Come and go

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Come and Go
    These visions have been plaguing my mind ever since last month when I first saw Leo. I am beginning to wonder if I should question what has been pounded into my head since day one. Something in my mind ever since seeing him for the first time has been a constant menace, as I have been distracted from all of my training lessons. I was in my room at this particular moment in time and I drew my sword before thrusting it down onto the floor. I slowly fell to my knees and my hair fell in heaps around my face. Hot and sticky tears dripped down my cheeks, falling to the ground beneath me. I was so lost, and no one ever understood what I was going through...
    Karai bursted through the door with a giant smile on her face. But that wide grin faded when she saw me crouched over my blade, weeping. "Calypso? Are you al-" "Please leave me, Karai... I need some time to myself." I said through my sobs. She sighed before backing away and then shutting the door behind her. I took in a shuddering breath and gripped the handle of my sword. I looked up slowly at my reflection in the metal. I looked into my hazel eyes and saw so many questions rush through my mind. I was going to track down the turtles and make them tell me why they are trying to stop Shredder...
    I got on my gear and pulled my hair back in a tight bun, pulling out the tendrils. I then pulled my hood up to cover my head, bringing the fabric mask as well up over my nose & mouth. I pulled my Tachi out of the ground and sheathed it. I then bursted out of my quarters and went to Shredder's quarters. I then knelt to the ground in front of him and placed a fist against the palm of my hand, bowing to him. "Calypso... Why have you come into my presence without being summoned?" I raised my head slightly to look at him. "Master, I believe I have an idea that may be of some use to you..." He raised his hand to his chin and stroked it slowly before waving a hand at me. "Go on..."
    "I believe that it might be possible for me to track the mutants down and capture them. But this would require one person to complete the task." I said firmly. "Calypso, you possess enough intelligence to know that one singular ninja, even if she is a master Kunoichi such as yourself, would not possibly be able to take out four mutant brothers." I sighed and rose to my feet. "I will not engage in a full attack... I am planning to track them down and gather valuable information for you. If we get this information, we can put an end to these reptilian pests." I emphasized my point by smashing my fist into my opposite hand.
    My words seemingly caused Shredder to ponder this plan for a long few moments. I watched intently as he rose to his feet and walked down the steps to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and nodded his head once. "My student, you make me proud. You may go, but if you are interrogated for information about this place or where our base camps are, do not give any information. But also, do not engage in any attack. This is a sneak in and out kind of mission. Understand?" He commanded. I nodded my head and then turned, walking away from him.
    I ran all the way to the alleyway where we were ambushed by the turtles. I made sure to stay out of sight since it was the middle of the afternoon and the city streets were buzzing with hordes of people, all hurrying to different destinations. I took the long rope off my hip and looked around the roof for something to tie it off to. I found a metal pole that came out of the top of the building. I then raised a skeptical eyebrow and pursed my lips, wondering if it would even be strong enough to sustain me. "Welp, it's the best we got... Let's hope I don't die!" I said to myself, shrugging.
I grabbed the rope and backed up slowly to the edge and looked over my shoulder at the drop off below. I then took a deep breath and climbed down the side of the building. When I got down to about six feet above the ground, the rope somehow came undone and I fell into a dumpster. The lid fell down, trapping me in the smelly garbage. I groaned and rubbed my back, cursing under my breath.
    I carefully got up and pushed the lid open, climbing out of the dumpster. I looked around, making sure no one heard what had just happened. Thank god, that was embarrassing. I then looked around, analyzing the walls, trying to find any sign of their previous attack on me and my squadron. I ran my hand along the wall of the other building until I came across a huge indentation. My eyes flicked all around it before I backed up and took in the entire thing. The mark was obviously made by someone being thrown into the wall, and by the looks of things, that person likely didn't survive. I let out a slow exhale while putting my hands on my hips, realizing what I was getting myself into.
