and stroked the side of my neck softly, gazing at me. A low rumble escaped from deep in my throat as we looked into each other's eyes. Raph walked over to Leo and bumped him with his shoulder. I glanced over to Donnie when his device had suddenly started beeping. "Caly, have you seen yourself? I'm surprised that you didn't go completely insane and do away with Mikey here." He said, sounding amused. Mikey quickly popped his head up and crossed his arms.
"Wait, so you are telling me that if Caly here had not remembered us, I could've been dead by now?" He asked, widening his eyes. I let out a low growl and lowered my face to his, making him nervously chuckle. I tried to speak again.
My growls and shrieks earned me weird looks from everyone. "We should get her back to the apartment." said Raph. April took one look at me and shook her head. "There is no way that Cal will fit. Do you not see how HUGE she is?" She said, gesturing to me. Leo glanced at me and smiled. "How about we all go back to the lair? She'd definitely fit there." I lifted my head and looked at him, hope dancing in my eyes. Donnie detonated the building, destroying it and we all got out in time before anyone was harmed. When we made it safely to the lair, I laid down and folded my wings, resting my head over my crossed front legs. I closed my eyes as April stood with Leo beside me. "Do you think she'll ever be herself again?" She asked sadly. Leo sighed and crossed his arms.
"I'm not sure... maybe she just needs time..." He responded. I opened my eyes slowly and lifted my head, turning to face them. April had already walked off, but Leo remained. He placed two hands on the side of my snout and rested his forehead on mine. I closed my eyes again and that pesky low rumble escaped out of me. Leo poked my forehead gently with an amused glint in his eyes. "Sleep well, Cal." He said and lied down right next to my stomach. I exhaled softly and turned my head slightly to face him, resting my head on the ground. I opened my eyes a bit and watched as he slept, embracing this newfound feeling I had going through me...
I woke up with a jolt when I heard a sudden loud bang come from the water entrance of the lair. I narrowed my eyes and slowly raised my head, trying to get a better look. I turned my gaze back at Leo while he was still sleeping and silently got up, approaching the pool of water. I inspected the water, bringing my face closer to its surface. Suddenly, I backed up when a pair of crocodilian eyes reflected back at mine from under the water. I watched carefully as a large mutant crawled out of the water, rising to his full height in front of me.
I snarled, showing my teeth, positioning myself to be blocking the creature from going any further into the lair and spread my wings wide. The crocodile eyed me carefully as he spoke. "Let me pass... I'm a friend of the turtles." I rose to my full height and spoke to the mutant, hoping he'd understand. "I do not believe you... you are likely another mutant from Shredder." His eyes turned white and he roared loudly. My pupils constricted, turning to slits. I stood on my hind legs, hissing. He jumped at me, grabbing my neck and pushing my head down to the ground. I slid my head underneath his tail and bit it hard, drawing blood.
The mutant growled loudly and tried to slash his claws into me but I pushed my way out of his grip, quickly rearing up and then slammed my weight into him, pinning him against the wall. I bit his neck, keeping a firm grip over his throat. I growled through my teeth as he tried to push me off but then I felt his body go limp. Now, I didn't kill him but knocked him out due to lack of oxygen. Mikey suddenly ran over, yelling loudly. I still had my mouth around the reptilian beast and had a wild look in my eyes. I saw Mikey, and a deep rumble came out of me. I narrowed my eyes as he came over to me cautiously. "Cal, it's Mikey. I'm not a threat... You know that..." He said, inching over to me. I suddenly came back to reality and my pupils returned back to their normal size. I dropped to all fours and backed up quickly as the mutant crocodile's unconscious body flopped to the ground.
