No one there

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No One There
    Me and April both slapped our foreheads at the same time. Leo and Raph argued again and I honestly am getting so tired of hearing them go back and forth. I don't know why Raph questions every order Leo tries to give. It's like he thinks he could be a better leader somehow. I scoffed at the thought and lowered my hand from my face. We were all sitting around the table and Sensei was pacing back and forth in front of us. Raph stood up and walked off angrily. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Donnie. "So what are we supposed to do about this next attack? We could go with Plan A but what would be the point? Shredder and his idiots have anticipated our every move with little effort." He looked up at me from his gadget on his lower arm. "Yes, Caly, I know. That's because we have been fighting without a plan." I sighed and looked down. "What is the goal here...? People keep getting attacked and it's almost as if Shredder is trying to draw-" I widened my eyes and looked at Donnie frantically. "I think I found out what Shredder is doing!" I yelled, suddenly standing up.
He dropped his arm and looked at me, a curious glint in his eyes. "What?" He asked. "I think Shredder is trying to draw us out and constantly attack us. He might be trying to distract us with these stupid and pointless fights because he is planning something bigger. It's almost as if he wants to-" Donnie didn't even let me finish my sentence before he blurted out. "Throw us off and then carry out a bigger plan... Caly, I think you may be onto something." He widened his eyes as he said this and then walked past me to his collection of computers and started typing away. April looked at me and gently poked my arm. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I asked, shooting her a look. "Look at you, junior Detective! How the heck did you figure that out before he did?" She asked and I scoffed playfully, shrugging. "I guess I just thought about everything on a deeper level. You know I am an analytical thinker. I like to think about every possible detail and what it could lead to." She laughed and then gave me a side hug. "I know. Just try to use that brain of yours constantly and not just every so often." I scoffed and slapped her arm playfully. April laughed and then started tickling my side. I started squirming and tried to get away. However, my efforts led to me falling off my chair and landing on the hard floor.
April only started laughing harder, constantly exclaiming that she couldn't breathe and she gripped her stomach, doubling over in laughter. I stayed there on the ground, dying of laughter myself. Mikey walked over and bent down over me. "What happened to you, dude?" I struggled to speak as I was still laughing. "I fell off-" I tried to say and he raised a brow. His expression made me laugh harder and I pointed to the seat. April gasped for breath and got up to come help me She hauled me up and she smiled like a goof. I caught my breath and stopped laughing after a few seconds. We went to the couch and I sat down. April stood in front of me and put her hands on her hips.
"What's wrong with your boyfriend?" She asked. I looked up at her and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I was still getting used to me actually being with Leo since that night. "What do you mean, 'what is wrong with him'?" I asked, raising a brow. "He has seemed off lately." I huffed and then looked away from her. "I don't know, April. I tried to get him to say something to me a few weeks ago when we first got together. What more can I do?" She shrugged and sighed. "Okay, well, you just do your part and keep being the second world's best girlfriend!" I narrowed my eyes on her. "Thank you very- wait a second! What do you mean 'second'? Does he have a girlfriend I don't know about?" I asked frantically, standing up and leveling my gaze with hers which wasn't difficult because she was a little shorter than me.
"What? No! Chill out and get rid of the dragon eyes!" I gasped and then calmed down, taking in a few breaths. When I opened my eyes again, I pursed my lips a bit. "Better?" I asked. "Yes." April replied. "Good. Now... explain!" She laughed and patted my shoulder. "I am the first best and you are second." She exclaimed. "What? Who deemed you worthy of such a title?" I asked as I crossed my arms. My sister also crossed her arms and playfully scoffed. "Um, I did." I raised a brow. "Since when did that count?" "Since I made it a thing for someone to be able to name themselves whatever they want." I rolled my eyes and then tackled her, pinning her to the ground. "Now, that is just... bull shark!" She started laughing again and then bucked me off, taking on a fighter stance. I narrowed my eyes on her. "You do not want to do this." She tried to do an evil laugh but it came out sounding like a dying cat. I couldn't contain my laughter when she made that weird sound. "What the heck was that?" She shrugged and smiled awkwardly. "My evil laugh! Hey, not funny! Why don't I tell everyone about the time you were dancing and then ran into Dad's shelf, making it crash to the ground and-" I widened my eyes. "Don't you dare finish that sentence." I said, daring her to say one more thing about it.
"No, April. Do not say it." I warned one more time. "And your face planted onto the ground." She said, continuing the sentence. I yelled out my imitation of a battle cry and lunged at her, grabbing her arm & twisting around, slamming her into the couch. "Ouch! My god, Caly! I was just playing!" She yelped. I eased up on my grip when she said this and she slipped out somehow, then grabbed my shoulders and pinned me on the couch. I gritted my teeth and then used my leg to kick her thigh. She yelped again and got off of me. I narrowed my eyes and then quickly got up, tackling her again to the ground. To make sure she couldn't escape, I placed my knee on her stomach and pinned her by holding down both of her arms. "Ha, I win!" I exclaimed. April rolled her eyes and called for Donnie. He came over and raised a brow. "What? Need me to take care of the pest?" He said, gesturing to me. I squinted at him and pursed my lips. "What did you just call me?" I asked my voice fierce. Donnie looked up at me and narrowed his eyes. "You heard me. Or do I need to spell it out for you?" He asked sarcastically. I let April up and stood up slowly, taking on a threatening appearance. I forced the dragon eyes to return and narrowed my eyes as well. He took a cautious step back before reaching up for his bow.
"Bring it, tin can." I said, a challenging look in my reptilian eyes. April cheered for Donnie and I took on a defensive stance. He suddenly thrusted his staff forward, trying to sweep my feet out from underneath me. I lept up right before he could hit my feet. When I landed, his stick was already flying back at me but this time was aimed for my head. I ducked unerneath of it and put both hands on the ground before lifting my leg and thrusting it forward at Donnie. My strike knocked the bow out of his hands. He gasped and then narrowly avoided my fist as I tried to land a punch to his face. He jumped back and then threw a kick of his own, knocking me in the lower jaw. I stumbled back and then reached my hand up, wiping the spit off my face with the back of my hand.
"You're going to regret that..." I said as I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. I used my elbow to hit him in the side and he grunted before pushing me off, then getting back up. I quickly recovered, remembering back to my lessons from the Shredder. I watched Donnie carefully, planting my foot firmly. His next moves were carefully calculated... precise... accurate. I studied his movements and blocked almost every strike he threw. You see, I was trained in the art of using the opponent's energy and skills against them. That is what made me so deadly (if I meant to be). I ducked under his right hook and then grabbed his arm, pulling him directly to me and then threw my knee up, knocking him square in the nose.
