Love never fades

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Love Never Fades
    Today, two weeks after seeing the turtles, I was summoned into Shredder's presence. My heart raced as I leapt out of bed, hoping that everything was alright. I threw on my black and gold striped uniform and slipped my gloves on, then sprinted to his quarters. When I arrived, he was getting a new black suit tailored to him. I put my fist to my palm and bowed to him before resting onto my knees. I breathed heavily, trying to control my heart rate. Sensei turned his head to me slowly before narrowing his eyes at me. "Calypso..." He said slowly. I looked up at him and with a confused look played across my face. "Today, we are going to attack the turtles... you will be used as bait. Do you understand?" My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to refuse but then stopped myself, knowing that if I suggested a different alternative, he may start to wonder things.
    Regretfully, I lowered my head and nodded slowly. "Very good... Now go assemble your squadron. Once you find the turtles, lead them here. We will then capture them and dispose of those pests properly." He said firmly. I sighed quietly before rising to my feet and turning from him, leaving the room. I walked all the way to the lockers and searched the room slowly. I chose my squadron carefully before heading out. In order to attract the attention of the turtles, we would have to use innocent civilians as bait and then while they tried to attack us, we would fall back, leading them to the hideout. I know, great plan... Made it myself!
    We went to Times Square and melded into the crowd. I turned to my side and looked directly at the soldier beside me, nodding my head once. He then pulled out his gun and pointed it upwards, firing it. The loud pop sent all the people around us into a massive frenzy like an angry mound of fire ants that had just been stepped in. Screaming and struggling broke out among the crowd as people rushed for their cars or cover. I signaled for my team to grab hostages, and after we grabbed random people, I counted a little more than 15 civilians. We dragged them into a restaurant nearby. "Close the doors and turn off the lights!" I called, narrowing my eyes as I crouched down. I had some sense in me, or at least enough that knew the brothers shouldn't be spotted by civilians. There were other people in the restaurant so I got up and glared coldy at them. I drew my sword and pointed at the other hostages who were tied up against the wall. "Go over there! Sit and stay quiet, understand?" I commanded.
    They all nodded and then ran to the wall, sitting in a neat row. I kept my Tachi unsheathed. As if the plan couldn't have worked any better, there was glass that shattered and then I saw one of my team members get thrown into a wall. I heard loud, thumping footsteps running around me and I heard the pained grunts of my squadron as they were punched or hit. "Fall back! Fall back!" I called out before leading my remaining team members out the back exit.
    We ran for a long time, sprinting back to the lair. I began to run out of breath but pushed myself further, telling myself that I was almost there. I looked over my shoulder and just as I expected, the brothers were following us. But I noticed another person following as well... April was running as fast as she could beside Donnie, struggling to keep up. I shook my head and continued on. We finally reached the room where the turtles would be surrounded and eventually captured. Time for phase two of the plan. I stopped suddenly and my remaining team lined up behind me. I looked at the two of them, flicking my eyes back and forth before looking at the turtles. Leonardo skidded to a stop in front of me and unsheathed a Katana, doing some twirly thing as he lowered it.
    Raph and Donnie stood on his right side and Mikey walked out in front of them. "Drop em' and stick' em up!" He called out like a dork. I narrowed my eyes and spoke the japanese word for attack. Leo's eyes widened as out of nowhere, other foot soldiers dropped down around them, surrounding them, holding electric sticks. They powered them on and blue volts of electricity passed through the metal beams on the edges of their staffs. I met his gaze and he narrowed his eyes at me, his face turning into one of pain and anger.
    "You betrayed me... I trusted you!" He said, voice full of something I didn't recognize. "I warned you, Leonardo. I'm loyal to Shredder." I said and then after a moment I added, "I'm sorry..." Leonardo met my gaze, and in his eyes I saw the pain that he felt, and I had to turn away from him because I couldn't bear to see him like that.. "Move in!" I called. The soldiers that surrounded them stuck the electrified sticks against the brother's skin and I heard their yells of agony. This felt wrong... something inside me was pleading with me to make all the pain stop.