Mikey went over to the creature, calling out the name, 'Leatherhead'. Leo ran over to me along with Donnie and April. "Why, Caly? Why did you attack him?" Mikey asked. I glanced down. If only I was able to speak and tell them what happened... they probably thought I was dangerous or something. I looked back up as April gently stroked my neck. "Caly, you have got to learn to control yourself!" Donnie said, sounding impatient. I couldn't blame him for being mad at me... I focused on trying to speak. I knew I could do it... I just had to find it in me. I closed my eyes and inhaled. "I...," I managed to say, earning surprised looks from all of them. My voice was merely a whisper as I continued to try and speak. "I... am... sorry..." I finally said, feeling bad about attacking the giant reptile. I walked past them, towards the water as my tail dragged behind me. I looked at April and then turned back to the water, ignoring her voice as she ran to try and stop me. I slipped into the water and went under. I began swimming as fast as I could, marveling at how natural I felt in it. I kept on swimming until everything about me hurt, holding my breath for a very long time.
I swam to the surface, needing to breathe and looked around, trying to find a safe spot to hide. I saw a large loading dock with tons of colorful, metal crates that were left all over the place. I cautiously climbed out of the water and made my way to some hollowed out area that was pitch black and no one would see me. I took one last wary glance around me before squeezing into the dark hole.
I laid down and rested my head on my feet. I couldn't physically cry due to unforeseen circumstances, but believe me... I was crying on the inside. I felt so angry about not being able to explain the whole ordeal and also because of the very fact of how unpredictable my behavior was. I was dangerous... The worst part was that I turned into a wild monster at random times and I couldn't stop it. I breathed heavily as I was furious with the fact that I was mutated into this thing... I couldn't go near anyone ever again... Not even Leo... This is for the best, Calypso... you need to accept that and move on.
I needed to get my anger out... I needed to hit something or destroy something... I leaped out of the hole and hit one of the crates with a powerful slam of my tail. The impact left a huge indentation on the side of the crate. I grabbed the crate in my teeth, shaking it back and forth before tossing it into the water. I ran close to the ocean's surface, and looked at my reflection. It was still very early in the morning, the sun still wasn't up but the sky was a deep blue that faded into a fiery shade of orange. I sighed and then moved my gaze to the reflection of my wings. I extended them and began flapping hard, trying to get off the ground. I attempted this like 10 times before finally, I had managed to lift my entire body off the ground. This lasted up until I heard a familiar voice behind me and immediately fell back down and I slowly turned my head, seeing April standing there and looking around for me.
April quickly moved her head to me when she saw me and inhaled deeply, as if preparing to make a long speech. I was going to make April leave... I wasn't safe to be around and I wasn't going to let anyone get hurt because of me. So my goal here was to scare her until she left and didn't come back to try and 'rescue' me. I lowered my head and curled my tail around me, growling deeply. April slowly backed up, watching me carefully. I circled around her, hissing. "Cal, please... It's April, your sister, I'm here to help you. I don't mean any harm." She said, her voice shaky. I narrowed my eyes and came close to her, leveling my gaze with hers. I lifted my ears and looked at her through narrowed eyes. April looked into my cold stare, a pleading expression taking over her face. "Come on, Caly. You need to come back... it's not safe!" I roared this time and quickly turned around, whipping my head away from her face. "Caly! Come on, wait! I'm serious! We know it wasn't your fault! Stop playing the whole, 'I need to stay away because I'm protecting you from myself' crap!" She said, her tone becoming demanding. I turned back to her, an intense look in my eyes.
"I'm not coming back! Can't you see what I have become? I'm a monster, April! I can't control myself if I lash out!" I said, surprised I was able to get a full sentence out. But my voice was different. It sounded like how you'd expect a dragon or snake to talk... all gruff and evil sounding. April walked closer, no longer looking scared but completely mad and determined. I decided I was going to fake me starting to become wild in order to make her go. I focused on making my pupils constrict, becoming slits. I looked at April with the most wild look I could muster. I growled loudly, a deep rumbling noise that vibrated my entire body. April took a few steps back before yelling at me again. "You can control it! I know you can! Please, you have to!" She called. I showed my teeth and raised my head, glaring directly at her. I snarled and snapped at her hand as she tried to touch my face. She jumped back with a frightened yelp. "Calypso! Stop it!" She said in panic.