Donnie stumbled back and I did some spinning back kick, knocking him on the side of the head, sending him to the ground. I dropped my form and took a few steps back. He lied there, groaning. "So, did you take care of your 'pest'?" I asked, sounding cocky. He held up his hand and made a thumbs down. I put my hands on my hips and laughed. April came over and went to Donnie's side, making sure he was okay. "My gosh, Cal. I thought you two were just sparring, not full on going to war!" She said, giving me a playfully stern look. "He shouldn't have challenged me... maybe next time he'll learn." I said, shrugging. Mikey walked in and took one look at Donnie before raising his brow. "What happened to you?" He asked, chuckling. Donnie got up slowly and stood up, holding his arm. "I sparred with her and this happened." He responded, gesturing to his arm. I sighed contently before spotting his bow staff on the ground.
I walked over to it and picked it up before turning back to him and handed it to him. He took it and stuck it back into the holding area on his shell. "Better luck next time, okay?" I said sweetly. Donnie rolled his eyes playfully before shoving my arm. Mikey looked at me and then jumped back suddenly. "What? You alright?" I asked, my eyes widening. "Yeah, I'm fine... but what the hell is wrong with your eyes?" I let out a quick breath of relief and started chuckling. "I can somehow control what mutant features I have at any given time." I said with a shrug. "That's great but can you please get rid of them, they're freaky." We all laughed and I made my eyes go back to normal. "Thank you. Now, how about I go up against you this time?" He asked, and I scoffed. "Dude, I just beat up Einstein here... you really wanna take your chances?" Donnie glanced over at me and narrowed his eyes, making me laugh. Mikey waved his hand dismissively before responding. "Nah, I'm good. You wouldn't beat me anyways. I'm too good." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay... whatever you say, Mikey." I said, shoving his arm. "Psh. Whatever!" He said, turning and going back to the kitchen to get pizza.
Master Splinter came to where me, April, and Donnie were standing. "So, I see you bested even Donatello? Impressive... Well, Calypso, I believe that Leonardo would like to speak to you privately. Something about the Shredder." I bowed my head at him. "Yes, Sensei. Thank you..." Splinter patted my shoulder before staying there to speak with April and Donnie. I began walking off but then looked over my shoulder to April. She winked at me and then I mouthed, "I don't know where he is?" She gestured towards the training area and I rolled my eyes playfully. Of course he is training. I gave a thumbs up and went to where he apparently was. When I walked in, Leo was throwing strikes at the punching bag. I sat there for a second, watching him as he trained. I don't know why but I could never help but marvel at him. It was every single time... I wondered if that was natural for girls to do when they see an attractive guy. I quickly shook my head to clear the thought and came back into focus.
I cleared my throat and Leo turned to me. "Hey," He said before turning back to the punching bag and throwing more hits. "Hey... So, what did you need to speak to me about?" I asked as I walked over to the training platform and sat on it. As he threw punches he spoke to me. "What you said earlier about Shredder and you thinking that you figured out his plan, it got me thinking..." He began to say and I nodded slowly. "Thinking what?" I asked. "These random attacks have been planned out it seems. What you suggested seems to line up with everything perfectly. Why else would innocent people be taken hostage? He obviously is trying to get our attention. I really do think that he is going to try and throw something at us when we least expect it. But what that 'big thing' he could possibly be planning, is the question." Leo said as he threw a solid uppercut followed by two right hooks. I narrowed my eyes and looked down at the ground. "Well, maybe if we take the time to analyze the patterns within the past few fights, we can see if any clues are offered up?" When I suggested the idea, he smirked and then looked at me for a second. "You are starting to sound more and more like Donnie." Leo said with a playful glint in his eyes. I shrugged and then winked at him. "I sound like him or I just think like him? Cause there is a difference between the two." He playfully rolled his eyes before throwing more strikes.
"Anyways, you might be onto something is all I'm saying. But maybe we should try the idea you just mentioned." "I see... Well in that case, do you know where we should start first?" He punched the bag one more time before stopping and wiping his forehead which was covered in beads of sweat with the back of his hand. I reached over to the towel beside me and picked it up, then tossed it to him. He caught it and wiped his forehead. "Thanks. But I have no ideas currently. There are a lot of different places... Well, we could start in the abandoned warehouse. You know, where we fought BeBop and Rocksteady." I nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan, chief." I said, making him lift a brow and smirk. "What?" I asked, smiling as well. "I like the sound of that..." Leo said with a dangerous look in his eyes as his gaze traveled to my lips. "Sound of what?" I said, not being able to meet his gaze as I blushed."'Chief'... It has a nice ring to it and I think it suits me." He called. I playfully scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You're not expecting me to start calling you that, are you?" He narrowed his eyes and grinned like a dork, nodding his head slowly. I slapped my forehead and smiled.
"You're insane. You know that right?" Leo laughed and slung the towel around his neck. "Yeah, I know... but that's what you love about me, right?" I raised a brow at him and then rolled my eyes again. "Yeah sure... if that's what you wanna call it." He laughed again and walked up to me, holding out his clenched fist. I bumped mine against his and he made some goofy exploding noise. I laughed and me & him walked out of the training area together. I bumped my hip against his and he then shoved my arm making me stumble to the side. I was about to punch his own arm but stopped when I heard the alarm signal coming from Donnie's computers.
Me and Leo shared a worried look before running over to the monitors. Donnie, Raph, and Mikey ran over as well. As Donnie began typing something quickly into the keyboard, he muttered something under his breath. April came over as well, stopping beside me. "Talk to me, Donnie. What do we got this time?" Leo asked seriously. Donnie typed something into the computer again before looking up at one of the many screens. "We got Foot Clan activity near 49th street on Fifth Avenue." "Alright then. Let's suit up, guys!" Leo exclaimed and the guys quickly went to the storage rack and got their weapons. Raph grabbed my Tachi and tossed it to me.
I caught it and put it over my head, letting it rest on my back. I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and pulled out the tendrils around my face, then handed April a spare pair of nunchucks that Mikey never used. She grabbed it out of my hand and looked up at me with an uncertain expression on her face. "How the heck am I supposed to use these?" I smiled and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Just swing them around and try not to hit yourself. Simple, right?" I said before walking off to follow the guys. "That's not helpful!" April said as she jogged to catch up with me. I raised a brow with a cocky glint in my eyes. "Of course it is! Just don't hit yourself and you'll be fine. If you have any questions, you better hurry up and go ask Mikey." I said, gesturing to him.
