Family is more then blood

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Family Is More Than Blood
    I stepped out of the car after traveling two hours and my legs felt like Jello. As I opened the door of the car in the driveway at the beach house, I jumped back as Donnie suddenly pulled up right beside us. His eyes widened when he thought he had hit me, but I just laughed. I went around to the trunk of April's car and pulled out mine and her luggage. Leo got out of the truck first and came over to me, offering to help carry my stuff.
    Casey had stayed back in New York at his apartment while Sensei demanded that he stay at the lair. I breathed in the familiar scent of sea air and began to relax. I went inside and placed my stuff in my room. The house had two main bedrooms and then one guest bedroom. I heard the guys and April come inside and chuckled as they grumbled in wonder. I let my hair down and changed into my black two piece swimsuit. As I opened my door to the living room, I smiled as I saw Mikey gazing out the window at the sand.
    "Where's the water?" He asked, slowly turning to me. "It's over the dunes... You'll see!" I said before quickly going back into my room and grabbing my teal surfboard. When I came back out, I earned curious glances from Raph and Donnie. "What is that?" Raph asked. Donnie placed his hands on his hips before narrowing his eyes at my board. "I believe that is a-" He began to say until his younger brother interrupted him. "It's a real surfboard!" Mikey called, suddenly rushing over and running his hand down the length of the board. He had a childish glint in his eyes that made every inch of me jitter in excitement.
    "Thank you, Mikey... I was just about to say that." Donnie said, sounding irritated. April walked past and patted his shoulder. "Oh don't worry, Don. Let him have it." She said as she wrapped a towel around her creme two piece swimsuit. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun. Leo walked into the room and took one glance at me before quickly turning his head, blushing. April glanced at him before slowly moving her gaze to me, with a sly smile spreading across her face. I rolled my eyes at her in a playful manner before placing my surfboard against the wall. I then walked over to the shelf behind me and grabbed the 4 pairs of men's swim trunks that were each in the brother's signature colors. Blue for Leo, red for Raph, orange for Mikey, and purple for Donnie.
     I handed each pair to the guys and when I stepped back, they gave me confused looks. "What are we supposed to do with these?" Raph asked. April chuckled and walked over to stand beside me, propping her arm up on my shoulder. "You go into the bathroom and change into those." She said, chuckling. "Ohhhh . . ." Mikey said with a look of wonder. Raph went into the bathroom first and got changed, followed by Donnie, then Mikey, and then finally, Leonardo. When he came out, he started flexing in front of me and my eyes widened. I felt my cheeks flush and immediately turned away. "Oh, Caly..." He said in a singsong voice. "Nooooo!" I said, my voice sounding muffled and childish. "But why? Can't stand to look at such an irresistible sight?" He said, sounding cocky. I wanted to give him the bird but restrained myself. "Outside, now!" I finally said before bursting through the back door.
    My feet were bare as I stepped down into the soft sand. It was warm between my toes as I scrunched them up in the powdery substance. April went running past me, squealing as Donnie tried to tickle her. I laughed and held my surfboard & towel close to my side. The guys had left their masks back inside the house. I've seen Leo without his mask but his brothers looked so... different. Leo ran up beside me and tickled my side, making me yelp. I tried to get away from him, but he scooped me up and held me close. I was blushing as I looked at him, so I hid my face behind my hands. "Aw, why are you hiding that pretty face of yours?" He asked, trying to sound disappointed. I started laughing as he poked my bare stomach.
    He kept walking until he reached the top of the sand dune and then stopped suddenly. After a second or two, I slowly brought my head up and looked around, worried there was danger. The ocean laid out in front of us, and Leo was mesmerized by the simple sight of the blue water. He gazed out longingly at the beach before looking down at me. "This is the ocean?" He asked as a flash of excitement came across his eyes. I laughed and got down. I stepped back a bit and then held out my hand for him to take. "Let's go find out..." I said, smiling softly as the wind blew my hair gently. He smiled and then placed his hand in mine, allowing me to lead him down to the beach.