As much as her determination got to me and found its way into my skin, I wasn't going to let up. I had to make her leave. I brought my head close to her with another menacing hiss. "You will not take me with you. I am not coming back, so leave now before anyone gets hurt." I said as darkly as I could. Everything about this hurt me and convinced myself further that I really was a monster... April's eyes widened and she looked down at the ground, tears streaming down her face. "Why are you doing this, Cal? I'm your sister. I can't let you stay like this. Please don't give up on yourself, I want to help you. I can help you." I slowly brought my head back and took one step back as well. Doing this to April was obviously not going to work. She slowly reached out her hand and stroked my snout gently. "I'm so sorry, Calypso..." "I know." I replied before the guys suddenly appeared.
I snapped my head up and growled. "I am protecting her and all of you. Take April and leave. Don't come back to try and save me." I said, sounding threatening. Leo sheathed his Katanas and then looked at me. "Cal, you need to come back. You can't hide in some place like this and expect nobody to try and come find you." He said, sounding both irritated and pleading at the same time. I exhaled harshly and shook my head violently.
I recognized this behavior and called out desperately to the guys. "Leave... Leave now! I can't control it... Get April out of here, now!" Donnie gave me a harsh look before grabbing April as she tried to stay with me. I watched as he took off running with Raph & Mikey back to the lair. I looked at Leo frantically and pleaded to him. "Leonardo, go...! I-I can't-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before the wild feeling took over me. I stopped shaking my head and fully faced him, snarling and gnashing my teeth. My nostrils flared and I hissed at him.
Leo slowly approached me, and that was a bad idea. I leapt into the air and began flapping my wings, hovering just above the ground. "Cal, I know you can hear me. You can control this." He said seriously, his gaze never leaving mine. I growled and pinned my ears back, hissing. "You don't have to be afraid, let me help you." He said slowly, holding his hands up. I shook my head again, feeling myself start to change on the inside. I was getting close to controlling it, but right now I was still very dangerous. I landed onto the ground and slightly had my swings spread. As I circled Leo something about the intensity of his gaze made me stop pacing.
"You won't hurt anyone. You won't even hurt me. I trust you more than anyone else, Cal. I know you can control this." Those words shot through me, and I widened my eyes, my pupils returning to their regular size. I slowed my breathing for a moment as Raph suddenly returned and gripped Leo's shoulder. "What are you doing?! You need to leave before she-" He looked at me and I cocked my head, my ears swiveling forward. "Did she already lash out?" Raph asked, giving Leo an astonished look before a look of pure realization washed over him. He elbowed Leo and then looked at me. "Did he finally tell you?" Raph asked as Leo brought a hand to his face.
Raph grunted and then looked at me again.. "You should ask him about it... maybe you'll be surprised to hear how long he had certain things..." Raph laughed before running off back to the lair. Leo slowly brought his hand down and looked at me with a straight lined face. A low rumble escaped from my throat. Leo laughed and then looked at the sky, noticing the coming daylight. "We need to go... Are you strong enough to get back?" I exhaled roughly and raised my head, looking at my wings. I got an idea and looked back at Leo. "Yeah, but do you want to go for a ride?" I asked shyly and he looked at me with a raised brow. "What?" He asked and then I responded with, "Climb on my back."
He glanced down before walking to my back and put one leg over, resting comfortably on me. I glanced back at him and then ran into the water. "Hold on!" I said, feeling him place his hands on my neck. Once I entered the water, I began swimming quickly. Leo lowered himself a bit to get a better grip. I glanced up at the surface and swam upwards, gracefully leaping high out of the water, spreading my wings with each bound. Leo laughed as I kept going under and then leaped out, eventually reaching the sewer opening.