She rolled her eyes and went to Donnie. I laughed and Master Splinter called out to me. I quickly turned around and faced him. "Take this... I think you deserve it." My mouth parted slightly as I looked down at the deep aqua colored mask he held out to me. The coloration matched my mutant form's eyes perfectly when they were in the sunlight. "Are you sure? I don't think-" "Take it, Caly. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be offering you it." I hesitantly took the bandana and tied it around my face. The two loose strands fell from the knot and went over my shoulders. "Always remember this... The color Aqua is symbolic of hope, peace, balance, and purity. These are the traits and values you possess, Calypso. Never forget them or who you are." I looked down at Splinter and he nodded slowly before placing a hand on my shoulder.
"You are ready..." He said softly. I bowed my head and then turned back to the brothers and April. She came over to me and then gave a thumbs up. "I like the aqua bandana! It really makes the green in your eyes stand out!" She said enthusiastically and I laughed. "Thanks! But I feel like these loose ends might get in my way." "Leave it to me! I got this..." She said as she grabbed the two pieces of fabric and went behind me. I felt April pull and tug every which way until finally, she was done. When she pulled out her phone and took a picture of what she had done, I gasped at how awesome I looked. She had taken the two strands and tied them so that they intertwined in my now braided ponytail. I hugged her and then gave her a smile. "Thanks! I love it! It actually looks cute!" I exclaimed. Leo walked over to me and April winked at me before walking over to Donnie.
"I like the mask, it suits you." He said calmly. I gently poked his arm. "You don't look too bad yourself. I think blue is a perfect color for you. What does that color represent again?" He laughed and then responded with a raised brow.. "Responsibility, Loyalty, and Patience." I squinted and pursed my lips.. "Yup, definitely Leonardo." He pulled me into his arms slowly and held me tightly to him. "I love you..." He said gently and I nuzzled my head underneath his chin. "I love you too." I felt him breathe in deeply and at that moment, I could tell he needed this... needed me. I reached my arm up and gently stroked the side of his face. I met his gaze and rested my forehead against his. "Something is bothering you, Leo... I can feel it. Hell, It's been this way since we first got together. What is it?" He looked into my eyes and I could see him fighting whether or not to tell me what he felt. As he began to open his mouth to speak, Donnie called out his name.
"Leonardo! We need to go, now! Come on!" Leo sighed and then looked over his shoulder to him. "Alright, we're coming." He said as he turned back to me. I looked back at him expectantly. "I'm worried about you. I have been for the past few weeks. I'm still thinking that you being with me is going to put you in harm's way." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him softly, wrapping an arm around his neck and keeping a hand on his face. When I pulled back he pulled me back to him and kissed me passionately. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Leo, I need you to trust me..." I said, my voice almost a whisper. He gave me an unsure look before kissing me one last time and then I took a step back. "Come on, 'chief'. Kicking butt awaits us..." I said, making him smile. I held my hand out for his and he took it, allowing me to lead us to the others.
We climbed into the garbage truck that Donnie had redone. I sat down in one of the extra seats near the back of the vehicle. April sat directly in front of me and I buckled up, securing myself to the seat. I marveled at all the technology throughout the truck. April was doing the same thing and smiled at me. "Cool, right?" I flicked my eyes back to her. "Are you kidding? I knew Donnie was intelligent but I didn't know he was an inventor too!" I called. "Thank you very much. Built all this myself." He said over his shoulder. "Alright, everyone hold on to your shells or uh... seats." He added. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.
The garbage truck's engine roared to life and we began to move quickly. We were careening towards a brick wall and I called out Donnie's name in panic. "Don't worry, it's just a door." He replied calmly as he pressed some button, causing the wall to be pulled back right as we were about to hit it. I sat back and leaned my head against the headrest. When we finally arrived at where the foot clan activity was reported, Donnie hit the brakes, sending us to a full stop. The truck screeched loudly as we slowed. I unbuckled my seatbelt and waited for the guys to go out first and then me & April followed. I looked around cautiously, scanning our surroundings. I knew that if I ever needed to, I could transform and possibly protect everyone, so at least we had that option.
I heard a low bellowing behind us and together, me and April wheeled our heads around to see the mutant rhino walking towards us next to Karai and at least two dozen foot soldiers. I stepped back a bit, suddenly feeling a bit intimidated. I closed my eyes and shook my head back and forth, telling myself to control myself and breathe. I regained focus and drew my Tachi. The brothers turned around as well and drew their own weapons. April looked down at her nunchucks nervously and I gently elbowed her. She looked up at me and I gave her a reassuring nod.
She nodded her head once and then turned her attention back to the mass of enemies ahead. "Welcome to your demise, ladies and turtlemen." Rocksteady said as he laughed to himself. I rolled my eyes and took on my defensive stance. The foot ran at us first, dividing our group up. One guy lunged at me, taking his sword and slashing it at me. I brought my Tachi up and deflected his attack before sweeping my leg underneath of him, making him fall to the ground. Another soldier came up from behind me and brought the crook of his arm around my neck, choking me. I gripped his arm and then tilted my head forward, then thrusted it backwards, straight into the guy's nose.
He yelled out in agony and released me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me, thrusting my elbow back into his face, knocking him out. I panted and prepared for the next round of soldiers coming for me. Donnie did some cool swirly thing with his staff and then whacked the four dudes that surrounded him each in the face. Raph and Mikey were fighting Rocksteady while Leo fought Karai. I looked around for April and saw her swinging the nunchucks around her and then sent them flying into two of the soldiers.
I brought my leg up and slammed my shin into one guy before grabbing him and shoving him into the other soldier coming up on my right side. Some girl tackled me to the ground and I gritted my teeth in frustration. I yelled as I used the butt of my sword to slam into her head. I knocked her off and then got back up, gripping my arm. Three more people ran at me and I managed to punch the first and second ones at the same time. They grunted before all three of them leapt at me. They knocked me to the ground and held me down. "Surrender, now!" The first one called out. I struggled to free myself from their grip but when three people are holding you down, it becomes a little difficult to get up.
I stopped struggling and felt a surge of energy suddenly rush through me.. The second guy gasped and his hold loosened a bit on me. But when I tried to free myself again, he regained his grip on me. I started breathing heavily and then transformed into my mutant form. I reared up onto my hind legs and spread my wings wide, then roared loudly. "Oh yeah! Now we're talking!" Mikey yelled. I slammed down onto the ground, making the people who were holding onto me fly off.