    When we reached the water, Leo moved his toes around before an ecstatic smile overtook his face. "This is amazing." He said enthusiastically. I laughed at his excitement before dropping my towel onto the ground and bringing my board out into the water. I waded out until the water was up to my waist. Raph and Mikey were throwing sand at each other while Donnie & April ran up and down the beach, laughing. I placed my surfboard onto the surface of the water as Leo walked toward me. He raised a brow and then stopped right next to me. "What are you about to do?" He asked. "I'm about to surf." I said with a tinge of mystery in my voice.
    I jumped onto the board and paddled out a pretty far distance until I could no longer touch the sea bed. I sat up on the board with my legs on either side, bobbing up and down as I waited for a good set to roll in. I waved to Mikey when he glanced over, smiling. Suddenly, I felt a gentle pull which signified that a wave was approaching. I turned my head slightly, then gasped at the large wave on the horizon. It was coming in fast, so I quickly laid back down flat on the board and began paddling like my life depended on it. It didn't take long for the massive wave to catch up with me.
    I was pulled along by the thundering current as I pushed myself up and stood on the board. I equalized my weight with my right foot forward and left foot back, all in one smooth motion. I rode along the wave until I reached the barrel. I then crouched down just enough for me to fit inside the arch of rushing water. As I passed through it, I stuck my hand out and let it drag slightly through the water. I came out of the barrel and did a few front flips and 360's with the board before finally wiping out at the end. I dove down into the water before being taken back up to the surface.
    My hair became soaked and I laughed as I swam back to shore. Leo ran over to me and tackled me into the water, laughing. "That was awesome! How'd you do that?" He asked with fascination in his eyes. I pushed the hair back out of my face before meeting his gaze. "A lot of practice and patience." "I've got those... Does that mean I can learn?" "Sure, go for it!" I said, laughing. I handed him my board which seemed to be the perfect size for him. His eyes lit up with excitement and he kissed my forehead before taking my board and running out into the water. I threw my head back and laughed, loving the way the light danced in Leo's deep blue eyes.
    As I got up, I climbed out onto the sand and grabbed my towel, shaking all the sand out before going to sit beside April. I put my towel down beside hers and then flopped down onto my butt, sighing contently. "What? Got the case of the love bugs?" She said, elbowing me playfully. I chuckled and then a soft smile washed over my face. "Yeah..." I said with a long, breathy voice. She laughed and followed my gaze to Leo who was trying to surf properly. We both chuckled as he constantly wiped out. "I wish Dad were here to see this." April said, sighing sadly. I glanced over at her with a sympathetic expression before giving her a side hug.
    "I'm not so sure he'd be too comfortable with four mutants running around his beach house." I said jokingly, trying to cheer her up. She gave a soft chuckle and then leaned against me. "Yeah, but after all, he still would've been intrigued. He and Donnie would've been the best of friends." She amended. "You're probably right. Donnie is such a science geek..." I said, laughing. "He's not that much of a nerd." She fired back. I rolled my eyes and nudged her. "Yeah right! You're just saying that to defend him." "Am not." "Are too!" "Nope." "Yup." I said, poking her arm playfully. "Ugh, you're hopeless." April said, shoving me back onto the sand. I laughed and recognized the tired feeling the began to wash over me. "I think I'm about to transform back." I said, looking at my sister.
    "Alright, just don't get sand on my towel!" She said with narrowed eyes. I chuckled softly and then sighed. I stood up and changed back, feeling myself regain my strength. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. I felt the warm breeze blowing through my feathered wings. I walked down to where the waves crashed into the sand and gazed out at the ocean beyond. I flattened my ears and watched as the sun began to set on the horizon, tinting the sky a purplish-pink color. I closed my eyes and slowly spread my wings until they were fully expanded. The breeze blew over my wings, filling me with the sudden urge to leap into the air. I held my wings open and lifted my head and ears up.