    I heard a loud siren grow close to the alleyway I was in and I looked around frantically for a place to hide. My eyes fell on the dumpster and I refused to go back in there. But then I looked under my feet and saw a manhole cover. I raised a brow and rolled my eyes before struggling to lift it up and climb in. The lid fell back down with a loud 'clang' and I closed my eyes, trying to block out the overwhelming stench. I hopped down onto the cement below, and slapped my hands together, getting the dust and dirt off of them. As I looked around, it was completely dark, so I took my flashlight of my black belt and clicked it on.
    I have been walking around for at least ten minutes and still no sign of the sewer tunnel that leads directly to Shredder's lair. I sighed as I continuously would walk through countless twists and turns. Out of nowhere, this huge rat jumped out at me and I instinctively jumped back. My eyes widened as I lost balance and fell back into the rushing surge of water. In a flash of pure bone chilling cold, I was swept into the current, struggling to stay on the surface. Water went down my lungs constantly and I honestly thought I was going to drown. Great, on my gravestone, if anyone cares, it'll say my cause of death was sewer water.
    My constant fight with the water led to me being pulled under the water at random times or being dragged along the bottom. But then, I was falling. I went straight down, as the waterfall sent me plummeting into another cold pool of water below. I swam to the surface and with all the strength I had, I pulled myself up onto the hard ground. I coughed constantly, ridding myself of any more water and gasped for air. I collapsed onto my back and closed my eyes, breathing heavily. After a few moments, I opened my eyes. I heard voices and as quickly as I could in the state I was in, I rushed behind a big wall. I widened my eyes as I looked around at the place I was in. It was a huge room with four holes cut out on the left side while the place was sectioned off in individual areas. There was a kitchen, a living area, bedrooms, a training area, a large collection of monitors, and so much more.
    Suddenly, a mutant turtle who was a little shorter than me and was wearing an orange bandana walked past me but then turned around slowly, eyes wide. "Caly? Wha...?" Before he could get away or react, I tackled him to the ground and cuffed his hands before unsheathing my sword and angling it at his throat. I then narrowed my eyes at him. "Do not make a noise... got it?" I said, voice almost a whisper. He was about to respond when the three other turtles and one human girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes came over. I turned my attention to them and went around the orange masked mutant I had captive, placing an arm around his chest and holding the blade of my Tachi at his throat.
    "Drop the weapons, now, and I promise Orange here will be freed." I said, glaring at each one of the brothers. Leonardo pushed past the turtles with the red and purple bandanas, widening his eyes when he saw me near his younger brother. He held his hands out and approached me slowly. "Caly? What are you doing? Let Mikey go!" He said, voice pleading and low. I held my blade a bit closer to 'Mikey' and narrowed my eyes. "Don't come any closer! I'm here for information... So either you give it to me or he dies." I said, voice low as well. The human girl came towards me and turned her head slightly. "Caly? What are you doing? You're hurting Mikey! Why are you doing this?" I turned my gaze to her.
    "Drop the weapons..." I said, my gaze daring her to make another move. "Okay! You win. We surrender." Leonardo said as he dropped his Katanas, followed by his brothers dropping their own weapons. As I promised, I let Mikey go and uncuffed him before quickly taking a step back. I kept my Tachi unsheathed and watched the turtles and girl carefully. "Now, why are you here?" Leonardo asked. "Caly, what happened to you? Why are you acting like this?" the girl asked frantically. I turned my head to her and took a step towards her. "If either of you addresses me by that false name one more time, I swear I'll strike you down where you stand." I said, voice threatening and cold. The turtle with the purple mask, glasses, and fancy gear stepped in front of the girl, protecting her.
    Her eyes widened as I said that and tears formed in her eyes as she heard me speak those words. The purple masked turtle who was apparently, 'Donnie' spoke. "Guys, she has high levels of Apomorphine in her body... that chemical is known for causing major memory-" He trailed off at that last sentence. The girl named 'April' spoke next... "You mean she doesn't remember any of us?" She said, looking at Donnie. Leo looked from them to me and a look of pure realization overcame his face. "That explains why she doesn't remember her name being, Caly..." He said as his eyes met mine. I flicked my eyes at each of them, as confusion came over me. This can't be true... I won't believe it.  Shredder couldn't have lied to me! But then again, I had always felt something was off... No, it's not true. It's not...