Without hesitation, an entire horde of soldiers came directly towards me, firing their guns. Thankfully, my body was seemingly bullet proof. I grabbed three soldiers in my mouth and picked them up, then threw them into a nearby wall. I snarled at Rocksteady as he ran towards me and then knocked me down to the ground. I hissed in pain as I tried to regain focus. "Come on you big, winged snake! Is that all you got?" He asked sarcastically. I got up and bared my teeth, growling menacingly. I ran at him and slammed my head into him. He grunted as he was sent directly into the ground. I snarled again and took a step towards him. Rocksteady got up, gripping his arm as he did so.
"Looks like you got some fight in you. Well, too bad I'm about to-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Raph ran at him, yelling. He threw his fist directly into the Rhino's face, making him stumble backwards. "Go Raph!" Mikey yelled as he ran after Rocksteady taking his own shot at punching him in the face. Raph nodded his head at me and I bowed my head, acknowledging him. I then swung my tail around, knocking down the people attacking me. I heard April scream and I turned my attention to her. My eyes widened as a soldier shot her in the leg. I felt my pupils turn to slits and I flapped my wings once, sending me into the air. I went up and then dove down, slamming my claws into the soldier. I pinned him to the ground and brought my face close to his, growling loudly. I picked him up with my mouth and then threw him into the coming soldiers. I went to April and stood over her as she lay on the ground. I spread my wings wide and protected her from the soldiers, slashing my claws at them, knocking all of them away. When there was a small break in the soldiers coming towards us, I gently picked up April and placed her on my back. I took off into the air and landed beside Donnie, letting her slip off my wing and down beside him.
"Take care of her. I'll protect you until you can get back to the truck." I said, sounding fierce. Donnie nodded and picked up April, then ran. I blocked the soldiers from getting to them. Once he was safely inside, I turned my attention to Karai and Leo. I narrowed my eyes as she punched him in the face and then used the butt of her sword to knock him down. I growled and then took off again, landing in front of Leo as she tried to attack him for like the thousandth time. She stumbled back in surprise but I didn't care. I transformed back into my human form and drew my Tachi, then kicked her in the face. She grunted and then threw a punch at me but I dodged it. Karai drew her sword and slashed it at me, catching me off guard. She aimed it for my face and grazed the skin over my right eye. I shrieked in pain and stumbled back. I then reached up at my face and felt fresh blood seeping down my face. She lunged at me and slung her sword at my face again but Leo blocked her attack with his Katana and threw a solid right hook at her, knocking her down to the ground. He quickly turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder, then placed the other on the side of my face.
"Caly? Are you alright? You're bleeding bad! We need to get you to Donnie, now." Karai got up and picked up her sword before getting up and running at Leo. She tried to strike him down from the back but I pushed him out of the way with all the strength I had. His eyes widened as Karai thrusted her blade into my abdomen. I gasped out loud and then looked down as my eyes widened in shock "No! Caly!" Leo yelled. I fell onto the ground, landing on my side. Raph and Mikey were still fighting Rocksteady so they didn't see what had happened. I breathed rapidly and then pulled the sword out of me. I willed the strength to transform again. I tried to get up but I felt chains being tied around my neck and legs. Leo turned around after back kicking Karai and ran to me. Some foot soldiers ran in front of me and blocked him from getting to me. "Caly, hold on! I'm coming!" I looked up at him weakly and breathed heavily. "No, Leo! Get out of here!" I said with a weakening bellow.. "No, I'm not leaving you! I'm coming!" I met his gaze, my eyes pleading with him.
Leo ran over to me and fell onto his knees, pulling my head into his lap. "Go while you still can, please . . ." I lifted my head to him with all the willpower I had. He met my gaze and I could see the anger in his eyes. "Cal, no. I will not let them take you!" He said firmly as he eyed the approaching soldiers. "Yes, you will. Stay strong, Leo. Your brothers need you. Take care of April for me..." I said as I pushed myself up with a loud growl, then I grabbed his arm with my teeth. I knew he wouldn't leave unless he was forced too. I then slid my eyes over to him, seeing a pleading look forming in his beautiful blue gaze. I then flung him backwards with all the strength I could muster, watching as his brothers then ran to him while he was on the ground and grabbed him around the arms.
. "No! We have to save her! We can't leave her!" He yelled, struggling to try and get free of their grasp. I noticed the blood pooling beneath me as my vison began to go hazy. I collapsed onto the ground. All I could hear was Leo's pleading voice and the soldiers around me, struggling to haul me into a large cage. I watched through half closed eyes as Leo was pulled back by Raph and Mikey. I let out a weak roar before closing my eyes.
I woke up suddenly and gasped for air. I was still in my mutant form but I was in some lab. I looked around frantically. I looked into the glass and saw my reflection. My eye that Karai had gotten sliced was stitched up and I could tell I was going to have a large scar that ran down from just above my eyebrow and would go down to my cheek on the right side of my face. My face turned to rage.
I roared loudly and tried to escape but was stopped by a surge of pain in my stomach. I remembered that I had been stabbed but everything was stitched up and I had bandages around me. I stood up slowly and slammed the glass with my tail. I growled in frustration, hoping that somehow, I would escape. Some black guy with a lab coat and glasses came into the laboratory and walked up to my holding cell. I bared my teeth and lowered my head to him. "What a truly intriguing creature you are..." He muttered. The dude walked up to the glass and looked into my eyes which I narrowed at him.
"Did the Shredder cause you to look like this as well? Can you speak? I wonder if you are like those idiots we mutated from before...?" I growled deeply and thrusted my head into the glass, causing him to jump back and he straightened his glasses. "My, my... You have quite the temper." He said with fascination. I snorted before watching him carefully as he went to some little device on the outside of the glass. I heard a door open and I flicked my eyes to Shredder as he walked through it with Karai and three soldiers by his side. "Master Shredder! I uh, went ahead and stabilized the mutant... It should be ready for transport soon." The scientist exclaimed nervously. Shredder looked up at me and took his helmet off. He walked up to the glass and marveled at me.
"Don't worry, Calypso... When we are done with you, you'll be used to your full potential." He said slowly, his voice like the serrated edge of a knife. I wondered what he meant by that and snarled at him, slamming my weight into the glass. "Stockman, what have you been able to uncover from the DNA of her?" He asked, turning his attention back to the scientist. "Well, we have discovered a unique combination of animal DNA within her. It appears that 'Calypso' consists of 45% Raven,  15% Blue Racer which is a type of land snake, 20% Banded Sea Krait which is a type of sea snake, and finally 15% Jaguar. The Raven part of her describes why she has bird like wings, while her coloration comes from the Blue Racer snake. We could assume that she is also capable of being semi aquatic due to her Sea Krait genes... maybe even highly venomous. Sea Kraits are one of the most potent snakes in the world. Finally, except for her fangs, the rest of her teeth and claws should be traced back to the jaguar DNA."