    Shredder walked out and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Well done, Calypso..." I watched as Leo fell onto his knees, followed by his brothers and he looked up at me through gritted teeth. "Caly... Please..." He said weakly before yelling again as the electricity coursed over and through him. My eyes widened and I turned from his pained appearance. I scrunched them together but then I was suddenly pushed down onto the ground forcefully. I landed on the hard floor and let out a pained grunt. I drew my hands up underneath me and tried to recover from the blow. I was then kneed in my chest, making me collapse again. I gasped for breath and looked up at Karai as she came over to me, kneeling over my body.
    "This is for all the hits you threw at me, Calypso. Also, have fun..." I clutched my side and yelped when I was pushed into Leo. "Listen, my student. I never wanted you to be by my side. I just needed your fighting skills to help me capture the turtles. Now that I have them, I no longer have any use for you." He said coldly. "I served you! I did what you said! What about me being a warrior among you? You said I was-" I said, my voice sounding hoarse and out of breath, realizing the turtles & April had been right the entire time. He turned from me and signaled the soldiers with a sign I didn't recognize.
Four cages were pulled out and three soldiers took their time dragging the limp bodies of Leonardo, Raphael, Mikey, and Donnie. I pleaded with Shredder to stop but he only laughed once more before disappearing. April was still conscious as another soldier took her by the shoulders and bound her wrists together with a rope. Someone came to me and tried to tie my wrists but I kicked them in the face and pushed myself off the ground. But as I got up, I took a large blow to the head, sending me unconscious. The last thing I remember was collapsing to the ground and watching as they hooked Leonardo to the inside of the cage as his head hung down, seemingly lifeless.
    I woke up with a gasp, being held by my shoulders by a soldier. Except instead of being in the dark room from before, we were on the roof of the TCRI building. I struggled to try and get out the guy's grip but he only tightened his grasp on me. Karai walked out in front of me and waved her hand at some soldiers. April was still tied up but was also restrained by a guy. I looked around frantically, breathing heavily. "Karai! Please, don't do this. I know you are better than this!" I called out to her as my eyes fell upon the brothers lying near the edge of the roof. I gasped and tears came to my eyes. Karai came over to me and gripped the material near my neck. "It was fun, Caly. But now, I gotta let you go." She said before smiling darkly.
    I widened my eyes as I was forced forward, then having to stop beside Raphael's unconscious self. April yelped as she was taken to the edge as well. Suddenly, the turtles and April were pushed off and I heard her panicked screams as she fell. I watched helplessly as they fell farther and farther. My eyes widened and my breathing spiked. Karai pushed me off and I screamed as well. Time seemed to slow as my eyes frantically looked from Leonardo to each of the others. But then, something incredible happened. I felt a surge of energy and then my eyes widened as my mind flashed with different emotions and visions. I opened my eyes suddenly, my memories returning.
    I realized we were still falling and I shook my head back and forth. I then took in three rapid breaths and transformed. I spread my wings wide, breaking free of my chains. I then dove quickly, catching April and she grabbed my neck tightly. I flapped my wings hard, propelling me to Leonardo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie. I grabbed Raph with my tail and Mikey with my back claws before reaching out and grabbing Leo & Donnie. It took all of my strength to fly up and up, before crashing onto the roof of a nearby building. I shut my eyes tight, bracing for the impact. It felt like I had just been hit by a garbage truck as I slammed onto the roof, skidding across it on my side.
    I lied there and breathed heavily as April slid off of me and collapsed onto the hard surface, landing on her knees. I opened my eyes weakly as she placed a hand above my nostrils. "Y-You just saved us." She said between gasps for breath. A low rumble escaped my throat as I heard the groaning of three very memorable mutants. Donnie pushed himself off the ground slowly and held a hand to his head, then adjusted his crooked glasses. Raph and Mikey got up as well. "Ow... my head... wait, what just happened?" Mikey asked, a sharp tone to his voice despite his weak demeanor. "We just got thrown off a building, Mikey." Donnie said as Mikey put a hand on the back of his head and laughed nervously. "Caly?! Y-Your-? Do you-?" Donnie then said as his gae trailed over to me, making his eyes widen. "Yup... I remember, Einstein." I said as I weakly lifted my head, folding my ears. When he stood there baffled, I rolled my eyes playfully, but my gaze then fell upon Leonardo.