    A wild look came in my eyes and I took an unsteady step back before turning to try and leave. "Please, Caly! It's us!. You have to remember me. I'm your sister..." April said through her tears. I stopped and turned my head to her slowly. "My name is not Caly, and you are not my sister..." I drew my sword suddenly and ran at her, bringing the blade above my head. Right before I could strike her down, Donnie stood in my way and held out his bow staff. My Tachi cut straight through it and before I could react, he kicked me in the stomach, sending me falling back onto the ground. My sword flew out of my hand as I landed on the hard floor. Even though I couldn't get up, Leo ran over and pinned me down by placing a knee on my legs and held both my arms against the ground.
    "Listen, you need to calm down! I want to help you!" He said seriously. The pain rushed through my body and mind as another vision came to me, making me shriek in agony. was the large blue dragon thing from before but I was attacking a large crocodile. Leo was there and he comforted me, helping me to calm down. "Caly! Caly, are you okay?" I heard a voice yelling. The pain went away and my vision cleared to see Leonardo still over me, looking into my eyes, still holding me down. Tears came to my eyes and I shook my head back and forth. "I can't stand it anymore... I keep having nightmares and these visions of you and your brothers with me! I don't know why but I don't even know who any of you are! I'm so confused and it hurts so much!" I yelled as tears rolled down my face.
    "I don't know what to do or how to possibly make it stop, but I just keep getting them! Shredder keeps telling me I'm some warrior of his..." I trailed off before remembering what he said about how the turtles were the enemy and they tried to kill him. I narrowed my eyes and looked Leo in the eyes. "You and your brothers... You tried to kill Sensei and Karai. So I had to save them. You tried to kill me too..." I said through my teeth. "No, Caly! That isn't true! It never happened! Why don't you get that?" He said and I brought my leg out from under his knee and kicked him hard in the stomach, making him come off of me. "There's nothing to get! You tried to kill them! Tried to kill me!" I yelled fiercely. I then quickly got up and ran over to my sword. I grabbed it and sheathed it before taking off for the tunnels. "Caly! Don't go! Please..." April yelled as she ran after me. I stopped and turned to her, watching as she took an uncertain step back.
"I don't know who you are... I want to believe you and what you have said... but there is only so much you can hear before you don't know what to think . . ." I said as tears rolled down my face, soaking my mask and ran to the tunnel but stopped when I heard my name. I heard April fall onto the ground and begin sobbing. "She doesn't remember... She forgot everything..." Leo said, his voice breaking. "What's worse is there is no cure..." Donnie said sadly. I hated being stuck in between two worlds. I don't know if they were enemies or if they were friends. I had no memory of any of this. "So the only way for her to remember would be if she remembers?" Mikey asked softly. "Yes... Or if the chemical was drained from her system." Donnie responded.
I ran out of the tunnel, freezing cold. Somehow, I managed to get back to the surface and make my way to Shredder's lair. When I got back, I immediately went to the showers. I turned on the water, making sure it was the perfect temperature and I began to wash my hair when I forgot about it being tied back in the bun. I let my hair down and closed my eyes, relaxing as the water ran over my scalp. When I opened my eyes, I yelped in panic when my eyes fell upon a snow white lock of hair. I slowly reached up and grabbed the piece of hair. What in the world was happening to me?
I got out of the shower after washing the stench of sewer water off and out of me. I walked over to the sinks, then looked in the mirror. My hair fell in waves around my head and it was all white. I backed up from my reflection slowly and reached up to my head, trying to wipe off the white coloration. "Please, please come off!" I called in panic. When I realized my hair was stuck like this, I heard a knock on the door to the showers room. "Uh, are the showers open today? I need to use one!" Said a random voice that I recognized as Dead Weight. "Yeah! Just one second! Stay out there! That's an order lieutenant!" I called out frantically. "General? Uh, okay then?" He said with a shaky voice. I let out a harsh breath and got my assigned bed clothes on, wrapping the towel around my hair. I then ran to the door and opened it.


Short one as well

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