I ducked my head under, and zoomed through the pipes, reaching the lair's water entrance. When I breached the surface, Leo let out a hearty laugh before sliding off of me and climbing out of the water. He turned to me and smiled. "That was fun, thanks for the mode of transport." He said sarcastically. "Better than a bus or subway, right?" I asked. Leo grinned and gave me a thumbs up. I stayed in the water and looked away, knowing good and well that if I was still human, I would be flushed.
I scanned the room, looking for April. Leo seemingly read my mind as he told me to wait here as he went to go get my sister. I snorted before lowering my head under the water and resting on the bottom of the entrance. I closed my eyes and felt bubbles around me as I heard a splash. My eyes shot open and I saw April swimming down to me. The pool of water was about 15 feet deep, so I was surprised she could swim all the way down to where I was resting. I quickly used my paws to push off the bottom and she grabbed on to me, sitting on my back like Leo had. With one powerful push from my tail and legs, I rocketed to the surface. I breached for the second time and April slid off of me, landing in the water and then swam back up. She treaded water to stay on the surface and looked at me, clearly upset.
"You didn't even listen to me... Why?" I met her gaze and exhaled sharply. "Because, April, I am dangerous. I'm still afraid of going crazy and not being able to stop it." I said firmly. She sighed and then splashed water in my face. "I knew you would come to your senses. You weren't going to stay at the dock... I knew you most likely weren't going to listen to me, so that's why I had the guys come. Seems like a certain someone was able to get you back." She said, smiling. I snorted and ducked my head under the water, lifting April out onto the ground. "Go ahead and go. I'll just stay here in the water." I said and April shivered but then nodded, walking away to go find Donnie.
    As I slid my head back under the water, I looked around and was suddenly bitten by that same crocodile mutant. He grabbed my tail and pulled me to him, then punched me in the face. I roared in agony and then for a brief second, I was able to get my head above the water, and I shrieked loudly. My head slammed back under the water as I somehow managed to swim out of Leatherhead's grip. He swam at me and I went under him, leaping out of the water and landing on the lair's cold floor.
My head laid still on the ground and I could see blood oozing out of the bite wound on my neck. My vision started to go hazy and I panted heavily. I helplessly laid there as I saw him stand over me. I narrowed my eyes and growled as intimidating as I could manage, curling my wings over me. Leo ran over and stood in front of me, drawing his Katanas and yelling at the crocodillian mutant to get back. Suddenly, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie ran over too, bordering the crocodile from getting to me. "Leatherhead, what are you doing? Caly, are you alright?" Mikey asked, sounding desperate. "That creature you are protecting attacked me and I believe it to be a threat to us all." Leatherhead replied.
    I growled and watched as the mutant crocodile narrowed his eyes at me. "Why would Caly be a threat?" asked Raph. "Judging by the fact she cannot yet control her instincts, she might end up injuring or even killing someone." The beast replied. I gritted my teeth in pain as I tried to lift my head. "Thanks for stating the obvious, Captain Obvious." Leo said sarcastically. April ran over to me and placed her hands on my head, stroking me gently. She let out a loud gasp when she saw the deep gash on my neck. "Caly! Are you okay? What happened?" She asked frantically. I moved my gaze over to her slowly, breathing raggedly.
"The crocodile attacked me again while I was in the water. Bit neck and I managed to get out of his teeth. I can't see very well. Everything-hazy . . ." I replied, my voice almost a whisper. April searched my face, flicking her eyes from me to Donnie. "Guys! Caly is losing blood! Donnie, help!" She called out desperately. Donnie turned to her and then he nodded, running over and squatting beside her. He gingerly inspected the wound and cringed at the sight of it. "Did Leatherhead do that to you? Hold still, Caly." He said and I screeched as he stuck a needle into my neck, then stitched the wound closed. Leo turned to Donnie when he heard my sudden noise. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked frantically. "I'm saving her! Now don't distract me!" Donnie shot back. Once he finished, he wrapped the injury with medical bandages.