Shredder nodded as Baxter spoke. He then turned to Karai and gave the soldiers behind them a signal. One of the men walked over to my containment area and pulled down some latch, opening a glass door attached to my cage. It slid open and I took cautious steps out. I looked around subtly, trying to look for an escape route. Once I was fully out of the glass crate, I tried to spread my wings but was unsuccessful because of a heavy duty chain wrapped around them. I growled in frustration and wheeled my head around, gripping it in my teeth. I thrashed my head around violently but it was no use. "Caly, there is no point in struggling... You cannot escape." I turned back to Shredder and tried to grab him but a dart was sent into my flank, paralyzing me from the neck down almost instantly. I collapsed to the ground and a defeated rumble came from my throat. "Why are you doing this?" I asked fiercely.
Stockman looked at me in surprise when he heard me speak. Shredder took a step towards me before kneeling down beside my head. "For a very simple reason... You are going to be used against the turtles and that hideous rat." He said with a serious face. I narrowed my eyes and snarled, flattening my ears. "No! I will never help you." I said fiercely. He chuckled. "You don't have a choice. Either you surrender to me or they get hurt. I already know you'll do anything for them. So, like I said, you really don't have a choice unless you refuse to obey my commands. But even then, I have more . . . painful methods of getting you to listen to me." He said before standing up. I narrowed my eyes and growled deeply. "Take her to the truck. We have work to do." Shredder said, waving his hand at the foot soldiers. It took ten soldiers to drag me out of the building and then outside. Thanks to all my struggling, I was sedated and eventually fell asleep.
I woke up for the second time but I now had chains attached to my legs and the bottom of my neck. The holding cell was a stone brick room with hard metal poles blocking me from getting out if I were to somehow get these stupid chains off. I struggled to stand up and pulled my front paw up as hard as I could. Nothing came loose or broke so I then pulled my neck back with no avail. I lowered my head and panted, feeling physically and mentally drained.
Karai walked past the cage and knocked one of the bars. I snapped my head up at her and growled fiercely, hiding how tired I was. "Relax, Caly. I just want to talk." She said with a sigh. I pushed my ears back and narrowed my eyes. "Really? Well where was all the 'talking' as I was getting shocked and poked at by your soldiers?" I said coldly. She rolled her eyes and I noticed she was holding a raw turkey by the leg. "You weren't seriously about to give me that to eat, were you?" I asked with a tinge of disgust in my voice. She glanced down at it before looking back at me. "Maybe I was, but you can forget about it now." Karai said as she started to walk off. I huffed before calling her back. "Looks like you're hungry after all." She said as she threw the turkey into the cage. It landed by my paw and I lowered my head, picking it up and then scarfing it down. She watched while I ate the entire thing in one bite. "You really are an animal..." She muttered under her breath.
I leveled my gaze with Karai and hissed. "Watch it. I was merciful once when I let you live." I said as I lowered my head a bit as my tail waves with agitation behind me. She laughed and then crossed her arms. "I don't see how you are in any position to do anyone any real harm, but excuse me for offending you." She said with a sarcastic smirk. I exhaled sharply before lying down and resting my head on my front paws. "Wait a second... Where is that fighting spirit from before?" She asked, mocking me. I flattened my ears and looked at Karai, a silent fire burned deep within my gaze, fueling me with hatred. She looked away from me and then across the hallway.
"Listen, Caly... The only way for you to ever see the turtles again is for you to stop resisting Shredder and do as he says. It's not that bad of a life... You can make a good living for yourself if you just do as you're told." She said with a huff as she crossed her arms. I looked up at her and then got up. I went as close to the barrier as I could and lowered my head to her. "No, you are wrong. Why? Well let me tell you... Shredder is a maniac and he hurts innocent people for no reason. Because of him, I lost my only chance to be with my mother. Not to mention the fact that he is trying to take over New York city by using nothing but terror and violence. The fact that you are even part of this, disgusts me." I said with a deep growl.
She narrowed her eyes and me and came close to the metal bars. "It doesn't matter what you say or do. You will be forced to follow orders whether you like it or not." Karai said coldly before turning from me and leaving me alone in the dark room. I lifted my head and took a few steps back before lying down on the cold, hard floor. I changed back to my human self and scoffed in frustration as the chains shrank down to the size of my arms, but also around my neck. I could still breath but it was very uncomfortable. I ran at the metal bars and rammed my shoulder into it, countless times.
I yelled out in frustration. "Come on you stupid bar---move!" I put my forehead against the it and the straps of the aqua mask came undone, falling over my shoulders, a distant reminder of those I had been forced to leave behind. I felt tears running down my face as I slinked back to the far corner of the cage, bringing my knees up to me. I cried and cried until my eyes were puffy & red. I felt so helpless and pathetic... I wanted to run to Leo and April. For the first time in so many years, I felt like I did when my mother abandoned me. Back when I was scared and alone. It was a painful reminder of everything that had happened in my past. I nuzzled my face into my legs and stayed like that until I somehow managed to fall asleep.
I sighed heavily. I've had to endure countless weeks of training with Shredder without a single break. I have figured out everything now... The only way for me to save the brothers, Splinter, and April, was for me to remain here. I know that if Leo were to see me, he would never forgive me and would might even hate me like he did with Karai. But it doesn't matter. This was for his and the other's own safety. It had been like 4 to 6 months the last time I saw the guys... I have learned to fuel my fighting with my emotions. All of my suffering and pain over this long period of time has only hardened me, making me a ruthless fighter with only one motive. To be victorious no matter what the sacrifice or consequences may be. I won't deny my deep longing for Leonardo... I miss him every night and day... But I have to keep telling myself, this is what needs to happen. I am doing this for him and the others. My plan is that soon, I'll be able to return to the turtles and give them insight on what has been going on.