    I transformed back and without hesitation, got up before collapsing back to the ground. April gasped but I ignored her worried expression, forcing myself back up as I clutched my side and limped over to Leo as he laid still. I fell onto my knees beside him and placed my hands on his shoulders, then checked for a pulse. It took a few seconds but when I felt a rather low beating. I ducked my head and closed my eyes, sighing in relief. He then took in a shaky breath and my eyes shot open to see him gritting his teeth while scrunching his eyes together, groaning in pain.
He slowly opened his eyes before looking around. "What the hell happened...? Why do I feel like I just got hit by an 18 wheeler?" I smiled softly and laughed a bit as. "Just rest for a minute. We took a pretty hard fall." I said and he looked at me, eyes widening. "Cal? Y-you saved us? Do you...?" I placed my head on his shoulder and took in a shaky breath as I began to cry harder. "I'm so, so sorry! I never meant to hurt you or anyone... I just wanted to protect you." I said between my sobs. Leo pushed himself up with a pained grunt and wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a close embrace as my eyes widened.
    He placed a hand on the back of my head and his other wrapped around my lower waist, holding me to him firmly. "How can you forgive me so easily? I betrayed you a-and..." I began to say but he cut me off by suddenly adjusting himself to have his face in front of mine. He came close to me and then pressed his lips to mine, moving his hand from my head to my cheek. I hesitantly moved my hands slowly up to his neck, pulling him closer to me. With his mouth on mine, I felt fire being set to every inch of my skin. My heart was racing but I felt horrible for hurting him and the others. He deserved so much more than me, I didn't deserve him. I suddenly pulled away from him and got up. "What happened? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, sounding worried. I quickly turned my head back to him, not being able to ignore the tone of his voice. "No, it wasn't you who did anything. It was me..." I said as my gaze traveled to his arm. Leo then quickly looked down at it before hiding something.
    I raised a brow skeptically before going back over and landing on my knees beside him. "Move your arm, Leo." I said seriously, wiping my eyes. He sighed and did as I asked. My eyes widened as I looked at a deep wound on his forearm. I gasped and placed a hand over my mouth, falling back onto my rear end and placed my other hand behind me to hold me up. "Did I do that to you?" I asked frantically. He looked away from me and down at his arm. "Oh my gosh... I did!" I called in horror. Tears started to flow down my face again and I turned from him. April looked at Donnie with a face of worry as I immediately got up and went to the edge of the roof. I collapsed onto my hands and knees, scrunching my eyes together and beginning to sob again. She came over to me and landed on her knees beside me. "Caly, it wasn't your fault! You know that!" She said quickly, trying to comfort me. My eyes shot open as I looked directly at her, tears soaking my cheeks. "You were there. You saw how I took out my sword and cut him! It's the simple fact that I hurt him! What of you? I remember hurting you before I had lost my memory!"
    "Calypso, it doesn't matter! You are here beside me right now, alive. I couldn't be any more grateful for that." She said firmly, looking into my eyes. I heard footsteps approach behind me and then felt someone grab my arms and pull me back into a masculine chest. Leo put his head over my shoulder and pressed the side of his face against my head, placing his arms around my chest. He held me to him almost as if I was the only thing holding him to the ground. "It wasn't your fault in any way. You didn't mean to hurt me, Caly. It was my fault because I tried to approach you, knowing you were capable of firing back. Do not put the blame on yourself." He said as he kissed my neck over and over again. I froze up before lifting my head slowly.