    He patted my shoulder gently and I gently raised my head, grunting a bit at how sore I was. I collapsed under my weight and grumbled. "Don't try to get up. You'll only hurt yourself more." said Donnie. "It's a little too late for that." I muttered, gritting my teeth in frustration. "My apologies, Caly. When you did not let me pass, I lost control and attacked you, leading you to run and causing problems between you all. For that, I am truly sorry." Leatherhead said solemnly. I looked up at him and exhaled sharply. Me and him shared a meaningful look before he sat down as Mikey gently patted his shoulder. Still lying down, I looked away and focused on getting up. I knew I needed to stand if I were going to find myself a moment in silence. April gasped as I tried to get up and then collapsed back down. "You'll only hurt yourself more so than you already are... What are you doing?" She asked and I shot her an irritated look.
    "April, I'm fine. I can get up. I just... need a moment." I said as I attempted to stand again. I successfully got up and I spread my wings wide before flapping the dirt and stuff off of them. I shook my body, flinging the gross stuff off of my scales. I folded my wings back in and limped to the training area where the platform & weapons were. I lied down with a "flop" and spread a wing over my face, trying to block out the light. I heard a familiar voice call out my name and I immediately folded my wing back. "Caly? Is that you, my child?" asked Master Splinter. I glanced at him and bowed my head, trying to show respect despite my hugeness compared to him. "Yes, Sensei. It is me." I responded, not looking him in the eyes.
"What a majestic creature you have become... Was this the Shredder's doing?" I nodded shallowly before looking at him. "It was a trap. He knew the brothers would go and try to shut down the experiment. He wanted to mutate me into some strong mutant and turn me into something horrible. Karai stabbed me with a needle full of purple liquid and I turned into this." I responded as I lifted my wings and looked at myself. Splinter nodded silently before walking closer to me and held his long goatee. "Your transformation may have its ups and downs, but never forget who you are and what you are fighting for." He said seriously. I sighed and rested my head on my front paws. Splinter left me alone with my thoughts.
    I looked around the room before closing my eyes and breathed deeply. I wanted to be myself again. But ever since I was changed into this beast, I have felt like something was missing. Splinter's words resonated with something deep within me. I could feel myself changing deep in my very soul. I focused on that feeling and let it wash over me. I felt all warm and tingly before I started to feel pain all over. It was agonizing and so painful. I groaned and yelled because of the intensity. When I opened my eyes, I was breathing heavily and I felt dizzy. I looked around frantically as my vision was very blurry. When it cleared, I looked down and saw hands! Human hands! I brought them to my face and felt my hair and skin. My heart was racing because of the adrenaline coursing through my blood. I stood up carefully, still feeling dizzy and quietly snuck to the spare room in the lair. When I shut the door, I locked it and turned on the light, facing the mirror. I choked on my own spit when my eyes fell upon my hair. I reached up and held a strand in my fingers. I stared at it, widening my eyes.
    My hair had changed from my natural dark ash brown color to pure white. I looked back at my face and noticed the gash on my neck was nothing but a scar. I was relieved to notice that nothing else had changed besides my hair which was no longer in braids but tumbled down my head in gentle waves. I was still in shock when I decided to call out for April. I opened the door and yelled for her to come. When she came over to the room, the door was closed and she couldn't get in. "Caly, what are you doing in there? How'd you manage to fit?" She asked. I heaved in a few breaths before grabbing a random beanie and pulling it over my head, making sure to tuck in all of the exposed hair. I slowly opened the door and grabbed April, pushing her over to the bed and shutting the door behind me, making sure it was locked.