Shredder walked in with his hands behind his back. He came over to me and eyed my form. "You have improved since your last training session. Well done... Tonight you will be granted permission to go out with your own scouts. But, you must first prove to me that you are ready." He sent a signal to one of the foot soldiers and the man came to me, taking on a ready stance. "You will finish him off... If you do not, your permission will not be granted. Begin!" I huffed out and nervously looked at the guy in front of me. I furrowed my brow but then quickly erased any sign of sympathy on my face. The guy lunged at me but I grabbed his shoulders and thrusted my knee into his face. He stumbled back but I slammed my elbow into the side of his head. He grunted before throwing his fist into my chest. I narrowed my eyes and uppercutted him, sending him backwards and onto the ground.
I took a step back and held my position. "Calypso, finish him off." Shredder commanded. I glanced from him to the soldier who was getting up off the ground. I whispered an apology under my breath before bringing up my leg and kicking him right in the neck. He collapsed to the ground, motionless. I turned away from him knowing what I had done. I felt hot tears coming to my face. "Good job, student. You are ready... Next week, you will fight Karai." I nodded my head slightly, still turned from him. "Thank you, master." I said before walking off to my room. I shut the door behind me and went to the mirror. I looked at my reflection and studied this new me that was a monster... a killer...
My hair had changed back to my natural dark brown color for whatever reason but for now, it was tied back in a bun. The main clothing piece I wore was a black full bodysuit that cut off at my hands and feet. On top, I had a lighter black bulletproof chest plate and shoulder plates. I wore a tactical belt and on my feet were black boots. The mask that Splinter had given me was folded up and placed on my bed, on top of the sword he had given me as well. I now had two different swords that had cases that crossed like an 'X' on my back. I brought my hands to my face and covered my eyes. I don't know what was happening to me, but I know I had changed. This all felt wrong... but Shredder swore that if I served under him, that the turtles, April, and Splinter would be spared. This was my duty to them... I had to protect them no matter what... even at the expense of my own self.
I was summoned into Shredder's presence and I made my way to his chambers. I knelt down in front of him and maintained eye contact with him. "Master, you wish to see me. May I ask what for?" He told me to rise up and so I stood up and crossed my arms behind my back. This was the position he had always made me and the other students in his class do when we were in his presence. "Tonight, you will go on a mission with your own squadron. I need you to locate Baxter Stockman... He has taken vital information from our lab and is using it to try and recreate the mutagen that mutated you. If he succeeds with finding the exact compound, he will use it against me and will therefore be in my way of taking the city for myself." I nodded shallowly before turning from him and signaling for a squad to follow me. The sun was beginning to set when we left. One of my soldiers came up behind me and held out a tablet. I took it and looked at the screen. The coordinates read the address of some fancy restaurant establishment.
We snuck around the back and I had to pull myself up and over a few walls before we reached the restaurant building. I gave the signal for the bomb platoon to engage. They went to the main wall and planted a bomb which would explode, creating an entrance for us. The bomb beeped a few times before exploding. I pulled up the mask that was connected to my suit and it covered my nose and mouth. My hair was down and it fell around my face. In the time away from the others, it had grown back to its original length before I had it cut. We went inside as the smoke/dust cleared. There was panicked screaming all around me from the people in the restaurant. I scanned the room for Stockman. When I caught sight of him I turned back to the soldier on my right. "Take Alpha team and go around the front. Beta team, with me." I said with a roughness to my voice. She nodded and took Alpha team around to the front of the building and we approached the scientist.
I drew one of my swords and approached him, narrowing my eyes. "Give me the USB and no one gets hurt." I said, my voice low. "I have no idea what you are talking about." He said before scrambling to his feet and then trying to leave through the front door. He ran to it and opened it but then took a few unsteady steps back. I looked over to Meylie and gestured for her to tie him up. She went to him and took out handcuffs, restraining him. I unsheathed my other sword and walked over to Stockman, kicking him down to the ground and then crossing my blades over his throat.. "I'll give you one more chance. Give me what you know we came for." I said with a calm fierceness. He took in a shaky breath before gesturing to a briefcase in the booth behind me. "It's there. I gave you what I want. Now, can I go?" He asked as he eyed the swords that were still position close to his throat. I looked from Meylie to him. "I'm afraid that won't be a part of this agreement.." I said, silencing him. "Let's move out." I said, and we started making our way out of the restaurant before I heard loud thumps behind me. I quickly turned around and saw the Brothers standing there, unsheathing their weapons.
My eyes settled on Leo and I took a step back. He couldn't know it was me, not yet. It was too soon. I narrowed my eyes and held my sword up, taking on a defensive stance. "Commander, awaiting orders...?" The male soldier beside me asked. I needed to let them know what to do without speaking so I did hand signals instead. I instructed them to go back to our main camp and take the scientist with them while tellingthe  five other soldiers to stay with me. They nodded and took off. I turned my gaze back to Leo and he unsheathed his Katanas. "Lay down your weapons and leave. I won't offer it again." He said, using his calm but serious voice. I sighed and signaled for the soldiers to attack.
Donnie came at me first and I dodged his staff, before swiping my leg under him and making him trip. Leo then came at me, slashing his sword at me. I narrowed my eyes and countered his attack, using the butt of my sword to hit him in the side and then did a spin back kick, knocking him in the face. He reached up and wiped the side of his mouth with the back of his hand before spitting onto the ground. I faltered back when I saw fresh blood begin to seep out his nose, forming a pathway down and around his mouth. I regained my composure in a split second as he tried to back kick me, and somehow I managed to leap out of the way. I lunged at him and he held up both of his swords, meeting my own blades. "Who are you?" He asked as I put pressure against his Katanas. When I didn't respond, he pushed his crossed swords forward, and I wasn't expecting him to do that, so I fell down onto the ground. Leo pinned me and angrily looked into my eyes with his teeth bared, breathing heavily. I looked back into his eyes, feeling something pass between us. When his eyes searched mine and I saw the beginnings of a question form in them, I narrowed my eyes. I brought my legs underneath him and bucked him off before grabbing my sword.
I started to run away and the other soldiers followed me. We climbed up to the roof of the building beside the area where we had just been cornered. I cautiously went to the edge and looked down, listening to the guys speak. "My gosh, I don't know who the new girl was but she sure as hell knows her martial arts." Donnie said, sounding dazed. "Yeah, well she was beating even Leo." Raph responded, as he picked his Sais up off the ground. Leo looked back at Raph and sighed. "Call me crazy, but something seemed different about her." He said, his voice shaky. Donnie looked at Leo sympathetically before putting a hand on his shoulder. "Leo, is this about Cal? We all saw her die... I know it's hard but you have got to let her go. You're only hurting yourself by holding on to her." He said, sounding sympathetic. I furrowed my brow and started to turn before I heard Leo's voice begin to falter. "I-I can't... I can't let her go . . . She died because of me." He said and I could tell he was crying or at least on the verge of it. I started to feel a tear run down my face and eventually make a small spot on my mask wet. "No, she didn't... she's alive and right here..." I whispered.