I could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest against my back and his warm breath on the right side of my face. I closed my eyes and leaned back into him, resting my head against his. Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind us. Leo looked up suddenly at the same time me and April did. He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes, then let me go as he stood up, drawing a Katana. Rocksteady appeared on the roof alongside BeBop and the rest of the turtles practically jumped up and scrambled to Leo's side, protecting me and my sister.
    "Hey Rocksteady?" "Yeah, B'bs?" "Ready for a smackdown?" "Hell yeah! My man!" "My man!" The mutant warthog and rhino called. Leo then did some cool swirly thing with his sword before taking on a battle ready stance. "You will not lay a hand on them..." He said, voice low and threatening, giving me goosebumps by the way he looked. "We're here to finish the job." BeBop said before running a hand over his mohawk. "Leo, don't! You are not okay to fight! None of you are!" I called out frantically. "Don't worry... We'll be fine. Just stay behind us..." Leo said stubbornly. I narrowed my eyes and breathed heavily, knowing they were in no shape to fight the idiots right now. Just as I predicted, BeBop and Rocksteady were beating the guys up and now I knew I had to do something.
    As Leo was punched in the face, he was sent to the ground. I ran over to his side and landed beside him, grabbing his arm and placed it over my neck. I helped him up as I glared at him, clearly irritated with him for not listening. "What did I tell you? Listen, you and your brothers need to get out of here. Take April and go... I'll meet you at the-" My sentence was stopped when a deafening grumble came from Rocksteady. He stomped his foot and looked coldy at me. I turned to him as Leo narrowed his eyes at the mutant.
He pulled me close to him and held his sword up, protecting me again. I transformed into my mutant form, my deep blue scales gleamed in the sunlight. But as my gaze peered into the eyes of the mutant rhino, something different flooded my veins. It coursed through my blood. Along my body, were the scales that glowed a deep cerulean blue color. Just like how they did that night when me and Leo were in the sky together.
    I stood defensively in front of Leonardo and took on a low stance, lowering my head and spreading my wings out slightly as my tail waved slowly behind me, but also baring my teeth with a menacing hiss. I glanced at April and noticed her stunned expression. I then looked at Raph, Mikey, and Donnie before gesturing for them to get back. I turned my expression back to the Rhino as he snorted and then charged at me. I growled and ran at him, roaring in pain as he forcefully hit me in the chest. I snarled and got up after he knocked me to the ground. "Come on, freak!" He yelled at me. "Caly, don't..." Leo said with a pained tone, his voice weak. I noticed that he was bleeding badly on his side and I turned my attention to him, realizing BBop had hurt him. Donnie noticed this too and then made his way over to him, analyzing how bad his wound really was. Raph and Mikey continued to fight the mutant warthog. I then felt Rocksteady's fist as he punched my side, making me grunt.
    I was sent onto the ground by BBop's fist, making me slam onto my side. I then tried to get up as Rocksteady chuckled darkly, cracking his fists, but then got an idea. I dramatically made my head fall onto the roof and made myself breathe heavily. He walked slowly over to me and brought his fist up. Right before he could send another blow to my head, my eyes shot open and I bit his arm, sinking my serrated teeth and fangs into the soft flesh. I then got up, holding onto him as blood began to seep from the wound.
He yelled in agony as I slammed him onto the ground. He lied there and clutched his arm, groaning. I stood over him and then reared on my back legs, spreading my wings wide & roaring fiercely before slamming back down on all fours, my two front paws on either side of his head. He peered into my eyes and in his gaze was complete fear. I snarled before placing my claw on his chest. "If you ever come near us again, I promise I won't let you leave with your life. Is that clear?" I said through bared teeth.
He nodded frantically and I took my paw off of him. BeBop ran over and helped him up, looking at me, completely stunned. I growled again & lunged at him, making him and the rhino run down the fire escape as fast as they could. I then turned back to the brothers and April as they looked back at me humorously. My gaze traveled to Leo and I carefully went over to him. I lowered my head to his face and he gently patted underneath my eye. "Thanks, Cal. I'll admit that you were right." He let out a weak laugh. "That was awful." He said, smirking slightly and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Are you okay?" I asked, flattening my ears. He looked into my eyes and chuckled. "Are you kidding? I've never been better." I let out a playful growl and placed my forehead against his.