She looked at me in complete shock and gasped loudly. "You are human! How'd you turn back?" She asked frantically. I quickly sat down and grabbed April's shoulders, holding her at arm's length. "Chill out! I don't know exactly what happened or how I managed to change back, but I was talking to Splinter and then I felt this raw energy coursing through me. Then, poof! I was me... but with a difference..." I responded. April nodded slowly, taking it all in before realizing what I said. "What's the 'difference'?" She asked, eyeing me.
I drew in a steady breath and reached my hand up to the beanie. I pulled it off and let my hair fall down around my face. April blinked three or four times before clearing her throat to speak. "Caly, what did you do to your hair?" She called. "Nothing, I swear! I had changed back and then saw this!" I replied, gesturing to my head. April laughed and patted my scalp. "I can't believe this! Your hair is so pretty!" She said before taking a strand in her palm and staring at it. She let it go and pushed the hair gently out of my face. "What are you going to do about the guys? They might be worried about you right now." She said matter-of-a-factly. I sighed and brought my hands to my eyes. "I don't know, April. I am a bit nervous about what they'd think." I said with my arms crossed.. April hugged me and then she gasped. I sat up frantically, giving her a look that clearly displayed my alarm.
"Relax! I just got an idea for you to show your white hair!" She said, excitement filling her eyes. I looked up at her skeptically. "Like what?" I asked with a raised brow. She laughed at my confused expression before standing up. "You can show Leo!" She exclaimed. I widened my eyes and felt that weird tingly feeling in me. I started to feel pain all over my body and April yelped. I wailed in pain as I began to transform back. When the pain dissipated and my vision cleared, I was the creature again. I growled loudly. "Caly! What the heck?" April called. "Sorry! I think I lost control or something!" "Must've been that or something else! Can you try to transform back?" She asked. "I mean, I can but I don't know how to." April pushed my flank out the way and squeezed her way in front of me. I was surprised the room was holding me despite my freakish size. "Just concentrate and try to remember what you did last time. Maybe then you could do it?" I glanced nervously at her and flipped my ears back. She gave me a reassuring pat and I sighed before closing my eyes & remembering back to what I had done.
I felt the sensation again and then the wave of pain. I became a human again. I then opened my eyes to find myself on my hands and knees. I felt sweat drip down my forehead. "Just so you know, I don't like this whole transformation process. It hurts---A lot!" I said, feeling worn out. April crouched down beside me and rubbed my back. "You are doing good! Just focus on holding your human form. At least until we get out of your room." She said with a reassuring pat on my shoulder. I nodded and she helped me to stand. We got out of my room before I lost control again and turned back into my mutant form. I collapsed onto the ground and breathed heavily. "April, I can't keep doing that. I don't know what the consequences might be if I continue." I said, panting. April gave me an understanding look. "Don't worry! I'll go get Leo." She said as she winked at me. I sighed, sounding tired. "What, you don't wanna see your boyfriend?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"What? He's not my boyfriend!" I replied, trying to sound as defensive as I could despite my pathetic appearance. "Maybe not yet... but you two already confessed to liking each other! So when will you admit to yourself how you truly feel?" She asked, sounding playfully irritated. I sat there with my mouth slightly open as I processed the question. "April, it just feels too soon. I don't want to rush anything, or him for that matter! If he doesn't feel the same way, I don't want to put our friendship in jeopardy." I finally responded. April scoffed before coming in front of me and sitting down. "You're too good for him, you know that right?" She asked and I snorted, resting my head on my paws. "I don't know about that but whatever you say." I said contently. April chuckled to herself. I looked at her as she stroked behind my ears. "Oh my gosh, just go get him," I said. "If the guys are going to find out about this, Leo might as well be the first to find out.." I added, chuckling as April bounded up, practically flying off the floor in excitement. As she left, I drew in a steadying breath and stuck one wing out, inspecting each of the feathers. I wonder if I really could fly with these? I sighed and folded my wing back when I glanced up and suddenly saw Leo leaning up against a wall with his arms crossed. How long had he been standing there?