I got the aqua bandana out of a pocket in my chestplate and let it go in the wind. It fell down into the alleyway and landed on the ground beside Mikey's foot. He turned to it and picked it up, gasping. "Guys, look!" Leo glanced up at him slowly but then widened his eyes before pushing Raph out the way. He grabbed it and then Donnie looked up at the rooftop. I had been hiding in a shadow covered area, so he didn't see me.
"Is that...? Is that Cal's?" Raph asked, sounding out of breath. Donnie shoved his arm before looking back down at my bandana. Leo stared at it, seemingly in shock before picking it up and holding it in his hands. I let out a quiet sigh before taking a step back. Meylie raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes. "Let's go." I muttered before we started running back to the hideout. When we arrived, I took the cloth that covered my mouth and nose down, making my way to Shredder's quarters, my squadron following close behind me. When we came in front of him, I knelt down and bowed my head. "Well done for your first mission, Calypso." He said softly.
I woke up and got out of bed. Training started early today and Karai wanted to spar with me. I got up and put on my gear & armor. I walked to the dojo and then made my way to the training area. Karai was there with her sword drawn. When she saw me, she got into a ready stance. I drew my sword and yawned. "It's really early, Karai. Why did you pick now to spar?" I asked with a groggy expression on my face and she shrugged. "It's good for you to get the training now." I raised a doubtful eyebrow before rolling my eyes and then took my own stance. She lunged at me and I ducked under her blade before using the back of my sword to thrust it into her abdomen. She grunted and then punched me in the face. I stumbled back and then blocked her sword with mine as she tried to slash at my neck.
I swept my leg under hers, making her trip and then brought my knee into her chest. She grunted and then fell to the floor. I pinned her and pointed my sword down at her neck. "You win, you win!" She called out. I let Karai up and she gripped the side of her chest. "You've got some killer technique there... no pun intended." I laughed a bit and got up, sheathing my sword. "Thanks, not bad yourself," I said back and she raised a brow. "Are you kidding? Compared to you, I stink. Shredder will likely replace me with you if I don't improve my skills soon." I sighed and rubbed my eye. "That's not true. But, if you wouldn't mind, I have a question for you." She rolled her eyes playfully before gesturing for me to ask it. "Why are you loyal to Shredder? What could he possibly offer you that causes you to put your life on the line for him?" Karai crossed her arms before responding. "Well for starters, he pays very handsomely. Also, I enjoy the job... I can put my abilities to use and not have to worry about holding back." She said, gesturing to me as she said that.
I raised my eyebrow and put my hands on my hips. "Uh, why did you just do that?" I asked defensively. "Do what?"  She asked with a raised brow. "That." I shot back. "'That' what?" I huffed and she smiled. Why does she feel the need to do that? "You hold back." I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?" "Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about." She said, raising a brow at me. "No, Karai, I don't. Why would I be asking if I already knew the answer?" She sighed before dropping her arms. "You hold back from using all of your martial arts training. When you fight, it's like you don't want to hurt your opponent but only disable them." Karai said matter-of-a-factly.
"Maybe that's because we shouldn't use our skills unless absolutely necessary. Even then, you don't just kill someone." I said, sounding exhasperated. "If that is what you want to believe then by all means. I'm just saying, the turtles have really rubbed off on you." She said as she started to walk off. I stood there, dumbfounded. Since when did I hold back? Is Karai saying that when I fight, I am supposed to literally kill the opponent once they're already disabled? I shook myself out of my heavy thoughts and then went back to my sleeping quarters. I sat on my bed and drew one of my blades out of its casing. Both of my swords were identical in design. They had black handles with long threads coming out the butt of the sword. On the actual blade of each sword, near where the handle ended was a japanese engraving that read, "水の戦士". It meant, "Warrior of Water".
I ran my hand over the sword and felt something change in me. I sat still, frozen as I lifted it up and looked at my reflection. I sheathed my sword and stood up, making my way to Shredder's presence. When I came to him, I placed my knuckles together and bowed my head. "Master, do I have permission to go out? Without a squadron I mean." He turned to me and lifted a brow.
"Calypso, why do you request to leave?" I quickly came up with a small lie. "I have a theory that may prove useful to your mission. If you offer me the chance to leave, I will return by sundown with information for you." I said confidently. He thought for a moment before turning from me and starting to walk away. "You may go, but if you see the turtles, I want you to find out what they are planning." I bowed my head again as he finished his sentence. "Of course, Master Shredder." I said as I turned and left the room.
When I got to the roof of the building, I transformed into my mutant form and then walked to the edge. I spread my wings wide and took off, heading to the apartment. When I found the roof, I dove down and quietly landed, transforming back into a human. I pulled my mask up, making sure it covered my mouth and nose. My hair was down and it covered my ears, preventing anyone from seeing the piercing. I quietly made my way down to the balcony and checked to see if the door was unlocked. Thankfully, it slid open and I went inside my room.
Nothing had changed about it since the last time I was here over three and a half months ago. I went through the open door and sneaked through the hallway until I saw April on the couch, holding a picture of me and her. She was sobbing and the sight of it made my heart ache. But that is what I am here for. I have come to tell her I am alive without revealing who I truly am. I knocked on the wall and she sighed without turning her head. "Donnie, I've already told you... I don't want to come help you make those new bracelets." When she realized it wasn't Donnie here with her, she whipped her head around with widened eyes as dropped the picture.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked frantically. I approached her slowly as she stood up and held her hands up behind her head. "Please, I don't have anything. I am unarmed, I can't fight back!" She said, voice pleading. I came around the couch, standing in front of her. In order to disguise myself, I made my voice low, almost a whisper. "I am not here to harm you, April O'neil." She slowly sat down and stayed silent as I spoke.
"I have been sent to give you a message..." April widened her eyes as I spoke. "Calypso is alive." I said softly. She opened her mouth slightly and tears started to flow from her eyes. "Did she send you? Where is she? Please tell me!" She said frantically. I narrowed my eyes at her and drew my sword, trying to seem threatening (obviously I wouldn't hurt her). "I will not tell you where she is. All I was instructed to do was inform April O'neil of someone named, 'Calypso' being alive." She brought her hand to her mouth and then tried to grab her phone. I knew exactly who she was going to contact and held my blade out to her.