    I breathed in the salty sea air and then as I was about to take off into the air, I felt a light touch on my back. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to see April. She had a hopeful smile on her face and I rolled my eyes playfully before letting out a low growl. I laid down so she could climb on. Her entire face lit up and she practically jumped onto my back. I snorted and then looked back at her through a side glance. She smiled and then chuckled nervously. I sighed and then turned back to the horizon. As I began to face forward again, I unfolded my wings but then Leo called my name.
    I whipped my head to his direction and my eyes widened as he walked out of the water slowly, clutching my board. He looked so good, it was hard to peel my eyes off him. April laughed at my stunned expression and I glared at her through another side look before gently slapping her with my tail. "Ow!" She called and I chuckled. Leo jogged over to me and raised a brow. "Whach ya doin'?" He asked, placing a hand on his hip. Raph and Mikey ran over as Donnie studied samples of ocean water.
    "About to go for a short flight, if that's okay? Do y'all need anything?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "Nope, you guys have fun!" Leo said, smiling with that charming grin of his. I flattened my ears and let out a low growl, gazing at him lovingly. April yelped and then grasped the fur on the back of my neck. I growled but then controlled myself. As I began to turn, Leo suddenly called me again.
    "I love you!" He said, winking at me. I smiled and flattened my ears. "Love you too!" I yelled back. I then turned and laughed as April cheered. I began to trot, running down the beach. I narrowed my eyes as I willed myself on, going faster with each stride. I then spread my wings and leapt into the air, taking off. When we reached above the clouds, I leveled us out and pulled my front legs to my chest. I turned my head back to April and smiled softly as she looked out to the ocean with the picturesque sunset.
    My ears flattened and after instructing her to hang on, I flew straight up, climbing higher & higher into the sky. I then fell backward, diving to the ground. "OH MY GOD! OH MY...!" She screamed as we fell further down. I shot my wings out suddenly, right before we fell below the clouds. I laughed and turned to April as she hit me on my flank. "You're insane!" She called out. I started dying of laughter when I saw her windblown hair. "You should see yourself right now." I exclaimed, teasing her. She playfully rolled her eyes and then flopped backward onto my back, breathing heavily.
    "Are you okay?" I asked, my ears swiveling out to the side. "Yeah, I'm just taking it all in." She said, looking up at the dim stars above. I sighed and turned back forwards, flying right above the clouds. I watched in silence as my wings sliced through the clouds, making the white vapor swirl on contact. I slowly descended back towards the ground, cruising above the water. April stuck her hand out and let it graze the ocean's surface. I flapped my wings every so often to keep us steady above the water below.
    I then turned and flew back to shore, watching my reflection underneath me. We glided to the sand, landing in a slow run. I eased up on my speed, eventually stopping. April laughed and cheered as she slid off of me, landing on her butt when she fell to the sand. I laughed and nudged her up with my nose. My ears folded as she placed her forehead on mine, both of us closing our eyes. "I love you, sis." She said softly. I let out a low rumble and slowly opened my eyes. "I love you too." April then wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her head into my soft mound of fur. I sat down and lowered my head, holding her to me.
    After a second, she let go and climbed back onto me. "Onward, Calypso! Hyah!" She called like a dork. I laughed and then began running down the beach, back to the house. I continued forward and leapt into the air, flapping my wings once to gain a little air before landing back on the sand. The wind blew through my feathers and past my face. We arrived back at the beach house and I slowed down.
    I held one wing to the sand and April slid down it, pulling out a few feathers along with her.. Mikey ran over and threw his arms around my neck. I laughed and nuzzled his head. "Hello to you too!" I said, chuckling. "Can I go for a ride?" He asked, looking up at me. "Maybe everyone can later... But for now, I need to rest." I said and he nodded in understanding. He let go of me and ran back to the ocean, diving into the water. I chuckled and watched as April ran over to Donnie, tackling him to the ground. Raph was making a sandcastle which I thought was adorable. I breathed in deeply and sat down, looking out at the horizon.