"April said you wanted to see me. Everything alright?" He asked and I nodded before thumping the ground beside me with my tail. "Come sit, please? I have some news." I said softly. He pushed himself off the wall with his foot and approached me. He looked at me with a confused expression but kneeled down beside me. "Sorry for the randomness of this. I have something to show you, but I am honestly a bit scared." I said hesitantly.. Leo looked at me seriously. "Caly, what is wrong?" I searched his gaze while trying to find the right words to say. "There isn't anything wrong. I just-" His gaze turned to one of confusion. "I can somehow transform back to my human form. But I am . . . different."
"Different how?" He asked patiently. "I look different." I said as Leo cocked his head slightly with a gentle dorky smile. "You mean to tell me that you can turn back to your regular self?" He asked and I glanced away before answering him. "Yup. But it's not the most pleasant experience." He nodded. "I see... So then why were you so hesitant to tell me?" He asked as something passed through his blue eyes. I looked down and stood up as carefully as I could. "What are you-?" Leo asked as I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, concentrating. "Don't freak out. No matter what." I said sharply as I looked directly at him. Leo nodded seriously and I closed my eyes again.
I focused on the feeling deep within me. I let the feeling engulf me until there was nothing left but the seemingly distant sound of Leo calling out my name in worry. A few moments passed and I came to, sitting up and gasping for air. Leo was right beside me with a worried expression on his face. He placed two hands on my shoulders as he inspected every inch of my face. "Is everything okay? Are you still in pain?" He asked frantically. I met his gaze, noticing he was staring at my white hair and gripped my stomach. "I know. My hair changed when I first transformed back... But yeah, I'm okay." He let out a quick breath of relief as I said that.. "Does it hurt to go back to your human form?" I nodded weakly and he moved a hand from my arm to my cheek. I watched how he gazed at my white hair and studied my face. The look in his eyes was so deep and raw, I almost stopped breathing.
His eyes met mine and he smiled gently. He was so charming, I realized I was gazing at him with a dreamy look in my eyes. My gosh, I'm being so obvious and I don't even realize it... I glanced down and heaved in a breath. "I know how different I look, its a lot to take in. I don't feel too confident about how I look to be completely honest." I said with a defeated chuckle. He scoffed and gently poked my shoulder. I looked up at him. "Caly, you shouldn't worry about what others think of you. Your hair suits you, it's unique." I blinked twice as he smirked, and noticed the skin of his cheeks were tinged with a slight pinkish color. He had a cheesy grin on his face and I laughed. "Thanks, I guess?" I said, not exactly sure if he meant that in a good or bad way. He made a fake pained look. "You guess? That was a compliment!" He exclaimed.                          
"That's not what it seemed like." I said, crossing my arms. Leo laughed and I rolled my eyes. "If it truly was meant as a compliment-" I began to say until I was interrupted by him. "Which it was." He pointed out. I sighed and smirked a bit. "Anyways, thank you..." I continued and met his gaze. He grinned like a dork, and I couldn't help the surge of felt my feelings for him that washed over me. I sat up slowly and reached out for Leo's hand. He looked down at it before glancing back up at me with a raised brow. He placed his hand on mine and I curled my fingers around his. I looked down at them and heaved in a breath. "There is no easy way for me to say this," I began to say as I closed my eyes, willing myself the courage to continue. I could feel how much I had wanted this. With the next sentence, I chose my words very carefully. I looked back up at Leo as I began to speak. "Leonardo, I know that this might be random or you might feel like this is too soon, but I love you..."
Leo met my gaze and looked at me, stunned. A few seconds that seemed like dreadful hours passed before he spoke. "Caly, I-" He began to say before cutting himself off and then looking away. Still keeping his head turned from mine, he looked down and closed his eyes, sighing. I furrowed my brow, immediately cursing at myself in my head for thinking this was a good idea. I sighed and looked away. Leo turned to me and brought a hand to the side of my face, gently making me look at him. He searched my eyes, a regretful and sorry expression on his face. "I want you, I won't deny it. But Cal, I don't know that you are certain about how you feel. I'm a mutant... only half  human. But even if you were certain, we can't be together. It's too dangerous and if Shredder finds out how much you mean to me, it could put you at risk, and I don't want to take that chance." He said firmly.