"Do not say a word about this or what I have told you to anyone. Have I made myself clear?" April quickly brought her hand away from her pocket and nodded. I sheathed my sword and began to walk away when she grabbed my hand. I turned my head to her and she smiled. "Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me to know she is alive..." I looked down at her hand clutching mine and she quickly let it go before taking a few steps back.
I bowed my head at her and then turned to leave but was stopped when all four brothers walked into the room. I backed up and widened my eyes. Raph turned his head from Leo to me and gasped. I met his gaze and then flicked my eyes from him to Mikey then Donnie, and finally Leo. "What's she doing here? April, get behind us! Now!" Donnie yelled and April ran in front of me, holding her hands out. "Wait! She isn't here to hurt me!" She yelled. Leo pushed Raph out the way and took a step forward, narrowing his eyes at me. "Wait... did she tell you who she was?" He asked cautiously. April shook her head back and forth. "No, but I think she is on our side." She replied as her gaze turned back to me. I drew one of my swords and took a step back. She yelped and then ran over to Donnie.
"Yeah... call me crazy, but I don't think ninja girl is on our side." Raph said without missing a beat. "Raph! Mikey! Block her from getting away!" Leo yelled and they then cornered me. I narrowed my eyes as they drew their own weapons. Donnie stood in front of April, protecting her. Leo was the only one to keep his weapons sheathed. He approached me slowly and then signaled for the others to lower their weapons. I breathed heavily and looked at each one of them. "Tell us who you are and why you came after April." Leo said softly before coming a bit closer.
I kept my sword out for a little while longer before sheathing the blade.. "I'll tell you only what needs to be heard but then I must leave. I am afraid that I cannot leave certain people waiting." I said in my normal voice by accident. His eyes widened and he took a step back. "...Caly-? I-Is that-?" He asked frantically. I narrowed my eyes and tried to get past them but was stopped when April tackled me to the ground, pinning me. She pulled down my mask and gasped. "Oh my god... oh my-You-? How did-?" She said, speaking gibberish. I closed my eyes for a second, knowing how things were about to go. They found out and now I'm about to get hammered. I pushed her off of me.
Leonardo fell onto his knees in front of me, tears forming in his eyes. "You're alive? How is that possible? You were killed... I saw you..." He said, voice breaking. Raph and Mikey widened their eyes and took a few steps back. I heaved in a breath, knowing I was on the verge of breaking down myself. "Why didn't you come back? You've let us sit here and think that you were gone! I thought you died!" April yelled angrily. I got up quickly and started to feel tears of my own fall down my face. "I wanted to protect all of you!" I said fiercely. Leo looked directly into my eyes as something cold and deep took over his gaze.
"You were with Shredder, weren't you?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous. "Weren't you?" He demanded. When I lowered my head and didn't so much as glance at him, he exhaled sharply, trying hard to contain his anger. "I knew it was you. You were the one leading that group of foot soldiers!" He yelled. I quickly looked away from him and breathed out harshly. "Shredder said that the only way for y'all to be saved would be if I served him. I don't care how mad any of you are at me, I am doing this to protect all of you. I cannot-  No, wait... I won't let him hurt any of you." I said sharply, pulling my mask up. I ran to my room and threw open the balcony door. I then climbed up onto the roof and got ready to transform.
Leo suddenly ran up from behind me and grabbed my arm. "Don't go back. I already lost you once, I won't let it happen again." He said, breathing heavily. I turned and looked up at him, pulling my mask down, but furrowed my brow for a second when I noticed the faint dried blood still on his face from the fight a little bit ago. "I am doing this for all of you. I can't let him hurt any of you. You're the only family I have left." I said with my gaze locked onto his. "Caly, what the hell has gotten into you? You know damn well that this could result in you getting hurt and not just us, right?" He asked frantically. "Shredder said that the only way he would not harm any of you would be for me to serve under him." I reminded him. Leo gave me a look that clearly said I was an idiot. "You can't trust Shredder! You know that!" He said angrily. "Well clearly you don't understand. But you know what, I don't care." I said coldly, narrowing my eyes. "What are you saying?" He responded, widening his eyes. "I am going back. I don't care what happens to me." I said as I ran to the edge of the roof and jumped off. Leo then ran to the edge of the building, instinctively ready to jump after and try to save me. I transformed and with one flap of my wings, rose back up to be eye level with him.
    "I don't want to fight you, but I will do what I must to ensure yours and everyone else's safety." I said as firmly as I could, even though my voice was shaking. His blue eyes turned into an icey blade as it sliced right through me with the deep anger that froze me in place. "You have forgotten who you are. The Calypso I know would have never done this... especially when she knew how bad the factors that played against her were. What happened to you? Why can't you see how stupid this plan of yours is?" I narrowed my eyes and began to snarl but then held myself back, turning away from his gaze. "Tell me you aren't actually going to go through with this. Give me a reason to think you aren't completely out of it!" Leo said with a tone I didn't recognize. When I stayed silent, he filled the tense silence around us with one last sentence. "You know what? Fine... Go ahead and leave, we'll see which one of us was right." He said with a tone that I knew was aimed right for my heart. I froze and then turned right back to him. I slammed onto the roof so hard that he stepped back but only for just a moment.
    I changed back into my human form and met his gaze. Leo's ice cold eyes were filled with a searing fury, but deeper then that was the pain he was trying so hard to hide beneath the layers of his anger. I could feel the tears from my own anger falling down my face. I cleared the distance between us and met his lips with enough force to send us both falling. He made a surprised grunt but then he closed his eyes and brought his hands to my face. I kissed him so desperately and hard that my lips hurt. He stole my breath with how deeply passionate we'd made the embrace, his hands getting tangled in my hair and how I seemed to have a powerful sense of needing to be nowhere else but here with him, locked in the overwhelming emotions I had flooding my mind. We had pulled back at the same time, suddenly aware of each other's need to breathe. I backed up and transformed before looking back to him, both of us breathing heavily. I opened my mouth to say one last thing but then turned away from him and leapt off the roof, spreading my wings and taking off into the late night air.
    I climbed higher and higher into the sky, feeling my tears fall from my eyes with no way to stop. I flapped my wings hard, driving them up and down quickly as I made my way back. I then dove down and flew to Shredder's lair. I landed on the roof and folded my wings, transforming back to my human self. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, regaining control over my emotions. I cannot let anyone have any reason to suspect I had seen the turtles... It is my duty to protect them, no matter what the consequences might be. It didn't matter what he thought about my decisions or actions. So, I know now that I truly am alone in this fight.

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