3. solo cups.

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{edited, july 23rd, 2023, name change.}

it was 3 p.m. jordan still had not woken up. until a knock came on her bedroom door. she stirred. the knock came again.
"what?" she mumbled. the door opened. nancy? jordan's eyes fluttered open at the sight.
"oh hey," she said sitting up straight, "what's up?" what jordan hadn't noticed was the multiple hangers of clothes in her hands.
"i have no idea what to wear to this party, you probably know i'm going with jonathan, and i thought since you're his best friend you could help me? sorry if that's stupid, i can go." she rambled.
"woah no, nancy you're my friend, of course i'll help you." jordan replied, smiling.
"okay." nancy sighed out, taking a deep breath before setting her clothes down. a big grin appeared on her face.
"so what are you thinking?" jordan asked.
"well since i heard it's casual i was thinking these pants with this top." she held up a pair of cuffed jeans and button up blouse, "or a darker pair of jeans with this."
"okay, i personally, would go the darker jeans with the aerosmith shirt. i think that'll look really good on you. if you want you can go put it on in the bathroom." jordan suggested.
"okay!" she left her room, leaving jordan to get up and search through her closet. she picked out some black carpenter pants and a red tank top. nancy re-entered the room.
"yes, oh my god. you look hot." jordan exclaimed while nancy did a spin.
"ahhhh, thank you." nancy replied, looking down at the clothes jordan picked out, "go try that on." jordan went to her bathroom and pulled on some socks and her pants. she put the top on and checked herself out in the mirror. damn why does this actually look good. she left the bathroom, leaving nancy's jaw on the floor.
"you look so good!"
"we look so good!" jordan said, grabbing nancy's hand, pulling her to the full length mirror.

nancy stayed over at jordan's house, and after a little while they started to get ready for the party. both this girls just put on a little mascara and highlighter, which they took off immediately after.
"haha i don't know who i thought i was putting on makeup. i'm going to come home and go to bed, no time to wash this off." nancy exclaimed.
"same." they both broke into a fit of giggles. they went down the hall to the kitchen and ate a fruit salad, containing strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, and grapes. jordan looked towards the clock. 7:30?
"nancy oh my god, you have to go jonathan's picking you up in 30 minutes." jordan said, standing up.
"shit, shit, shit, oh my god, okay see you there." nancy grabbed her bag, "can i just leave the rest of my clothes here?"
"yeah of course." jordan replied shutting the door behind her. panic flew through her veins. she sat back down on the couch, watching the clock tick by.

it was 8:05. no one was here. is this a fucking joke? she sighed and went down the hall to go change when her doorbell rang. she took a deep breath while walking back. she opened it. it was steve, he was leaning against the door frame. damn. he's hot.
"hey, i'm so sorry i completely lost track of time." he spoke.
"no it's fine." jordan said with a smile, closing the door behind her. he led her to his car and opened the door for her.
"thank you." jordan giggled, crimson blush appearing on her face. he gently shut her door and ran to his side. he climbed into the car. after a while,
"you look gorgeous." steve randomly spoke.
"oh um thank you." jordan smiled, "you look very nice yourself." he was wearing a button up shirt, half unbuttoned, and some dark jeans.
"thanks." she couldn't see him but if she could she'd know he had the brightest blush, "again i'm really sorry i was late."
"no it's ok."
"but you probably thought i was being mean and i wasn't trying to be." he blurted. they arrived at the party.
"steve, look at me." the car was parked, seatbelts unbuckled. he turned to her.
"i promise you that it's ok. i don't think you're a bad person." her hand reached his arm. steve took a deep breath.
"ok ok, let's go inside then."
"let's go." jordan replied, stepping out of the car.