I slowly reached up and gently took his hand off my face. I stood up and transformed back to my mutant form, noticing that this time didn't hurt. I felt so compelled by my emotions, maybe that played a part in it. I started walking before I stopped and turned my head around to Leo. I glanced away from him but then slowly brought my gaze back to him. "Do you honestly think that I didn't contemplate the risks? I don't care about them, Leo! Obviously there will be risks or thousands of reasons why we shouldn't or even couldn't be together, but what about the other thousands why we should?" I asked with my ears folded back.. Leo scoffed before rising up and walking over to me. He looked right into my eyes seriously. "Listen, if we did decide to be together, Caly, and something happened to you because of you being with me, I wouldn't knw what to do with myself. You don't understand. You would realize that you shouldn't be with me. No matter how much I want it, I can't put you at risk because of some desire I have for you!" He said fiercely. I looked away and shook my head. "No, I'm not the one who doesn't understand. I understand perfectly, Leo! You don't want me to get hurt, I get it. But I can fend for myself." I fired back as I let out an irritated low growl. He crossed his arms and looked away, shaking his head and let out a sharp breath.
"I'm sorry, Leo." I said after a few moments and turned to walk away. "You obviously didn't get it, Calypso," He said with a targeted frustration and I froze when he used my real name. "I want to be with you, more than you could ever know! But what about me being a mutant? What if one day you just upped and decided that I really was a freak?" He finished with an almost defeated tone in his voice.. My ears perked up and I faced him again. I softened my eyes for a moment. "You wouldn't need to worry about that. Why? Because it would never happen. I know what it's like to be looked down upon and cast to the side. Why would I make you go through that?" I said before turning and walking away, leaving him there with my words still hanging in the air. I was so upset about this, maybe just maybe, I could see it in him that he wanted this to work... Wanted us. But if only he saw that he was wrong. What hurt most though, was the fact that he didn't think I was sure. Why did he doubt my feelings? Was it because humans always thought that he and his brothers were hideous freaks or... monsters?
I walked out past Donnie's monitors and saw April and him talking to each other, laughing. I let out a frustrated growl and began to head towards the water entrance. I reached it and almost stepped in before Splinter called out my real name. "What are you doing?" He asked and I stopped. I then slowly looked back at him. "I'm going back to the apartment, Master Splinter." I replied. He raised a brow at me before shaking his head. I flattened my ears and sighed. As I tried to walk past him, he simply held up a hand. "You know that if you leave, you would be at risk." My head shot up and I fully faced him. I bared my teeth and breathed heavily, loud enough to where you could hear the air leaving my nostrils each time I exhaled. "I know about all the risks and everything! I've heard enough about that, now would you please move so I can go?" I yelled, my voice breaking. Splinter flattened his ears and sighed, shaking his head slowly. He then moved out of the way and allowed me to pass.
I didn't hesitate before leaping into the water and swimming out. My heart was racing and I knew I needed to get home. I swam to the outside of the tunnel and climbed out the water, out onto the riverbank.. It was nighttime, so no one could see me. I spread my wings and began flapping them. I needed to fly, and I knew I could do it. With enough concentration, I took to the air and flew to the apartment building. I softly landed onto the roof and changed into my human form. I felt a lump in my throat and knew I was about to let loose. So, I climbed down carefully and landed with a 'thump' onto the balcony. When I got into my room, I got into my bed, tucked myself in, and began crying. I knew without a doubt that April would've called my crying pointless. I mean, Leo did say he wanted to be with me more than I knew, but he doubted that I loved him... and that is what hurt the most.

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