I raised my head again and looked up at the building we were thrown off of. My gaze then traveled to the crowd gathered around the bottom of the skyscraper. I turned back to everyone and let out an irritated rumble. "We need to get you all back to the lair. But we have to take the water entrance." I said seriously. I glanced over at April as she raised a brow at me. "Does that mean I will get soaked...?" She asked, sounding disappointed. "Yup. Sure hope you can hold your breath!" I said with a toothy grin. "OOOoOOO! I can!" Mikey called out, being himself. I smirked a bit and then lowered myself to the ground.
"Alrighty then! Everybody on!" I called as April walked over and got on my back first, followed by Donnie, then Mikey, then Raph. I turned my head to Leo as he struggled to stand on his own. He got up and clutched his bandaged side. A worried expression crossed my face as he tried to step but fell forward. Before he could make contact with the ground, I quickly brought my neck underneath him, catching him. "Leo, are you sure you're alright?" I asked hesitantly. Mikey groaned and hit me in the side with his leg. I growled impatiently and glared at him through a side gaze, making him chuckle nervously. "Sorry... We were all thinking the same thing..." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.  I stood up and then gently scooped Leonardo up in my front legs, holding him to my chest like he had done so many times with me.
He blushed, clearly embarrassed and I smirked. I reared onto my back legs and then called out for everyone to hold on. I spread my feathered wings, and then thrusted them down, launching off the roof. I climbed higher and higher, growling humorously as Mikey whooped and hollered in excitement. I held Leo securely as I leveled us out, flapping my wings gently. I surveyed the ground beneath us as I looked for the large pipe that connected back to the sewer. Donnie let go of me back for a second as he began to mess with a gadget on his wrist. It began beeping and he mumbled something unintelligible to himself. "Alright, Caly... The entrance should be coming up on the right." He said after a second. "Okay, I see it. Going down, hold on." Like I instructed, everyone grabbed on tight and I angled my wings to the right, making us turn sharply. I then tucked them in and we dove down.
In a split second, I shot them back out before we hit the water, then eased us down into it. I folded my wings completely and then used my tail & legs to swim through the river towards the huge tunnel. Leo carefully swam to my back and sat at the very front, resting against my neck. April grunted and I slowly turned my head a bit, looking at her through a side glance. "What was that for?" I asked as a confused rumble came from deep in my throat. "The stench... I keep forgetting about it." I rolled my eyes and turned from her, snorting playfully. "You'd be surprised how much we don't even notice the smell." Raph said humorously and April chuckled.
We continued through the tunnel until we eventually reached the lair's water entrance. "April, time for you to get wet!" I said and before she could give me a piece of her mind, I ducked under the water. We were down for about thirty seconds before I surfaced. April gasped for breath and then along with the others, slid off my back and swam to the cold floor. Donnie got out first and then reached down, helping her out with a dorky smile on his face. My ears flattened for a second as I watched them get off. I realized then how long it had actually been since I was last here... and that very thought was depressing. I remembered that Leo was still on my back when I felt him push off my neck. He groaned in pain and I slowly turned to him.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, my eyes widening a bit. "I'll be fine... I just need to rest." He said softly. "Alright. Just hold on, I'll get us out." I climbed out of the water and slowly went over to the couch. Leo got off my back and limped over to the sofa. He began to fall so I quickly put my head out and he landed right beside my horns. He grumbled as he cursed under his breath. "This is hopeless. I swear, next time I see Shredder, he's going to get it." I chuckled as I helped him to the couch. "Alright, Champ. I'll believe it when I see it." He rolled his eyes and scoffed playfully before carefully getting settled.