    Leo walked to my side and sat down, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. I laid down & folded my wings, placing my tail around him and pulling him close to me. I raised my head and watched as the black silhouettes of birds flew over the ocean. Leo sighed and I looked at him through a side gaze. "Are you alright?" I asked, my ears going out to the sides. "Yeah, I was just thinking." He said softly. "Well that's dangerous." I responded, earning a chuckle from him. I smiled and then transformed back.
    My hair fell over my shoulders in gentle waves as I sat beside Leo, sitting with my legs outstretched and crossed as my arms propped me up from behind. The wind blew gently through my hair as we watched the sun disappear over the water. I closed my eyes and leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder. He sighed contently before resting his head against mine. "Crazy to think that close to a year and a half ago, we rescued you from that abandoned warehouse... It seems like just yesterday April came up to me and told me that her best friend was captured. Little did I know that her 'best friend' was actually her adopted sister." Leo said, chuckling softly. He brought his arm around me and I slowly opened my eyes, breathing out deeply.
    "Seems like just yesterday me and you were sitting out on the balcony, holding each other," I said as I looked up into his eyes. "Yeah... But hey, I'm just glad I scored a girl like you." He said, winking at me and clicking his tongue. I smiled softly and shoved him gently. "You dork." I said with a playful roll of my eyes. He leaned in so close, that I could feel his breath on my cheek. "I'm your dork." He said with a deep look in his eyes. I began to blush and then felt my heart skip a beat when his eyes flicked down to my lips. Leo brought a hand to my face and then brought his mouth to mine, kissing me slowly. I pulled away from him and then pushed him down to the ground, my hands on either side of him.
    He looked back at me with a playful grin and I laughed. I then leaned down and began kissing him all over, laughing. I heard someone whistle out of nowhere, so I slowly turned my head and looked directly at Donnie, narrowing my eyes. I got up and picked up a ball of sand. I brought it back and then launched it at his face. "OW! AH! IT'S IN MY EYES! CALYPSO, WHY?" He said, falling to the ground and rubbing his eyes frantically.
    I transformed and walked slowly into the water. I then dove under the surface and went to the very bottom, swimming along the depths. I looked up as the waves rolled overhead, the cool blue current surrounding me. I thrusted my tail, propelling me upwards towards the surface and leapt out of the water, spreading my wings. The water bursted upwards around me as I jumped out. I then folded my wings back in before diving back down into the water gracefully.    
    I swam back towards the shore until I could touch the bottom. As I walked forwards, I could feel the squishy sand underneath my paws as I took each step. When I walked out of the water, I was surprised by a sudden ambush from the guys. They tackled me to the ground, and I landed on the sand, sending it everywhere. I cracked my eyes open and folded my ears as my gaze fell upon the smiling & laughing faces of Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. I growled playfully before knocking them off with my tail.
    I then stood up and shook my whole body, pressing my mouth into a line and narrowed my eyes as April started laughing. "You should see how you look right now!" She said, laughing. I snorted and then sat down, spreading my wings slightly. I lowered my head to her and she placed her forehead against mine, closing her eyes. I shut my own and slowly flattened my ears, letting out a slow breath. I then pulled back and turned my gaze to the guys. My eyes settled on Leo as he came over to me, gazing into my eyes. He came up to me and gently placed his hand on my snout.
    Donnie and Mikey came up as well, both of them placing a hand on my neck. Raph walked over and patted my shoulder, chuckling softly. April then sat down and I laid down beside her, followed by the brothers. We all watched as the sun set beyond the ocean, disappearing in the deep blue water. The sky was lit with purples, pinks, and blues as we watched birds fly over. A gentle, warm breeze blew past and I closed my eyes, lifting my head and breathing in deeply. Although evil may rise again in the city, good will always be there to fight back. Fortunately for New York, it has the best in the business to protect them. I sat there with my family and replayed the memories through my mind, smirking softly through it all. You don't think the story ends here though, right? Oh, believe me, this was just the beginning...









A/n but is this rly the end it is for now but maybe she will post a new book

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