they entered the party and in an instant, steve was swept away by all his friends. jordan didn't mind though, she made her way through the crowd to jonathan and nancy. they both had drinks in their hands.
"since when did you drink?" jordan exclaimed in shock. he laughed.
"no no mine's just water."
"oh boring. what do you have?" she asked looking towards nancy.
"adult punch." she said with quotation marks. jordan looked over to the bowl, she saw tommy pouring in tequila and vodka. this was going to be a fun night. jordan excused herself from the two of them and went up to the punch bowl. she poured herself a glass and as she turned to walk back,
"how come i've never seen you around." jordan looked around confused until she laid her eyes on christopher. she had one class with him but they've never spoken before.
"i'm sorry what?" she asked. he stood up and made his way closer to her when a hand appeared on her waist. she looked up to find steve.
"that'll be enough of that." he said leading her away from him.
"hey, i'm sorry i left you, some of the guys want-"
"it's okay don't worry about it." she smiled. he removed his hand from her waist, not realizing how long he left it there for. they made their way back to nancy and jonathan. jordan was nervous to see how jonathan and steve would interact.
"hey man." steve said as they approached them.
"oh hey." jonathan replied. the group talked for a little while. jordan decided that maybe now would be a good time to ask about her project.
"hey steve." she spoke, turning to him.
"can we go talk somewhere?"
"yeah of course." he remarked, eyes traveling the room. he took her hand and led her to the bathroom. she closed the door behind them.
"i just have a favor to ask you, you don't have to say yes i just wanted to see if you would be down to work on my photography project with me. i need someone who's not in the class but you don't have to-" she rambled before being cut off by steve.
"jordan." he looked directly in her eyes. she took a deep breath.
"i'm sorry-"
"don't apologize," he said with a smile, "of course i'll work on the project with you. don't stress it."
a weight was lifted of her chest.
"really? thank you so much!" she grinned, "it's due next friday. and i just wanted to ask you before i forgot."
"yeah no i get it, what made you want to work with me thought? i'm no good at that stuff." he asked. she blushed.
"well for one, you're so photogenic." they both started laughing, "and two, i enjoy your company." he stopped laughing.
"wait really?"
"yes, steve, i really enjoy being with you." she said with a smile. he started getting flushed.
"jordan i-" he started, when someone knocked on the door. she opened it to jonathan.
"are you guys ok?" he questioned, looking towards steve.
"never better." she replied, stepping out of the bathroom, back to nancy. jonathan and steve following closely behind. jordan chugged her drink.
"nancy, want to come with me to get another one?" she pointed to her cup.
"yeah i need to refill too. we'll be back." they laughed as they walked away, leaving the two boys alone. they stood over by the punch bowl. chugging, refilling, laughing, watching. jonathan and steve looked to be getting along well.

after a while the two girls were holding onto each other, laughing so hard at absolutely nothing. jonathan glanced over to their direction.
"oh shit." he exclaimed getting up immediately.
steve followed his eyes and ran after him. jordan and nancy looked at each other realizing their boys were coming, laughing even harder.
"how much have you both had to drink." jonathan asked.
"like idk, this much." jordan said putting her thumb and pointer finger up.
"oh my god, your mom is going to kill me." jonathan exclaimed, running his hand through this hair, " and yours too nance."
"it's fine, jonathan." nancy giggled, "i'm fine, completely fine." she tried to walk away before tripping on her own foot. jonathan caught her.
"come on, let's go." he said, helping her walk.
"yeah, i'm taking you home." steve snapped, grabbing her arm. jonathan opened his mouth to argue, but before he could.
"i promise she'll be safe, i'd never do anything to hurt her." he took hold of her waist and got her out to the car.
"where are we going? the party's that way." she grumbled.
"i'm taking you home, you had way to much to drink." he put the keys in the ignition.
"no you can't. i'm supposed to go to nancy or jonathan's house." she said, trying to get out of the car. steve sighed.
"then i'm taking you to my house."

the car ride was pretty much silence, except for the random mumbling from jordan. finally she actually spoke up.
"you're really hot." she grinned, "and i really really like you." she put her head back on the windowsill.
"oh yeah?" steve replied, looking over at her. she didn't reply. he just smiled.

they arrived at steve's house. he grabbed her hand and took her inside to the guest bedroom. he put her on the bed and turned to leave.
"steve." she mumbled, "stay." he laughed to himself.
"another time." he replied, closing the door behind him. jordan had already passed out.

a/n: sorry if this one feels rushed, i wanted to get something out before i get busy for these next couple days, i'll try to post again by july 17th or 18th! thanks again! + i'm sorry i'm not getting chapters out as often as i said. i'm hoping that it's just cuz the book is unfinished and not bc the intro is bad that people only read the intro and not the rest of the book. it's unmotivating but i do love writing so im trying my hardest. thanks again.

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