I layed down in front of the sofa and arched my neck to be level with his face. I gazed into his eyes softly and pushed my ears back. I looked down at his wound on his side and then flicked my eyes back up at his before lowering my head to it and licking it once. As I did so, his breath hitched and I lifted my head back up to him slowly, tentatively meeting his gaze. "I'm so sorry, Leo. All of this was my fault, I never should have left." I said with regret written all over my face. "Ah there she is... There's the Cal I know." He said as he gestured weakly for me to come onto the couch with him.
I changed back to my human form and layed down right next to him, my head resting on his leg as his arm was placed comfortably on my stomach while his other stroked the side of my face gently. He began to lean down but then gritted his teeth and sat back up. I knew what he was trying to do... I got up and went around the couch, stopping behind him. I went up to where he was sitting and lowered myself down, sliding my arms along his shoulders, down to his upper chest. He looked up at me with a cocky glint in his eyes. I smiled softly and then began to lean in closer. But then, I heard an awkward cough behind us. I jolted up and turned around. My heart literally skipped a beat when my eyes fell upon Master Splinter.
My eyes widened when my gaze traveled down to the aqua mask in his hands. "Calypso, you have returned..." He said quietly. I opened my mouth slightly and then turned to Leo, searching his gaze. He nodded in Splinter's direction reassuringly with a gentle smile on his face. I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath before turning back to the old rat. I bowed my head and slowly got down on my knees. "Master Splinter... I have no words for the wrongs I have committed against you and your sons. All I can say is I am sorry, for it all." I said and slowly took the Tachi he had given me off, gently placing it on the ground in front of him. "I will do as you request... If that is what it takes to prove to you how much I regret everything..." I whispered.
"You have commited many wrong actions, Caly. Especially by deceiving us and using your skills for the wrong reasons. You are still young and rebellious, still have much to learn. But you must realize that the mistakes you made were not your own fault. Yes, you did abandon your allies to help the enemy, but only because you were trying to protect us. Many great warriors in the past made similar mistakes during their younger years, but nonetheless, their hearts were in the right place, as yours was." He said seriously, picking up my sheathed sword and then walking towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder as he spoke. I looked up at him and my eyes began to water. "Do not let these mistakes hold you back, my child. Fear is like a metal chain that binds you down if you give in. Be wise, Caly. Meditate if you must... but most importantly, remember who you are." Sensei said as he placed the aqua bandana & sheathed Tachi in my hand before closing my fingers around them.
I met his gaze and he nodded softly before taking his hand off my shoulder & then walking off to speak with the others. I watched as he walked off and then looked down at the items placed within my clenched hand. "Sounds like you're having an identity crisis." Leo said jokingly. I turned to him and got up, smiling softly. "He's right though, I have lost a lot and the fact that you haven't given up on me, after everything . . . is something I can never thank you enough for." I said with my love for him pouring out of me as I met his gaze. Leo sighed and patted the couch again. I rolled my eyes playfully and then went to sit beside him. "There's no way I could've given up on you, ever. I didn't want to let you go..." He reached his hand up to his eye and quickly rubbed beneath it once. He took in a shaky breath and in that moment, I knew he was crying.
I felt tears of my own begin to fall down my face as he continued to speak. "Donnie kept telling me I needed to let you go... All those days ago when you had first gotten captured... I thought that was it. I thought that you had . . ." Leo trailed off as he leaned forward slowly and brought both hands up to his eyes, beginning to sob. I furrowed my brow and then got onto my knees, wrapping my arms around him in a side hug. I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes tightly. "I will never leave you again... I swear..." Me and him stayed like this for a while before I pulled back and placed a hand on the side of his face, looking into his eyes.
"I love you so much, Caly..." He said seriously, narrowing his eyes for a second to enunciate his point. I looked at him warmly as he kissed my forehead and then placed his head against mine. "I love you too. Forever and always..." I said, closing my eyes. Mikey walked past us and laughed, making us both smile. I looked directly at him and smiled before looking back at Leonardo's own smiling face. His brilliant blue eyes lit up... and in that beautiful gaze, I finally found home.

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